" ft - f v 4f fir" ,v ' - I MIUMCkBd. i "", J - .j.i.ijil .-, .- 1" MrVI1 . -!v,j,l.V,,L1 " V7-?! P:. . ; r u THE DAILY NEBRASKA. 11? ' the Campus. You Can Enter at Any Time. P r V VT " v ,S5 "ryt .' ' .j , j, it i i H , The University School of Music, Just South of mm '1 'n V 1 II, U l' K k 144. ' It S PICTO SENATOR Thomas H.Benton In tho Bonato Chamber of tho United States, on Feb. 7th 1849, said: "An American road to the Oricnt.'Thc Overland Koute' rent nil and natur al for ourselves and our posterity. now and ere.ift r f or thousands of years to come "THE OVERLAND ROUTE" UNION PACIFIC Runs Threo Through Trains Daily To lUnli. ( .ilifniiilii Mini Oi.U'mi Tin- fasl IraliiH an l Iiik nl I'.n'l tli Co,i-l "t.xtct n limn 4 nlicad of nil 1 miipi'l itm - Kill I inforin.it ion ehcci fully fuinish oil on nppl u-at ion to E. BoSlosson, Agt. Intercollcgeat Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 472 4 78 ItriiiiiluuT A I linn) , Nru 01 U Alnkers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and Universities Illustrated Manual, wimple juices, etc., on request, (towim for the pulpit and bench. York and Return Wednesday, $2.12 For the uik Music.d Fes-tival tuo Hurlington will sell round trip Uokeis to York for ill trains Wediiesluv at S'2.10, uood to re turn next day. Tinwia leave Lincoln at 10.1". u. m , (J.0 uud 11 10 p. m. City Office Cor 10th O Sta., Depot, 7th k V St--'. t r r ors a x - Vl H000"000 oo-xyoo- xoooo ANNOl'NC'IOMKNTS. lHO0Q44OQeOQH4'OCO"4'e'046 Attention Juniors. UasUet-h" I I'rac ict Saturday nt 1 .'JO p. in. All Juniors who play baskot ball bo sure and como out-. Junior team will bo picked. Jamih M. Ki ik. 1 son. ('apt Faculty Meeting. Tho fncully of tho C Ilego of Litera ture, Scionco and the Arts meets atf p. in., Wednesday, Fibrimry f), in I1 100. Tno faculty of tho Industrial College meets nt ." 30, samo lny and room. Uy order of t lit Deane. Delinquent Examination English 11, English 11a and English 13. Tho dolirquent examination for mem bers 'f English 11, Engli-h 11a, and English 13 will be liel I ,n U 3fH from 9 until 11 o'clock next Saturday morn nr, February H. All delini'uonts aro ex pected 10 prosont ih(m;uhoi at tint time. M M I'oi.i.. February 1 Seniors. All irer.iois ho have not jiaid their 8' b'lcnplion to the Alumni Oigan fund will pleaao Uuvo Mime at chancellor's ollic, Monduy or Tuw day- Hy Order of Committee. THE V. M. C. A. DIUECTOliY. The faculty and student, directory ha just been Issued bv t h Y. M. ('. A. It (onlains 11 pagis and is a conipcudiuni of tiKetuI Itilortual ion re lating to the 1' nl vers! ty. 1L gives tho name and address of everyone connected vitlitlio institution, the University calendar, a list or organi zations and their olllceis and nt her material ol value l t he st udent liod (Copies may be obtained-at thassn- clat ion rooms. ALL KINDS OF - - - Stationery Tablets, School andJ Student Supplies AT Roy's Drug Store, 101 Not tli 10th St. Presci IptionH, Dispensing and Com pounding Carefully Done tlivu ua a. Liill, The Qlover.. ....Restaurant 1030 N St. 15c meals a specialty. FiiHt-elasH quick service. J. A KLAM, Pi op Attention, Students! I wish to know you I wish you to know my work Kor this reason I will give vou 011r dental work at about half the us ual rates for about sixty days. DR A. B. AVERS, 127'So. 12II1. Tumble Weeds. We have lookod over with some care and growing pleasure a little volume of verse, by Will I Joed Duuroy. issued by the University Pub lish ng (' , entitled rumble Weeds. ' We find Mr. Dnnroy an inter eating person. He un 'ertakes large things, and approaches them in a lurg' way. He anus evident ly for nothing short of the highest work. It will le curious to sec what a joung man with this ambition can achieve. Mr. Dunroy eeems to be distinctly a western man ono of those w ho are iiite content with their own environment as a sphere for action and growth Ilis themes are things that exist, and that he can see around himself, it is men who can take this view, it seems to us who arc go, ng to count on the future of our western civilization. One. lilt le poem on 'D.iwn attracted us p irticularly. and another on Sergeant l'loyd We wondered a little at Mr. Dunroy's having thought it neccs-sary to put a prett little thing about Nebraska into apostio plies dialect A peculiarity that struck us was a strain of devoutness that runs through mine ot the poems, together, with some to.ens of displeasure with t lie cliuri h organizations. .. Sh'rlin J . Morion, in The ( 'on.scrru I i rr At all Li'ocul bookstores or of the lTni versit y !ublishiii' ('o., Lincoln, Nebraska, $1.00, postage prepaid. A COPY OF Webster's DICTIONARY X Absolutely new, with thumb index and best binding, is now on sale at the office of The University Publishing Co. If you wish the best dictionary there is at a bargain call at once, or write, The University Publishing Co., 134 North 11th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special nttontion Kiron to ilUease. of ;" and all aumtcal disrnirM. X-ray examination with no discomfort or injury to patient. KT rythln a homehU an possible. Board iU room reaionablo. Ill, LST. LINCOLN. P. O. Box 951. Telephone Ml x International -' t Y s t IV J ,