HH -4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. i-lfc "v-V ,: v rl t -" tvr - "" '-'-';".' --fYrwr,"r".R- y?;:7'';'r''T " ' BBHBBBBIBWTi.ir j'. T-ii! 3 BannOQUinOianlnOClECIBGinnOnnaOlD sjEuuQBuuauGiDiuaaDa II PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR 3 oa do cnnnEacncnciinLiniicncinnuunnn BacaEcaiauEticauitLitiaaacciannocio JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 . O Streot, Rooms '212 21.T-2H Rich rds Block, Telephone 535. Residence, 1810 G Street, Telephone L984. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louiho Flnrmgnn; Onico, 141 South 12th Streot. Tolophono G18. T DAVIS. P. D. S., Dentist. Hridtre and Crown work. Ofllce room 7. over Rock Island ticket oflicu. IMione 3H). COMPLIMENTS (IK TIIK new Lincoln uowlinollky 'ID Till. I'NIYIORSITY STl'DKNTS (Tub rntes tfiven. John S. Cain, Propr , l.V. So. Ten Hi 'l'!IAl.JWLl A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything else you want a barber to do for you, at the V. M. ( A. Barbkii Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. ff" SquiiYetneuls at "siuarc" pi ices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST WE SELL KODAKS 117 H" D- E. DePUTRON If . . . You Need a new Fountain Pen remember we sell you a Paul E. Wirt $2.00 pen for $1.25. History Paper 6c and 7c per 100. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET. Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 The Only Students E.stublls li eri 011 CORDIAL - ,. - Treatment to Suuormms? This SHOULD be your PLACE puuse mLion " Bl iinient hal's this I'apor. wihuiviihiui iJ Local and Personal. -Mit at Hendry's 1TJ N. 11th. Flno furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. Steele, the furrier. 1 l'l S 12th st. C K Brown, dentist. Burr block. The Hygienic Cnfo, 316 So. 12th at. Palace Dining hall for good meals. Eat, at Don Cameron's ,118 so. 11th. Dr. Ketehum, ocrullst; glasses fitted. (let an up-to-dato university hair cut at Westerllolds. For sheet music and supplies go to the Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O streot. Wanted a university student to solicit club members for Weber sultor iutu. (Justof A. Pearson has returned to the university to continue tho work begun last vear. I. S Smoyer was at the university this week meeting olri friends before he sails for the Philippines. Canfiekl's "The Cnllee Student and His Problems" at The Co-Op. Every student should read it. You will find all second semester books and other supplies at Brown Drug and Book Co, 127 So. 11th st. The constellations of tho sky, May charm a poet's soul. But If vmi want a da .ling slulit Burn Ilutchins and Hyatt's coal Bertha Pinkorton, 'Ofl, who lias been tho assistant prlncipal'at Elm wood for two years, has been elected to tho principals!) id to succeed W. R. Boose, resigned. Fred "Nlolsen, '01, has accoptod the tho position of assis tant principal. A1CORRECTION. Througii"'an orror, ' tho namo Of Mls8lKatherino Thomas did not ap poar In tho list of last year's initi ates of Omega Psl published In. yes terday's ISebraskan. Dr.lWoodwardoccullst, Richards blk. RATES TO TORONTO. Word lias boon received from tho travelling passenger ageDt' of tho Grand Trunk Lino saying that this lino will offer a roud trip ratoof $12. 40 from Chicago to Toronto to those who desire to attend the oovenclon to bo hold at tho lattorplaco from' Feb. 20 to March 2. "Tho ratoTlsfbperi on tho 23, 24 and 25 ;wlth March 5 as tho return limit. 'It Is expected that one and ono-thlrd faro rates will be secured from Lincoln to Chicago. Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets Friday Chartor Day Exorcises. Dr. Woodward aurlst, Richards blk. Y.W.C.A. NOTES. Noonoay services will be held daily at 12:L'0 In the Y.W.C.A. rooms. Miss Wllnv, the new Y.W.C.A sec retary, may bo found at tho assocla tion rooms every aay from .'I to -4 o'clock. G'spel services will bo hold In tho Y.W.u. A. rooms Sunday at 4 pm. Miss Wlldy will load tho mooting and an interesting service Is lookod foi Miss Henderson, secretary of the association last year, but now doing similar work at Illinois University, has favored some of her Nebraska friends with a beautiful calendar gotten out by Y. W. C. A. .of that In stitution. ' " " Tho Y. W. C. A. held a cabinet meeting yesterday aftorn'ion andjle cided to send delegates to the conven tion to be held at Toronto. Besides the regular cielcuatcs, it Is expected that a number of others will attend the great convention. ENGINEERING NOTES. F. T. narrow, a former B & M engineer visited Messrs. Clinton and Kallasch at tho headqii irters of the civil engineering, department. W. II. Wolfe, Ml!), has returned to take some special work n mechanical engineering. During the past season. Wolfe has necn chemist In a beet-sugar facturyjit Lyons, N. Y. There is some dissatisfaction among the engineering, students with the new student directory. According to It all the mem tiers of LhuEnglneer Ing Society are "electrical engineers" thus apparently Indicating that elec tricity is the only oranoh of engin eering Cithat recolves any considera tion hero. By an analogous orror In a department which the management of tho directory has considered more worthy of representation, all tho Dol ians and Unions might be rated as Palladians. GIRLS' CARNIVAL. Tho girls' Athletic Carnival at tho Auditorium tonight will bo worthy of patronage. Tho club-womoa, are helping It by their Influence and presence. Tho following aro patron esses: Mesdaraes Savago, WInnotc, W.K. Fowler, Callen Thompson, II. H. Wilson, A.W. Field. F.J. Htovons, Goro, Bryan, Wharton, W. G. L. Taylor, Bushnoll, Lucky and Miss Sara Harris. Tho classes "aro very enthusiastic In supporting tholr rop re8entatlvos, and'tho rivalry Is In tense. Tho Fitzgerald ''Dry Goods Co., furnishes a trophy for tLo win ning baskotbali team, 'and "theTHer poishoimor Co., glvos the treat to tho olasses selling tho most tlokets. Tho high school alumni should como back and shout for tholr successors. 2 DU TEIL-Clgars "that's all. VALENTINE ABT The great Virtuoso ond other great players use only the Washburn Mandolin Eto nr It la nn lnnplmtlon to htm. You, too, kould onjoj a Wunhburn. Wuihburn Mandolin, Guitar, Banjo, Zlthor aro Bold by Are t-clans manic deiilor ovorywboro. New Model Only fifl.oo. Beautiful Souvenir Catalogue Pree. LYON & HBALY, Maker, 17 Adam Street, - Chicago. BO YEAR8' EXPERIENCE Tfiade Marko DE3IQN8 COPYRIGHTS &.C. Anvonn nondlnff a Untrh nnd doncrlntlon mny nuliklf mrortiiln our opinion freo wliotlicr nn invent lm lit pnthnhljr pntcntulilo. ( imitiitiiilrn Ih nn hi r lolly couMdotitlnl. 1 1 nnd honk on I'ntnnta ni-nt frmi uldi'Hl iiuonc j for (iiTiirliiK imtonu. 1' id nt n tiiUon tlirouuh Miimi A ( o. rorolro ijx-rlid noHif, wit limit chnruo, In tiio Scientific American. , )tnii'1n-, ir I'hiMrnlcd wprklr. I invent rlr- i.i ii ! i i f ii ' v h u nt in ' Ji hi mill. Turin n. .l u yn n . I mr months. H. Bold by all nowiKlonlurx. &Co.3eiDraidin'' New York Ilninuli omco. GSt Y Ht., Wnhlnton, U. C. H. S. ALEY, M. D. Practice Limitod to Chronic Diseases. Sixteen yeiim' experience. Ornduuto of Hush Medical College, Chicago. Qlvo Hpeclnl attention to the une of electric ity and the DoHlmetrlc HyHtem of med ication. CorreHpondence solicited. Mall treatment a npeclalty. Olllco, 1318 O St., Lincoln. Neb. "Phone B-1038. Photographer. 1029 0 St. Reference: Seniors, '02. "We can glvo you all the new Btylen In enrdfl and flnleh tho market affordH. SPB3CIAJ RATES TO STl'DKNTS. Legislative Gallery. BBST OP RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait aid JUnsdcape Pliotograpkcr ao outb nth Street, UNCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLBRY B8TABLI5MED 1871. Cran$Iailon$ literal Interlinear-133 Volnmca Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish uuxa, urccs. Cutorlal $rk$ aoovols. vol, specially detlrned for coaching for exam, la ail college itudiea Rind ft Mk Schoolbooka of ail Pnbllahen 4 Cooper Iutitmte, Hew York City I sZff&tC&PZs y&uyt&rib ii tt si - ' . X-r'''MMM &J8SMkt)LiM .Mm mV-WifiiM Ai.A&Jil Tf JfK. tto.,-,