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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL. 1, NO. 84.
Exhibition of Magnificent Propor
tions Being Prepared for Char
ter Day Some of the
The interesting exhibitions with
which the Electrical Engineering
Department has In former years cele
brated chartorday will be ronewed this
year with oxtra effort. Preparations
are now being made to display a
number of the latest electrical In
ventions, In the Armory and (Jhapel
on Thursday. February l.'l.
The development uf electrical work
and the discovery uf now uses ana ap
pliances aro increasing at such a rapid
rate that It is hardly posslblo for tho
general public to realize what tho ad
vances aro and much less be familiar
with them. Tho past year has boon
especially '.fruitful in bringing forth
new and startling achievements, from
among which the selection of but a
fow would furnish tho most interes
ting entertainments. In view of this
fact tho electrical engineering stu
dents have benn especially busy of lato
in order to snow as many of tho more
important discoveries as possible
with' the limited means at hand.
Tho following will bo among the
features of the exhibit:
A magnetic phonograph, a piece of
apparatus consisting essentially of
a steel tape which will retain voice
magnetically and repeat tho same as
many times as may be deslrea,
through an ordlnry telophono receiv
er. A now searchlight, which has
recontly been perfected in tho labora
tory, will be mounted on tho main
Tho water-pall rorgo where Iron,
immorsed In a pall of cold water, is
heated to a white heat.
Tho "unipolar" dynamo, a possible
solution or a problem that lias
disturbed the dreams of electricians
for many years.
Various lightning effects including
the "Jablookkopf" candles, a revival
of an interesting piece of aoparatus
used In electrical aeooration.
An electro-chomloal telophono re
ceiver whioli "talks out in meeting"
will bo in operation.
A 50.000 volt transformer Illustra
ting tho latest steps in high poten
tial power transmission. A two-piece
transformer, by which an incandes
cent lamp may bo lighted and ex
tinguished by simply moving It to
and fro on a table, there being no
electrical connection between it and
the outside circuit.
An electrical furnace will illustrate
bow calcium carbide is made. This
will be an exact reproduction of the
process used in tho largo calcium
carbide factories around Niagara
Falls, It is an industry made possible,
from a praotical standpoint, only by
the harnessing of Niagara.
Perhaps one of tho most important
features of tho exhibit, from a com
mercial standpoint, will bo tho
Nernst Lamp which will bo shown In
operation, along with all Its working
parts which may bo examined. These
lamps aro made from sixes which give
tho same light as an ordinary incan
descent lamp, to that which lseuual
to a street arc lamp. Thoy con
sumo less than 1-2 as much power
as an incandescent lamp fjr tho
same amount of lluht given out.
the cost of renewing burned out
parts Is very much less than that
for new Incandescont lamps. In fact
tnls lamp is eminently destined, on
account of Its low cost of Dperatlon,
to replace to a largo extent the gas
and electric lamps now used. Tho
Nernst lamp gives the nearest ap
proach to the quality of daylight
yet obalned. Silks may be perfectly
matched with it.
Some facts in wireless telegraphy
will also bo shown ana a number of
other things which it is not possible
at the present to enumerate.
The Nebraska Ornithological Soci
ety hold its annual meeting at tho
University Saturday. Tho forenoon
was taKcn up with a business session.
The Rev. Mr. Bates of Long Pino,
was elected president for tho ensuing
year. In the afternoon Mr. E. H.
Harbour, the retiring president gavo
his annual address. Papers of a teah
nlcal nature wero read by different
members which wore exceedingly in
teresting. The sossion was an en
thusiastic ono, delegates from Oma
ha, York, Long Pino and many other
towns of tho state being present.
The evening session was tho most
interesting of all being an illustrated
lecture on birds' nests and eggs by
Professor Brunor, and other members
of the Union.
He made an interesting talk on
the nests and nesting habits of sever-!
al species of duck in northwestern
Nebraska. Ho also explained the
different methods which ornitholo
gjsts use for getting to birds' nests
In trees which are difllcult to climb.
Ono plan is to shoot over a limb an
arrow whlc'i carries a string and by
means of this string to draw up a
rope ladder which can bo easily moun
ted by tho nost hunter. Some very
peculiar habits of birds were men
tioned by Professor Brunor among
which is tho habit of tho blrd-of-paraalso
of putting snako-sklns
around the edge of its nest as a pro
tection from other birds.
M.A. Carnkor then told of Nebras
ka birds' nests which ho nad soon.
Ho 1b much interested in tho nest of
the little green heron, commonly
known as tho shitepoke. F.H. Shoe
maker and I. S. Trostler, both of
Omaha, told briefly what they knew
about the nests of Nebraska birds.
Rumors Circulated to the Effect that
Nebraska Wants Eastern
Gamos Th Report
Provos False.
The Daily Iowan, tho publication
at tho University or Iowa gots con
siderable cheap amusement out of a
rumor that seems to be running tho
rounds of eastern papors to the
effect that the Nebraska football
team is contemplating a trip into
tho far east. Tho Iowan publishes
an article from a Philadelphia paper
to the offect that Nebraska has ask
ed Ponsylvanla, Harvard, Yale, and
Princeton for games. Tho Hawkey o
publication heads Its article "Ne:
bratka Has Jlmjams Manager In a
Bad Way Wants to Wlpo out tho
East In Football." Tho wholo arti
cle is written in a vein which, to
say tbe least, shows their usual lack
of courtesy and good taste In dealing
with other Universities.
Inquiry bore devolopes that the
story is a fake puro and simple.
Neither Manager Engel nor Chair
man Wyor knows anyhtlng about any
attempt to secure dates with any
Institution oast of Chicago. No
letters regarding games have passea
between Nebraska and tho institu
tions mentioned in tho article The
first intimation tho Nebraska au
thorities had of thu rumor in tho
oast, was contained in u letter from
Georgetown College, Washington, D.
C. in which a date on the trip was
asked for.
Tho, story Is nothing moro than
tho product of the brain of some
sensational journalist as no ono
connected with the Nebraska team
over contemplatoa such a trip.
Judgo Lambortson of thlB city
addressd the students yesterday morn
ing on tho Northern Security Com
pany which has been organized as
a lesult ot the merging of the Great
Northern, Northern Paclflo and C.
B. and Q. railroads.
At present, said Mr. Lambortson,
thoro aro about 105.000 miles of rail
road track In the United States, al
most enough to make eight belt lines
around the globe. Ot this amount,
transcontinental linos form no small
part and they are the ones which aro
now attracting attention.
Tho Great Northern occupying
about 6,416 miles of track and con
trolled by James J. Hill was built at
a very low cost. BeoaiiBe of this fact
it has been very prorninont In railroad
competition and was therefore able,
when the question of oonsolidation
arose, to dictate tho terms.
The Northern Pacific Was for a long
time the greatest competitor of this
road but with the crisis of 1893 it
was foroed into tbe hands of a re
colvor. J. J. Hill who alroady had
50,000 shares oi Groat Northern Btock
succeeded In securing 75,000 shares of
this road, too. Having attained con
trolling lntorost in both theso lines
ho desired to oxtend his hold on tho
C. B. and Q. systom as a sultablo
outlet for Chicago.
Stock in this lino was hold all over
tho United Stares and thorofore any
attempt to purchase it could not bo
concealed long.
Thereforo tho Union Pacific began
to puiohaKo stock also In tho same
road In order to cheek tho Hill move
ment. The question then arose as to
which ono had tho controlling Inter
est. , Hill and Harrlman hold about
equal Btock In tho road with a Blight
balanco In favor of II III. It was
thorofore necessary for theso two
great Interests to come to somo truce
which thoy did with J. Ploroont
Morgan as mediator. In tho parcelling
out of tho arrangement, honors
wore equally divided.
TheC. B. and y. had always been
a powerful road, being tho work of
ono great man as most largo roads
are. The Groat Northern and North
ern Pacific purchased its $110,000,000
stock for $208,000,000 lSBulng 4 per
cont bonds thorofore whloh was
equivalent to saying that thoy ex
pected an 8 per cent return on par
yaluo of stock.
Tho appearance of tho Union
Pacific in the deal made It necessary
that tho affairs bo placed under a
now arrangement. Thus tho North
ern Security Company was organized
with a caplr.al of $400,000,000 having
the control of these roaas with un
aggrogato track mlleago of aimosu
Tho now company Is a giant oonsoli
dation and will doubtless have raark
ea Influence in railroad matters. Its
purposo is to cut out wasteful com
petition and to givo to ail equal
rates. Though tho oblect might bo
good. Judgo Lambortson thought It
exceedingly dangerous to place so
much power In so few hands.
Tho girls of the high school will
givo a carnival of fun and profit at
the Auditorium Friday evening,
February 7. Tho basket ball tourna
ment promises to bo very exciting as
the winning class is to be the recip
ient of a trophy. There will be olass
work ana relay races. Fnthublasm
even now runB high. The Alunin
wearers of tho red and tho black will
give this movement hearty support.
Today Professor F. M. Fling, will
speak on Algeria.
Tomorrow State Superintendent
Fowler will discuss Publio School
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