pwwH 'rr "ajtiy "' i .j -".i fl'V jryu jy.-iviyw.jx-lv-ist itog !4 ! :iJmv4Was 3S ) t r - ' - , - , A , THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. r : fsf'jf ,? yf -'' "' ?.: 'ft IX I'l ? h V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 rwipapor doroted to the Interest! of the Unlferslly tf Nobra sUa. Published nt 131 North 11th St., bj THE UESPKUIAN PUB. CO. ( Incorporated.) DIRECTORS! J. W. Crabtree, President. Q. L. Towns, Seorotary-Treasnrer. JJ. Wyor, T. J. Uewett, K. W. Washbur. A CONSOLIDATION i)V The Ilenporlitii Vol. XXXI Tho NehniHkiin Vol XI The Hmrlet mid Croiim Vol III Hturllnu II. McCuw, K. W. llarl)or. UhiiM I. Tiiylor I OhiiM. K. Wells f K. T. Hill. MiuiiiKliiK Kdltor Kdltor lii-Clilcf lluslncHs MiiwiKars Assistant Kdltor Ahmji-IiiIc Editors. v c HuUh. H. A. McNown. II. O. Nelson. Win. Cum-. D.lll (llltlclXMl. ' The subscription price of the Dailj Nebras kan la 2 for the colloife year with ft regular do llTory before chnpl ench day. Notices, com munlcatlonB, and other mfttter Intended for pub Uoation, must be handed In at the NebrailcRti offloo before 7 p. m., or mailed to tho editor bo fore 8 p. m., of tho day pretiouB to that day on fehloh they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at the Nebraskan office, at tho Co.Op., or with Business Manner. Bubsorlbors will confer a favor by roportin promptly atrthls office any failure to receive the MiiVohanirei In adyertlslnB matter must be In office by 3 p. m. on the day previous to that which they are to appear. Address all communications to the Daily Ne bvaakan, 184 N. ink Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. Entered nt the p"s ulllce at I, ncolii. Neb an hocoikI cluss mill I iniiltcr THE TORONTO CONVENTION. Few events In Hfcudcnt llfo equal In Importance the coming convention nt Toronto, Canada. Coming once in four years these conventions mark an event, ol exceedingly groat importance In tho college career of every student. Tho Student Volunteer Movement has grown 10 such a magnitude that its conventions mark tho assembling of a larger number of college men and women than does any other or ganization, religious or secular. The Toronto convention will bnn,! to gether representatives from over four hurdiOd institutions of higher learn ing In tho United States and Canada. Moreover representatives of mission ary work will be present from nearlv ovcry field of foreign missionary activi tv. Such a meeting of representatives of studont llfo with those who arc recogni.en leaders In all forms of missionary enterprise cannot out bring tins vital question more clearly before the studet life of America. The great missionary leaders of the past have been students and It Is a significant Tact that the most ration al and enthusiastic propagation of missionary Intelligence Is now carried on by students. The relation of the student to foreign missionary enter prise will be tho theme 01 the Toron to convention. No institution can alford not to bo represented at such a leathering. You.... can wear our Shoos until the cobbler is unable to find places to tack new soles on, and the uppers will still be in good shape. We are having a special sale now. It will pay you to come in. PERKINS & SHELDON, 1129 0 STREET. It would be showing the proper spirit ir all tho literary societies would do as one has done adiourn tonight in order that the members might attond the preliminary debate. Tho debates need tho ethusiastic support of all students alike- in order to mako them a success. No meetings should be held of any kind which would tend to lessen the attendance at these contests which need financial as well as moral support. The various class hasKethall teams are turning out for practice and more or loss class spirit is manifested among the students. Hut as lias frequently been noted in these col umns thero is not enough feeling present during tho class contests to mako them really interesting. Last year tho class championship mime wa playod in ttie presence of about a dozen spectators. There ought to have been two or three hundred. Tins year a movement is on foot to have tho gamosintho evening. This is a step in tho right dlroction. Tno next stop is to got the classes nut ana got them enthusod to tho point of supporting their reepective teamB by an efficient system of rootiDg. If this could bo done it would make progress in tho direction of moro genor al university spirit. CONE, The Installment "Tailor. 115 North 11th. THE CHAUTAUQUA CUUKSE. It Is to be noted that the number of summer schools is increasing every year, and that last vcar one hundred and twenty summer Assemblies, modeled more or less closely on the Chautauqua plan, were held in thirty Ihtj states, with a attendance approxi mating 1.000,000 people. Chautauqua c'ocs not pretend to do tho work of a university: It does not claim to furnish ready-made educa tion. It does proless to oe aoio to give thoso who will tollow the regu lar course of tho C. L. S. C. for four years some tiling of that "College Outlook" which better equips the .ollego student for life-work than his less forMinato fellow. Tho generally plan offered may be slated as: 1. A four year's course, designed to give the "College Out look." 2. Each year's courso dis tinct from tho rest. :i. Forty-two supplementary courses for special students. 4. A monthly magazine wicli readings notes, and programs. .". A membership book with special view questions. (. Individual readers may pursue the entire course alone. 7. Local circles of three or more are recommended. 8. Twenty minutes a day will cover the required reading. 9. Expense, loss than tifteen conts a week for rflne months. 10. A diploma at tho end or tour-years course. 11. Seals for written review work tor extra reading. The University Book Store 340 No. 11TH ST. University Books and Supplies OF I-VERY DESCRIPTION "University Football Annual1' will be out about Keb. 10th. Watch for it. "THE SCARLET CREAM STORE. v The Omaha MEDICAL COLLEGE Tenth and Pacific Streets, Omaha, Neb. XQOCOOOOOOOOCtO The College offers a graded course extending over four annual sessions. The ad vantages and re quirements of the college are fully up to the requirements of the present timcH, and the conditions laid down by the association of American Medi cal Colleges, of which this college is member. For in formution address, EWING BROWN, Secretary The Pioneer According to tigures concerning tho colleges and universities of tho Unit ed States as published by tho'Now York World for 1902, the University-! of Michigan has tho distincion of having the greatest number of living graduates of any college or univorsity In tho country. Michigan has l.V 000 living graduates: Harvard comes next with 14,00(5, ana Yalo third with 11,430. W. J. 113 South i ' Barber Shop... Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service WJIITFOnD. Pitoi'itiKTOH 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Byes Examined Free. Price Reasonable. 12380 Street, nbcb0r Lost, Found and Want Ads in the DAILY NEBRASKAN Pay Because they reach the Students. i ft. i s i