irif'H f 5fcTr5T ta&ya jUKumtamv'-fsmu'M t- ' ," T-.S-v " -' --'''- - - ... . -v ,-. .'J X v).i rVi The Daily Nebraskan Si VOL. 1, NO. 90. LINCOLN, NEB., WKI)NTHKDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1902. rv THREE CENTS '$ !. 5S 4 a- JUNIOR ELECTION. S. E. Black Chosen President After a Spirited Contest Urges Unity in All Class Enterprises. S. E. Black was olected president of the Junior class yesterday after i short bub somewuat exciting contest. Tho work was done almost entirely before the class rame toother. Tlireo candidates wero in the field but one wlthdrow before tlio meeting was called leaving tlio contest to S. E. Black and J. D. Barry. The first ballot was sufficient to de cide the election. Mr,. Black receiving 49 votes to Mr. Barry's .'ft. The ballot for first vice president resulted in the choice of A.W. (fil bert. decree Slndler was chosen second vice president by a unanimous vote. For secretarv there were three can didates. The first ballot resulted as follows: Miss Grlniison, .'12; Miss Maxwell, 2.": Miss Bednar, 2:i. Before the second ballot was taken Miss Maxwell withdrew In favor of Miss Grlmisnn. The second balht resulted in the choice of Miss Grimi son by a vote of 44 t.o HO. For treasurer Miss Mnguire was unanuously chosen. II. G. Strayer was elected scrgeant-at-arms. Mr. Jllnck in his inaugural address urged upon the class the necessity of unity in all clnss enterprises and promised to conduct his official duties without regard to any faction or clique. SENIOR LAWS ELECT. After a spirited contest well inter spersed with parliamentary wrangles and noise particularly characteristic of the law classes, the senior laws succeeded In electing F. A. Sutter President. As usual there was no dearth of candidates for the exalted position of chief mogul of the senior barristers. The average law student believes in putting Into practice wlillo in school those prin cipals which he must use when he onteres the legal arena. Thereforo no one gets a place without showing good roason for hh aspiration and then putting up a light for it. Thus in yesterday's contest the candidates for tlio presidency com posed a largo part or tlio voting class. Somo fell by tho waysioc early In the day bur, tho following wero especially Btrong: Messers Nuttei DeKalb, Starr, and Fuller. After eight bal lots had been taken Mr. Sxtter was declared elected, it tho boiiN class time tho Turther election was interrupted. SENIOu-SOPHOMORE GAME. A great deal of interest is being shown in tho coming game between the senior and sophomore basket ball teams which is to take place on Fri day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Both teams aro in excellent condition and promise to put up a stubborn light for tlio lienor. Tlio following will play on tho senior team either as regulars or substitutes: Messrs. Tobie, Pud Icy, Tnoinas (captain). Swallow. Kel logg. Nielson, Morrill, Teach and llnse. The following will play on the sophomoro team: Messrs. Myers, Anderson, Mc.Cuteheon, Newton, Manning and Elliot. While it Is probable that these men will he permitted to play yet it is thought that an attempt will bo mario to disqualify men on both teams. THE HANI) AT CONVOCATION. The regular convocation period yesterday morning was taken up with a special musical program con sisting of two productions ny tho university, cadet band ana a vocal solo by Miss Robinson. Tlio music was of strictly high grade and was en thusiastically received by the stu dents. To many of them the ap pearance of tho band In a snccla'. program yesterday was tho first op portunity they have had of judging Its strength. That It made a very favorable impression was evidenced by the hearty applause which It re ceiver!. Owing to tho lack of time, however, it was unable to respond to these encores. TICKET DISTRIBUTION. Tickets for tho exercises attend ing Charter day will be distributed this afternoon. Tho distribution will be made from tho executive office and the following schedule will be ob served: 2:00 to 2:!0, seniors and graduato .stu.JoTits: 2:;U) to :i:00, Juniors; .'1:00 to :i:;K), sophomores; :i::i() to 4:00, freshmen; 4:00 to .":00. all others. Tickets may be roserved by calling up telephone 221. Veterans and their friends are Invited to have tickets to Gen. Black's lecture reserved. GEN. JOHN C. BLACK. Gen. John C. Black, of Chicago who will deliver the Charter Day Oration on the subject 'Abraham Lincoln" is a prominent member of tho Chicago bar. Ho Is a veteran of tho Civil war and a man whoso prcsunal acquaintance with Lincoln in war and in peace should well qualify him to handle his subject. All vetorans and members of tho bar have been especially Invltod to be present at tho lecture. General Black Is a polished orator as woll as ono of tho foremost lawyers In tuo United States. Tho basket ball team will leave Friday morning for Minneapolis where they will play tho Univeislty of Minnesota Saturday night. On tho return trip thoy will moot tbo Sioux City Y.M.C.A. at Sioux City. THE ALUMNI ORGAN. Presentation to bo Mado Friday Morning-Special Program of Music and Addresses Arranged. Tho exercises at which tho A lumni orgah will be formally presented to the University of Nebraska will take place Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Special music has been arraneed and a number or addresses relating to tho organ will be made. Tho organ will bo presented by Professor Fussier and President von Forrell will accept In bohalf of tho board of regontsand tho University. Tho program is as follows: Music, Organ, March in E Hat, Welty. Doxology. Music, Organ, Wedding Song, Jcp soti, Director Kimball. Address, Music and Culture, Pro fessor Eames. Address, History of the movement to purchase the Organ, Paul F. Clark. Music, Vocal, The Three Knights, Howard McLean. University Double (juartetto. Presentation Address, Professor Fossler. Acceptance for E. von Forell, board of reeents. Music. Organ, Univeislty. Hon. President of the Introduction to Third Act. "Lohengrin," Wagner. Director Kimball. Y.M.C.A. SECOND TEAM WINS FROM FRESHMEN. A spirited game of basket ball was plaved in the armory last night be tween the freshmen and the city Y.M. C.A. second team. In the lirst hair or the game the rreshmen had things their own way and it seemed as though they were golnft' to show the visitors how tlio game was played, tho score standing 111 to 4 In favor of them at tho close or tho lirst hair. With tho beginning of tho second hair three new men wero substituted on tho frcsman team which seomed to weaken if considerably. At any rate tho Y. M? C. A. boys succeeded in raising-their final score to 23 whllo the freshmen could only add 20 points to thoir credit. Tho following men played on tho freshnr,an team: Lehmer (captain), Beers. Hoard, nankins and McDon ald. Tho Y.M.C.A. team was com posed of Burgess, Bentley, Beebe, (captain) Armstrong and Wllnelras. As delegates for tho Y.W.C.A. to tho quadrennial convention to bo held at Toronto at the oloso of this month, the following young ladles will go: Mlssess Emma bninb'ir, Jessie Moore, May Thomas and Jessie Holly. The delegates fromHlie Y.M. O. A. aro: A. W. Billing, Russoll Moore, Elmer Turner, (J. C. North, and Sam Anderson. AN EXPLANATION FROM PENN Manager Engel has received an ex planation from Manager Evans of Pennsylvania, of tho story recontly published In eastern papers that Ne braska has asked for games with sev eral eastern teams, among them Ponn nylvaula. Mr. Evans says: "Your lottor of tho 2nd Inst. In regard to an urtlclo which appeared some tlmo ngo In ono of tho Phlladelpla papers, has Just been received. Tho story was made up out of tho whiilo cloth, as a good many such stories aro in our papers, but 1 think'.l can exnlaln Its origin, ftomo time ago I received a letter from Mr. Booth, your director of ath letics, in regard to tho'awardlrig of our Varsity letter. Somo collego newspaper reporter, probably seeing tho letter lying In tho box, wlth"DI rector of Athletics. University of Ne braska'' on tho envelope, mado up from this slight foundation tho story to which you refer. I nm sorry ir a rumor that you wish ed to play Pennsylvania has caused you any annoyance, but wo dannot bo responsible for the news which our papers seo lit to print. I assure you that tho story had no other source than that which I have mentioned." JOINT SOCIETY PARTY. Tho Delian, Union and'Pailadlan literary societies will glvo their ann ual "Joint Party" at Walsh hall, Friday evening, Feoruarv 21. Each of tho societies have appointed a committee of threo members to ar rango tho event. Tho Joint com mittee has organized with C.E. Teach as chairman. The other members of tho committee are: Messrs. Stull, Morrill and James, nnd Misses Youngers, Shinbur, Candlt, Mauuiro and Holly. Mr. Fred Morrill will act as master of ceromonios. Entertainment will be provided suitable for all who may come. Danc ing, music and games of various kinds have been arranged for. An orchestra will furnish music during tho evening. The party will be chaperoned by several of tho prominent resldont alumni of tho thrco societies. It Is intended to make this tho social event of the year in literury society elides. M yesterday's session of the senior low class it was expected that tho Instructor in chargo would take somo stops to ascertain the identity of the student who recently sent hira an anonymous note offering Bomo free advice as to the best method of con ducting a class. However nothing was done and it is probable that it will bo Ignored entirely. The note roferred to was delivered to the in structor by a messongor boy who, ib is said, received ib from a law stu- dont. Ib conbained such advinn nn would naburally be expected bo como from one who had failed to keep up wibh the work ot tho class nnd qrai desirous of gobbing an opporbunlty to catch up. ! 1 L A i AI v i t i .si v t 'Si Jl 'Ml i M 'J I ,. ta v-rr ft J rftl 1 ."tail - J .?a I fifi - n :m ,v "M TO y A i . tn , .71 ' ? ) . iM .- U 2C f K' F 6.l LVy'. !',ri It' I i it fr' f; jll- - . ' . jAJWBJfci.ii. t 3u