MM4AwMHiaAlkAalitaaAili r. itii r - ...&-'W ffv-yfflgperlTry,.nyaii .S.sTfr,y,fraft.te7 fr?fl ,JfV,'r.. Vg.y., "-- ---' - ' -- '- - - ' '-'-' - ' " - -- --- - - . -:. v '-- " t."."'.:'w:".. - it'" - -r liMUMfr c5HE25 IT " " ' " " - ' ' K ' 4 ' i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. 32c J -f o h 'v l. f THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -- k nroapapor devotod to tlio Interesta of the Unlvorally of Nobrw alta. Pnbliihod at 13 North 11th St., by THE HESPEUIAN,PUB. CO. (Incoi poriUcl dirb.:torbi t, W. CrabtiMo, Prealrtont .Towno.Sa rotary .Troorer. J.JLWyer, T. J. Hot ott, K. W. Waahbara. A CONHOI.IhATION Ol1' The Hesperian Vol XXXI The Ncbrnskuii Vol X I Tin' Heurlet mid ('mini Vol 1 1 1 Kteilln iK II. M' lliirlM)r II. McCiiw. MminKliiK Kdltnr Ktlltoi In-, Iile iHuhIiich.h MiiniiKO Assistant Kdltn It W i him I. Tuvlor I Clms. K. Wells ( It T. Hill. Assoi'luto Falters V C Hiitlc. H A Mi'Nown, II O. Nelson. Win. use I), in lint lelien ' The anbacrlptlon price of thn Daily Nebrns Wan la $2 for the collogo yenr with n regular do llTorr beforo olmpM cnch day. Notices, com munications, andothor mnttor Intended for pub lication, must be handed in nt the Nobrasloui oOlco bofore 7 p. m..or mailed to the editor bo fore 8 p. m., of the day pretloviB to that day on fehich they are expected to appear. Bnbicrlptlons may bo loft at tho Nebrsskan ofllce, at tho Co.Op., or with Bualness MnnaKor. Babacrlbors will confor a favor by roportlnff promptly at thli ofllco any failure to reoelre the PAllrchanKea in adTertlalna matter muat bo in iha ofllce by 8 p. m. on tho day prerlona to that a which they are to appear. ddreaa all communlcntlona to the Daily No feraakan, 13i N. 11th Bt., Lincoln, Nebraaka. Tolcphono 479. Kritorod at tin post olllrn at I, ncoln, Neb us him'dikI class mall matter It Is certainly vry piesumptioin as well as disrespect fill for any stu dent, no matter what his own opinion ol his ability Is. to offer his unsolicit ed advice to an instructor of roeouni. cd ability. Wher. so nlvcn it Is usually an evldonco of tho L'ivcrs weakness rather than of his ability. The senior class has reason to con gratulate Itself upon Its good fortuno In securing as Its conimcnccircnt orator so distinguished a scholar as Hooker T. Washington. Mr. Washing ton's recont visit with Prosldont Roosevelt to discuss the negro prob lem has brought him into national prominence, llo will receive a warm welcome to the University of Nebras ka. UNFAIRNESS TO UNIVERSITY UEHATERS. The following from a Pennsylvania exchange presents a condition tnat is ovldnt in the University of Nebras ka. Within the last eight years Penn sylvania has engaged in eleven Inter unlTcrsity debates, six with Como I. throe witti Michigan and two with Columbia. It is generally conceded that the men who took part in theso contests havo dono as much for their Alma Mater as tho athletes CONE, Tho Installment Tailor 115 North 11th. who tako part ol her intor- collculate event, yet It has often been the feelinn anions the friends of the men who havo made ' Varsity- Debating Teams that perhaps not so much ecouraement, support : recognition is lvcn to debaters as to the men who fiompnso tlic reat athlet Ic teams, not even after glorious lctories. A prominent ronnsvlvanla alumnus, who debated with Cornell several years ajjo, who had also been a for mer athlete, Is fully convinced that tho amount of preliminary and men tal strait Involved In preparing for a Varsity nobating.Toam is enormous and takes considerable moro time, energy and preparation than tho physical training necessary to become a member or one of tho 'Varsity Athletic Teams. The work consists not, merely in preparing Tor the linal contest, but much time Is eonsumod In working up for tho many prelimin ary Intcr-dcpartmentai and Intei soeiely debates, and It is nou until after the team Is chosen that work for the tinal contest bcirins in earnest. This takes practically ono entlio ! month's work in lookintr up hund reds of references and investigating every possible point and theory, in compiling statistics, and often de baters have been obliged to 'travel hundreds of miles to get tlielr infor mation from authentic and reliable SHirces. It scorns only just that these men, who work so hard Tor the glory of tlielr colors, should have the support lrom undergraduates to which they would seem to be entitl ed. COMMUNICATION. To tlio editor of the Nobraskan: Considerable criticism has. been afloat tho past two days because two or tho literary societies icfused to adjourn Friday evening for the prelimlary debates, and also because ono or them refused to give up its hall for the debate. Tin; criticism seems to mo uniust and unwarranted. In the tirst place there are live other nights a week on which the association could meet without intruding on the varsity society nights, and beside, the societies in tlio past have ulways ad journed, and would havo this time had sullU'lent notice been given in stead of tho two davs notice. And lastly why should the ltteraiy societ ies bo crltcised more than other un iversity organizations which meet on Friday evening? The debates merit support as do all other university contests and with a little more care I nl selection of dates, would surely get i liberal support from the soci eties as well as from everyone else. However, the association can hardly expect all organizations to adjourn a meeting which comes regularly tho satno evening. And tlnally the rather impolite and ungentlemanly manner in which members of tho debating association intruded on ono or tho societies Fri day evening, which forced them, in ordor to save their selTrespect, to adjourn to another hall, will not go very far toward cultivating the de sired support for which they are clamoring. Tho writer behoves it will tend to lose tho asssociatlon the support of that society at least. A STUDENT. ENJOY YOURSELF Hy r wearing a pair of our latosl shot'. Patent Kid Welt, Kid Top, $ 3.50 Patent Kid Turn, Cloth Top $3.50 A full line just in. PERKINS & SHELDON, 1129 0 STREET. The Omaha MEDICAL COLLEGE. Tenth and Pa:ific Streets, A NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND SHHft wilBBflHHHaBBBBBKiJBLflBHBBflH BOYD BUILDNG, 17TII AND HARNEY STREETS, OMVIIV, NEBRASK4. BWaMKaaKafEcBBiiiBSWftg, , Sectional ievof actual Ihibiness and Hanking- Department. Indorsed by high school principals, leading business men and ollicial court rojortds Absolutely lliorough. The finest and most thoroughly equipped institution in the West. 5H,(1(K) invested in standard typewriters $3,:00 Hanking aud other fixtures placed in actualbnsines, department Ele gant roll-top desks ordered for Commercial Department Another floor hits been leased that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over DO PEIt CENT of last yeais enrollment. Students imvy -enter any time Address A. C. ONG, A. Write for elegant, Catalogue free. stylo V&y J? I O y w f Omalu, Neb. The t'olloge oilers a gnuled extending1 over four annual sessions. The advantaged and re quirements of the college aro fully up to the requirements of, the present times, and the conditions lnid down by the Jis ociiition of American Med! cal Colleges, of whie'i this college is nu mher I-'or in foi million address, EWING BROWN, Secretary COLLEGE Established. Nino Years A School Without a Suporior. Employs the Ablest Teachers. BOOK-KEEPING, Actual Business from tho Start. BANKING, As it iB practiced. TYPEWRITING, The Touch Method. SHORTHAND, (Jraham and Gregg Systems. ENGLISH, Practical and thorough. M., LLB. Pres. y-x iv T UHiaiia, fNCD, 4 i i 4 J