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' The subscription price of the Deily rtebras kan le 12 for the oollece ear with a regular de iVerr before chapel each day. Notloes. oom- Branloakioni, and other matter Intended for pub cation, most be handed in at the Nebraskan etffloe before 7 p. m., or mailed to the editor be fere tp. n.,of tbedar prrrloa to that day on hlak they are expected to appear. ' Jtabaerlptlona may be left at the Nebraskan fffloe, at the Co.Op., or with Business Manager. Ittbeorlbers will confer a faror by reportln arenptly at this office amy failure to reoelre the ' JOT chances In adTertUlna- matter nut be ia Ike offlce by 8 p. m. on the day prerlous to that M which they are to appear. ddreee all communications to the Daily Ne fcraakaa, 134 N. 11 Ui Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska. h Telephone 479. Entered ut tho post, ofilro at Lincoln, Nob. am second clans mall matter The Btudenta should give to the do bates thiB w ek their undivided and enthusiastic Bupport, such as was bo onstantb manifested on the athletic Held lont fall. The student who refuses to do thin Bimply becauso ho is not a debater himself certainly is lacking in that college spirit which is absolutely oeceseary to make any university alTair a SUCC68B. I There are always a few days ut the beginning of tho semester when classes tiro small. Many students sepm to think there is no ubo in attending clnspea be fore tho instructors get the cards from the office as no rec rd of attendance can be kept. There is little use for such peoplo to attend classes at all. If an attoinment is a realized ambi tion, a student's advancement con be measured by tho height of his ambi tion. The University of Nebraska takes creat pleasure in welcoming Captain Smoko as the now commandant of ca dets. The university has not bftd a regular army officer in that position since the valiant Stoteocberg resigned to enter the Nebroska volunteers. It therefore looks forward with great pleasure to tho coming of a man who, not only has had practical experience in the field but also the rigid training of a military school. It is hoped that tho standard of the cadet battallion will be up to the standard of Pershing ond Stotsenberg. CONE, The Installment Tailor; 115 North 11th. DEBATERS DRAW 1'LACEJR. Tho debating ue&ocirtion held a short mooting yestorday aftornoon at 2 p. m. Tho candidates for the interstate do batos wore allowed to draw lots for tho sides thoy aro to represent in the com ing contests. On tho question of Muni cipal Ownership the following aro to dofond tho affirmative. Messrs. Moior, Maxwoll, Baldwin, Willots, Kelley, Smith and Kutcher. Tho negative will be supported by Messrs. Tobin, Milok, Lowis, Craft, North, Yoder, and Cronin On tho Itociprocity question the fol lowing will bo on the affirmative Cat lin, Loo, Clark, Hunter, and Hawthorne On tho nogative: Bracelin, Borkey, Doubt, Strayer, Atkinson and Thomas. Tho debates will be hold in tho old chapel on Wednesday and Friday oven ings. Tho Municipal Ownership ques tion is to bo discussed on tho former date and the Reciprocity question on the latter date. TheJ programs wil' bo gin promptly at 8 p. m. All those in tending to attend these deWtes should come early, as no one will bo allowed to enter tho hall while thero is a epeakor upon tho floor. O. G. Home lias been obliged to drop out of tho contest on account of ill health. This leaves twonty-tive to enter tho preliminary conteots. MAY HOLD ATHLETIC CONTEST Ad attempt will be mado this year to have several athletic contests in tho gymnasium on charter day as has been customary heretofore. Owing to tho fact that thiB building will bo occupied by the engineering department with an electrical display on the evening of February 13, it may be impossible to get the building into condition for these contests by Friday afternoon. If, how over, it is found that .thoro will be no trouble in getting the gymnasium cloar, there will be.besidos tho exhibition drill by tho Pershing Rilles, and possibly a spell-down in that company, a number of athletic contests and a bosket-ball game. PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB TONIGHT. The mooting of the Philosophical club will bo held in room 109 of tho library building tonight. Dr. Brace will give an address on The Philosophical bear ing of some recent physical generaliza tions. The addresses which have boon given at this club have been very in atructive as well as entertaining. 'Ihe one to-night promises to be especially so. All students are cordially iovitod to attend. R. 0. Langer, '04, has returned to continue his work in electrical engineer ing. He has boon absent for two years, during which time he has been in the employ of the navy department He accompanied a government vessel across tho Pacific seven times, completing tho circle of toe globe after his last trip and returning by way of New York. A 7:30 class in free-hand lettering woe started yesterday morning with a big representation of engineering students. An hour's credit will bo given to those who desire it. YOU CAN FIND IT By inserting a notice in the Daily Ne braskan at one cent a wor'l per insertion. can wear our Shoes until the cobbler is unable to find places to tack new soles on, and the uppers will still be in good shape. We are V having a special sale now. It will pay you to come in. PERKINS & SHELDON, n 29 0 STREET. T University Book Store 340 No. 11TH ST. University Books and Supplies OP EVERY "University Football Annual" will be out about Feb. 10th. Watch for it. "THE SCARLET & CREAM STORE." Tho Omah MEDICAL Tenth and Pacific Streets, The Pioneer . Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service W. J. WIUTFORD. Pnoi'jtiKTOH 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. Lost, Found and Want fitmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmLmS:f DESCRIPTION COLLEGE. Omaha, Neb. This College offers a graded course extending over four annual sossions. The advantages and re quirements of the college aro fully up to the requirements of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the association of American Medi cal Colleges, of which tbis college is member. For in formution address, EWING BROWN, Secretary DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Bjras Examined Free. Prlcaa RaaaoaabU. 1338 O Street, u- Ads in the DAILY NEBRASKAN Pay Because they reach the Students. r