The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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!. '
.1 .
H e The University School of Music, Just South of tho Campus. You Can Enter at Any Time. 5
i 1
.. California..
k&00MH0000 0OO
Ilns numerous Natural llridges, Caves,
etc , of no little interest The Mam
moth Cave of (Jnlaveras, discovered by
minei-H in l8.r0; the Alabaster Cave; the
Crystal Palace Cave, containing a num
ber of attractive subterranean apart
ments, such as the Hr'dul Chamber, the
Crystal I'alacc Room, and a curious
upartmentcalled the Mueic Hall, where
tho deposits of aqueous origin not only
take tho form of organ pipes, sounding
boards, etc., but also omit when struekJ
musical sounds und vibrations. Near
this cave are two natural bridges
which the tourist can visit and return
to the railroad within half an hour.
The only natural way to reach
these scenes of interest is via
"The Overland Route,"
comprising tbo Union and Southern Pa
cific, now really one lino. The only
line running through trains to San
Francisco from Omaha.
Three Trains Daily.
The Fast Trains arriving 15 hours
-ahead of all competitors.
Pull information cheerfully furnish
ed on application to
E. B.Slosson, Agt.
1 1 " 1
478-478 Ilrnariwfty
Albuiiy, Now York
Makers of the
Caps,Gowns and Hoods
To tho American Collegen and
Universities. Illustrated Manual,
(sample prices, etc., on request.
(Inu'iiB for the pulpit and bench.
Cheap Rates to
Puget Sound
Commencing Murch lBt and con
tinuing daily until April 30th
the Burlington will s-oll one way
oottlore tick eta to the' above
points at greatly reduced rates.
Call and get full information.
City Office Oor 10th &. O St.,
Depot, 7th & P Sta.
Delinquent Examination English 11,
English 11a, and English 13
Por those students who failod to pass
tho tinal examination in English 11,
English lla, and English l.'., or who
woro absent from the examination, I
shall bold a delinquent examination
next Priday or next Saturday morning,
according to the convenience of tho de
linquents, all of whom will, without
dolay, ploaeo confer with mo.
M. M. Foc.o.
February 1.
American History Second Semester.
American History 2 (Period of tho
Revolution); G (Local and Stato Govern
ments); 8 (Territorial Expansion); 10
(Theory of tho Stato); 11 a (Comparative
Government); 14 (Historical Jurispru
dence); 21 (Introduction to Common
Law); and 2Ga (Special Problems in
Administrative Law) are open to
students properly prepared.
All thoBO Juniors who have had somo
experience in basket-ball, report to Jan.
Ferguson, cIbbb manager. An effort
will be made, th's week, to organize
the class team.
All Seniors who have not paid their
subscription to the Alumni Organ fund
will please leave same at chancellor's
office, Monday or Tuerday-
By Order of Oommitteo.
L. W. Harger, ox'02, has charge of
the H. & M. motive power department's
branch drafting room at Plattemouth,
the headquarters having boen removed
to this city.
The great
Virtuoso and
other great
players use
only the
Ho eajri It Is on Inspiration to him. Yoo,
too, should enjoy a Washburn. Washburn
Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos, Zithers are sold
by first-class mualo dealers everywhere.
New Models Only $ifl.oo.
Beautiful Souvenir CaUlogue Pre.
LYON & HEALY, Maker,
17 Adams Street. - Chicago.
Attention, Students!
I wish to know you.
I wish you to know my work
Por this reason I will give you your
dental work at about half tho us
ual rates for about sixty days.
DR. A. B. AYERS, 127 So. 12th.
Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital,
.1 - 1. t f n tt 1U.I1.A1 nt wfl
and all inrRicsl diBonsos. X-ray examination
with no discomfort or injury to PMKt XT
rythlnc an homehko as possible. Uoarfl aa
room reasonable.
1117 L8T. LINCOLN.
F. O. Boa 961. Talepkoma Ml
Tumble Weeds.
We have lookod over with some care and growing pleasure a little
volume of verse, by Will Reed Dimroy, issued by the University Pub
lishing Co., entitled "Tumble Weeds." We llnd Mr. Dnnroy an inter
esting person. He unHertakes large things, and approaches them in a
largo way. He aims evidently for nothing short of the highest work.
It will be curious to bee what a young man with this ambition can
achieve. Mr. Dunroy seems to be distinctly a western man ono of
those who are quite content with their own environment as a sphore
for action and growth His themes are things that exist, and that he
can see around himself; it is men who can take this view, it seems to
us, who arc going to count on the future of our western civilization.
One little poem on "Dawn'' attracted us p irticularly, and another on
Sergeant Floyd. We wondered a little at Mr. Dunroy's baring thought
it necessary to put a pretty little thing about Nebraska into apostro
phe's dialect A peculiarity that struck us was a strain of devoutnebs
that runs through some of the poems, together, with some toKons of
displeasure with the church organizations.
. Sterling Morton, in The Conservative.
At all good bookstores or of the University Publishing
Co., Lincoln, Nebraska, $1.00, postage prepaid.
in the Daily Nebraskan,
one cent per wrd per in
sertion. No notice for less
than ten cents.
Webster's International
Absolutely new, with thumb index
and best binding-, is now on sale at the
office of The University Publishing Co.
If you wish the best dictionary there
is at a bargain call at once, or write,
The University Publishing Co.,
134 North 11th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.