The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 07, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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9 v5 The University School of Music, Just South of the Campus. You Can Enter at Any Time. 8
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TION. An Interesting account of student
lii'u in Germim universities, written
by Miss Leo Loomis, a former stu.
dent of the university nnd at present
studying in Europo, appeared recently
in the Fremont H lull School Specta
tor. Miss Loomis gives the foil owing ac
count or a "knmnioroc." In response
to invitations to a student "Koni
incrce,' we took our places with other
ladles In a balcony, which surround
ed a Iiuiro ball Moor. The hall, in
whlto and gold was decorated with
every imaginable design in Hags,
helmets, swords, banners and laurels.
The bust of Kaiser Wlinelm, draped
In Prussian colors, faced I lie audience
from tho stage, outlined by a back
ground of palms. The music henan
to awaken old fraternity m us which
made the heart wild with patriot
ism. Hem-nth were six long tables
hemmed by chairs. Suddenly from
sevoral doorways appealed six uni
formed waiters, each carrying two
swords draped In colors. The swords
were laid at each table, and a sea of
uniforms appeared to roll Into the
room. The uontlemen were seated.
The lloor seemed converted Into a
rainbow. Hero the bright red uni
forms, hero tho orange and black,
iioro yellow ana blue, there green and
black, blue and white, violet and
crimson. Tho alters brought
basket after baskot of (lowers, pre
sented by tho admiring sex which Is,
in (lormany. excluded from the gran
deur of fraternity life. Wo In
America might say, "If we can't bo
in It, thoy won't recolvo any llowers
from us," but that Isn't tho Gorman
nature. Man great, stalwart,
powerful, saber-cut man, is tho Ideal
of life.
Hut tho "Kommorce" continued.
Klrst Ono fratornlty was "proas tod,"
(toasted,) then another. They paid
respect to six frats, tho ladles, the
Kaiser, tho school. Germany, Hanover
lovo, brotherly union, succoss, the
militia, tho crown prince, the otlicers
of each frat. tho progross of mankind,
bravory, manhood, tho pledges tho now
inombors and the alumni. Those
who weren't very oxporlonced In the
business began to wonder whon it
would end. At twelve o'clock tho
music became sorious. Thegontlomon
at the tables' head, each grasped a
sword in his loft hnnd and his part
ner's hand In tho right. Words wore
sung to tho effect that as long as thoy
lived thev would remain truo brothors,
each doffed his cap and thrusting the
swoid through it, passed tho Jnstru-
- moot to his neighbor. At last oaoh
tablo hold two swords thrust through
some fifty caps and thoio is a plodRO
and tho ladles leave for homo. To bo
sure tho ladles often carry a cap homo
for ff-trophv-,-but-ooona -knows.-iiow.
it Is obtained.
oooooo xoooo oooo
BaBkot-bftll tonm meots for practico
Saturday at "i p. in , in tho gymnasium.
Basket-bull practico will bo held on
Saturday at 2:30 p.m. in tho gymnas
ium. Lkiimkk, Captain.
The election of oftlcerfr for tho second
semester will be held Tuesday, r Feb.,
11, at 2 p. m , in Mi morial Hall.
11. CJ. Stkwkh, President.
C. E Social.
The C'hrihtuin Ei d avor Focioty of
tho First Uungregutiunal ohureh will
give a social Friday night. February 7,
at tho church All are cordially i.ivited.
All Seniors who havo not paid tneir
a ibacription to tho Alumni Organ fund
will pleuflo 1 avo same at chancellor's
olllco, ut once-
Hy Order of Committee.
Attention Juniors.
Hasket-ball Practico Saturday at l..'tt)
p. in. All Juniors who play basket bull
bo sure and come out. Junior team
will be picked.
Ja.mks M. Fhkil'.son, ("apt
Delinquent Examination English 11,
EngliBh 11a and English 13.
Tho delinquent examination for mom
bors of English 11, English 11a, and
English 13, will be hold iu U 308 from 9
until 11 o'clock next Saturduy morning,
Fobruary 8. All delinquents aro ex
pected to present themselves at that
M. M. Fo(.c.
Fobruary 4.
- A limited number of tho new Y.
M. C. A. directories have been re
ceived and are now ready for distri
bution. Students may havo copies of
tho samo by calling at tbo associa
tion rooms.
472-478 Iroilvry
Albuuy, New York
Makers of the
Hy inserting a notice in the Daily No
' braakau at one cent a word per insertion.
Attention, Students!
I wish to know you.
I wish you to know my work.
For this reason I will give you your
dental work at about half the us
ual rates for about sixty days.
DR. A. B. AYERS, 127 So. lath.
Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital.
al-l .t.nlnn rvlvnn jTt t KflU 1 of WOf
andaU ursrical clieetitioa. X-ray oiamlnatlo
with no discomfort or Injury to patient B
rythlnff an homelike as possible. Board aM
room reasonable.
T. O. Box Ml. Telephom
Tumble Weeds.
We have looked over with somo care and growing pleasure a little
volume of verse, by Will Reed Dunroy, issued by the University Pub
lishing C"., entitled "rumble Weeds." We find Mr. Dnnroy an inter
estmg person. He un-'ertakes large things, and approaches thotn in a
largH way. He aims evidently for nothiog short of the highest work.
It will be furious to see what a young man with this ambition can
achieve. Mr. Dunroy Feems to be distinctly a western man ono of
those who nre quite content with their own environment, as a sphere
for action and growth His themes are things that exist, and that he
can see around himself; it is men who'cau take this view, it seems to
us, who are going to count on the future of our wo iterft civilization.
One little poem on "Dawn" attracted us p irticularly, and another on
Sergeant Floyd. We wondered a little at Mr. Dunroy's baring thought
it necepsury to put a pretty little thing about Nebraska- into apostro
phe's dialect. A peculiarity that struck us wab a strain of devoutness
that runs through some of the poems, together, with some tonons of
displeasure with the church organizations.
J. Sterling Jlorton, in The Conservative.
At all good bookstores or of the University Publishing
Co., Lincoln, Nebraska, $1.00, postage prepaid.
Caps,Gowns and Hoods
To tho American Colleges and
Universities. Illustrated Manual,
sample prioes, etc, on request.
Gcrwna-for the pulpit and. hennh.
The Glover..
Cheap Rates to
Puget Sound
Commencing Murch 1st and con
tinuing daily until April 30th
the Burlington will sell ono way
settlors tickets to tho above
points at greatly roducod rates.
Call and get full information.
City Office Oor 10th & O 8ts.,
Depot, 7th&PSt8.
NJJ -Vf .ivV.
1036 N St.
16o meals a specialty
quick service.
J. A. EIUAM, Prop.
Our Prescription Department is Complete.
The Chapman Drug Store
S. "W. Corner 10th and O Sts.
Brushes of all kinds. Toilet articles,
soaps, Perfumes, Stationery, Cundy,
etc. Telephone 524.
Thomas H.Benton
In the Senate Chamber of the
United States, on Feb. 7th 1849, said:
"An American road to tho OrientTho
Overland ltoute' contral and natur
al for ourselves and our posterity,
now and hereafter for thousands of
years to come."
Runs Three Through Trains Daily
To Utahr Orellfornm una Oregon": Ttto-Tastr
iriiniH arrlviiiK at 1'iieillc Coast nlxtocn hours
ahead of all competitors.
Full information cheerfully furnish
ed on application to
E. B.Slosson, Agt.
ir 'i
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