1 imh if . . . You Need a new Fountain Pen remember vvc sell you a Paul H. Wirt $2.00 pen for $1.25. History Paper 6c and 7c per 100. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET. otaaacaaacuuiiciucr'jcuuaoaEyua 6 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY II do no cnficicnnncnGinniLic3nnRnniiunc3a oaccacacuDacacuccaEiacqctinucu JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Ofllco 1100 O Street, Rooms 212 213-2H Rich ards Block, Tolophono ftlo. Residence, 1310 G Street, Telcphono L984. DR. BEN.T. P. BAILEY; Dr. Mar Louiso Flannjrnn; Ofllco, 141 South L2th Street. Tolephone G18. IV. DAVIS. J). D. S., Dentist. Ao Hridpe and Crown work. Ofllce room 7, over Rock Island ticket oflice Phono :U0. Local and Personal. . i.i t at Hendry's ! N. 11th. COMl'LIMKNTS OK TIIK NKW LINCOLN HOWLINli ALLHV TO TIIK UNIVERSITY STl'DKNTS. Club rates given. John H. Cain, Propr., 13U So. Tenth ...STUDENTS' SUITORIUM... AT 218 No. IITH, BLUMENTHAL'S For students' convenience I carry a line of Furnishings The 2 for 35c Fancy Hose cannot be equaled any where Please mention this paper Thu constollatlons of the Rky, May cliarra a pool's houI. But If you waut a dazzling sight Burn JIutohlns and Hyatt's ooal A special display of work, flono by students will bo given at tho shops on Charter day. Tho shops will bo in full running r.rdor on that day. John L. Gorlg aud G.E. Condra took examinations for tho doctor's degreo Saturday, tho former In Romanco Semasiology and the latter in geology. Dr. Woodward oculist, RichardB blk. Finb "furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele, the furrier, li.'l S 12th st. C. K. lb-own, dentist. Burr block. The Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th st. A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything elac. you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Palace Dining hall for good meals. Tho concentration of all the de bating spirit In the preliminaries on Wednesday and Friday evenings was the oauso of a very small attondanco at tho club meetings on Saturday night. Quarterback Dobio of "Minnesota has" received an offer from tho Iowa agricultural college to coach their football team next year. Ho lias uotfryct decided whether to, acoopt the offer or net. (-) VALENTINE j4M I B The great VrwAkALLH Virtuoso ftxVHK otr,er Sreat wI&sSHILLLh players VHH only the llr Washburn J"- Mandolin I Be M711 It le an Inspiration to him. Yon, I too, should onjoy a Wnshbum. WoiUbnra Mandolin, Guitar. Uanjon, Zlthora aro wold by flrat-cloHs miulo donlors ovorywhero. I New Models Only Si0.oo. I Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue Free. I LYON & HBALY, Makera, I 17 Adama Street, Chicago. wjiilrf 60 YEAR8' IHHHEXPERIENCE Eat at Don Cameron's ,118 so. 11th. Wo upo comprcRFod air. The Palaco Barber Shop 109 Nil, weBt 9ide. Dr. Ketchum, oculist; glasses fit ted. It. E. Noves haa iiijain entered the uuivoi'Bity after a BombBtor'e absonce. Squaremeals at 'square-' prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. Get an up-to-date, univorsity hair cut at Westerliolds. Sherman's now book "What ie Shakeepoaro" at Tho Co-op. Sl.50 net. 15c postage Tlio sophomore basketoall team held a very spirited practice last Saturday evening. A lare number of candidates for the team were out and it is oxpeced that boforo long tho team will bo ablo to vio with tho best of them. W. E. Holt, 03, haa returned to tho univoroity after haviDg been out tho last someeter. WE SELL KODAKS 117 NOJ.,,th D. E. DcPUTRON III oi & Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 Cut Flowers and Plants. Funeral Designs on Short Notice. For sheet music and supplies go to tho Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O street. Wanted a university studen t to solicit club members for Weber suitor in id. Delta'.Tau Delta entertained at a "stau'chating dish party Saturday night. A recoptiou was'tendored Mr.'T.O. Riukcr last Thursday evening by the Student Volunteer Band. Mr. Rln ker was an active member of this organization last year and In order to show its appreciation of Im sor vlces. about thirty of his frlonds a8.seuiDled In tho Y. M. O. A. rooms where a very enjoyablo evening was spent. Tho time was taken up with short stories and speeches, after which light refreshments were served. Dr. Woodward aurlst, Richards blk Canfiekl's "Tho Collece Student and His Problems" at The Co-Op. Eveiy student should read it.. You will find all second semester books and other supplies' a tT Brown Drugland Book Co, 127So. ifth st.' Stackhous & Greer. FLORISTS Store 14:t So. 13th. Phone B-liM. PETRY'S BAKERY, MRS. J. W. PETRY, t Proprietor. LUNCHES SERVED. Telephone 564. 234 So. 11th St. Subscribe for The Daily Nebraska! r 7 Chairs the Palaco barber flhop. Everything modern. "Compressed Air," 109 N U, weet Bide. ('. A. Geen Prop. ",' Tho members of Alpha Theta Chi gave an informal dancing party on Saturday evening at the fraternity house. A 'social undor tho novel name of "A Rooster" party was hold In tho Y.M.C. A. rooms last Saturday even ing. The object of tho gathering was to give tho new members of the association an opportunity txTgot better acquainted with one another. About seventy-flvo Invitations wore bent out to the new members and to some of the old ones who had failed to cultivate as close acquaintance as is desired by tho members of tho as sociation. Tho evening was spent in a general god spirit, various forms of amusement having been provided. A limited number of thti new Y M. C. A. directories bavo been re ceived and are now ready for distri bution. Students may have copies of the same by calling at the associa tion rooms. DU TEIL-Clgars "that's all." Of courso you'll have to keep your rpom warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets Trade Marko Dcsigno CoPYniQHTQ &.C. AtiTono nonrtlnij a lo(rh nnd description moy . nut "omi on I r mil rnioiitH tnUon Oiroiik'li Munii & Co. rocolvo T.nrpctt clr 'J'onim, $3 n nowidcnlom AtiTono nondlnij n nkolrli nnd dcserlpi nnli'Uly usrertnlJi our opinion froo wli liivitnMmi I pronnnly piitentalilo. C'oii . ..... . I . I I . I tl.iiiill.nnlf ittl UOtlB 11 MCUy IHUiUUIIUUI. liumiouwauii ihvi uont fii'O. OMot nunnry for noourliitfjmtciiU Putontfl tukon throiik'li Munn & Co. rocol .vl.j ai.i i. tvlMwint rhnron III f tin Scientific JhttcrKatL A lmf)(li"inf-ljr lllimtrnfofl Tronklr. dilution "f niijr itcloiitlUo journal. rnnr ' fnur moiiUm. ftl. Hold brail MUNN &Co.301Dfoad New York Urancli omco. 020 V ft-, vnniDBion, u. u. H. S. ALEY, M. D. Practico Limited to Chronic Diseases. Sixteen yearn' experience. Graduate of HuHh Medical ColleRe, Chicago. Qlvo Bpeclal attention to the use of electric ity and the Dosimetric Syntem of med ication. CorreHpondence aollclted. Mall treatment a specialty. Olllce, 1318 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Phone B-1038. JfiC&?2s Photographer. 1029 0 St. Reference: Seniors, '02. We can give you all the new styleH In cardB und finish Ihe market affordH SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. &' i. T k Portrait and Lansdcaps Photographer 20 South 1 1 tli Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. QALkERY ESTABLISHED 1871. Craii$1ation$ Literal Interlinear u$ Volumes Dictionaries i German, French, Italian, Spanish latin. Greek tutorial &rk too vols, specially designed for coaching lor exams, in all collece studies Kind ft :hoo!books el 1 nHe Schoolbooks el all PabluW 4CerlMtltt, VewTatk City i, It i T3l I -i. Hi 1 ? 4 M ?i J .r w i -1 i '3 && t 1. 5 '$ .?.