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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1902)
r '.'. , ;, ," ".' I. !l--l' ' (. --"3' u.i , THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. s. 'fi rS i ) I if ,w v. 0 r ' i V & t v 5 sanpnannnannnnnncnnsinnnBii (BiDaQaaaiaaaaBaDaaaaDDaoS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY If aa tan sannBnnanannnnnanannngnnnB DannBBBunaBaBnaaEtaEanannnB JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Onioo 1100 O Streot, RoomB 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Telephone 535. Residence, 1B10 G Street, Tolophone L984. DR. BEN J. P. BAILEY; Dr. Mar Louise Flanagan; Office, HI South 12th Street. Telephone 618. LP. DAVIS. D. D. S., Dentist. Hridtfc and Crown work. Office room 7, over Rock Island ticket office. Phone 349. COMPLIMENTS OK THE NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY TO TIIK TNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Club rates given. John S. Cain, Propr., 130 So. Tenth A Close Shave A haircut, or anything clee yon want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Squaremeals at Square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. STUDENTS Get y o u i clothes clean ed, pressed, relined, repaired and refitted at the same old stand, WEBER SUITORIUM N.E.Cor. llth&OSts. 'Phone 708 WE SELL KODAKS 7 ;,tk P. E. DePUTRON What Do You Think of In the line of fiction, that you would like to have? Come in and look over our stock. It's always strictly up-to-date. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 Local and Personal. Eat at Hendry's, 12 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steolo, 143 So. 12th. Steele, the furrier, 143 S 12th st. Dr. Ketchum, oocullBfc; passes fitted. Georgo Gage, of Fremont, la pledKCd to Delta Tau Delta. Dr. Woodward occullst, Richards blk. Robert Mathow, who was out of school last semester, registered last week for university work. B Invitations are out for a partj to be Riven by the PI Rota Phis at Walsh hall on February 11. Miss Tompleton finished her work In the Univerlsty and will leavo Lin coln sometime this week. Eat at Don Cameron's ,11b so. 11th. For sheet music and supplies co to the Muthcws Piano Co., 1120 O street. Miss Mary Crozler and her brother Frank spent part ot examination week with their parents in Iowa. Miss Nettle Burlingaino left Satur day for her homo i n Sutton. She will not oe In school next semester. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th 8t. You will find all second Bemester books and other supplies at Brown Drug and Rook Co, 127 So. 11th st. Captain Samuel a. Smoke, the new commandant, will arrive at tho University today and will take charge of the affairs of tho military department at onco. Palace Dining hall for good meals. J. Rhodes Longley has been suffer ing for tho past few days with conges tion of tho lungs. It was feared pneumonia would sot in but he Is now improving. Tho College Settlement board is now busily cngauea in tho sale of tickots for tho lecturo to bo given by Miss Clara Morris at tho Auditorium next Thursday evening. Half of tho proceeds of tills lecture will go to the college settlement board. C. E. Brown, dentist. Burr block. Schuyler Miller writes from Paris that ho and Mr. Shedd are enjoying themselves. Mr. Miller thinks the French talk like Chinamen and they talk so fast that It requires much patience ana porsovoranco on bis part to understand them. Of courso you'll have lo keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and Q Streets Miss Pound addrosBed a claw? at Wesleyan University last week. Tho Palladians indulged In a sloigh rldo last Friday night instond of their usual literary meeting. At half past eight a big bob-sold loft tho university with a load Of young people, who for two hours and a half kept up their noise behind the jinar llng or sloigh-bolls. At cloven o'clock tho party stopped at tho homo of Clara Fowler in bouth Lincoln. Af ter a short musical program refresh ments were served and the sled was again brought Into service to tako tho travelors home. Dr. Woodward aurlst, Richards blk. CIIARTER DAY EXERCISES. The annual oharor nay program will be hold a week from next Friday. On the evening of that day tho com mencement adaress will be dellvored by don. John C. Black and tho mid year degree will bo conferred. In tho morning tho alumni organ will bo formally presented to the univer sity. The, exorcises'wlll bctrin Thursday by tho opening of tho electrical ex hibit In tho armory and by tho an nual lecturo bofore tho society of Sigma .XI in tho evening Oront X-Iiay Machine. Dr. R. T. White of Allegheny has Juat had conatructed tho largest X-ray machine in the world. It haa twenty six revolving plates 30 Inches In diam eter, and is driven by a two-horse power motor. Tho voltage is 1,000,000 and the spark Is a solid 22 inch In length. Tho next largest machine 1b In Bellovue hospital, New York, which has IG plates with diameters of 26 inches. Tho coat of tho entire plant was about 5,000. Dr. Whlto expects to roduco photographic exposures from a half hour to three or four minutes, and will mako original rosearchos in skin diseases and cancerous affections. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. Toothsome Acorns In Spnln. In reference to the excellent and nut like flavor of tho acorns of tho Ilex, which the men of the Golden Age were supposed to havo lived upon, and which havo none of tho bitterness of the common oak's fruit, the writer ie Informed by one who has a wJde knowledge of old Spain and especially of Don Quixote's country, that there is an oak there producing acorns two and one-half inches long of most admirable flavor. These are tho acorns which Sancho Panza's wife sent to the duch ess, as a specimen of -the "natural commodities" of her neighborhood. It Is on these acorns that tho pigs are fattened which supply the celebrated Spanish hams, said to be tho very best produce of the pig in any shape or country. We always wonder why Eng lishmen so seldom seem to settle In Spain, a country full of flno scenery, with most interesting posstbflities in the way of growing cattle, swine and Bheep, and absolutely the finest sport ing country in Europe, except tho Car pathian side of Hungary. Perhaps now that It is becoming the fashion for tourists to go there some may stay to nettle, and Anglicise a portion of th4 peninsula. London Exchange. The Co0p. BOOKS FOR THE 2nd Semester New and Second Hand Books of All Kinds. The Largest Stock of Second Hand Uni. Text Books in the Cit. Drawing Instruments, Supplies of all kinds Fountain Pens. at TheCoOp. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eye Examined Prec. Prices ftMsoaafele. 12380 Street, 1B8S The Pioneer Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service W. .1. WJIITFORD. Piiopiiibtox' 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. tr ? XT V T lev AX a- w w A 1 II ' 11 It u-i'i-ni.K P A no Co cd liat jllk-liiCil In town. I' iAi. . I i.l.i, i i.i In in up iu ! .tni uflur mad- gown.U pi le Ma uu never aw villi a bulla Ki loo l HOKUS - U pi dec I lce I la I eu Jlcr yoke li clear at a soarlnj hrlV Ami tier wit I, Hkc (lime Irollcy-ur iarU ! V. . r" a "lu,1,y "( .lie flits, I lie li)i all luve lonnlpilon fits! Tlie turn of her liciil lurm all ours. ton. I licre t always a strife to nil In licr e j 1 1 ciiouBt to mako a uron diuitL. I o hear her sliu; old lo-ia die lunL 1 P P P P P tf .. TU.tu... ..!. I .. IV Q ami NKXV wnuiw . .,,,1... .... . 1- .' "l" UU Tl ..ii.-. r .1 . - "j. w4-wnc, 10 many nif 11 11 ' ",c lwlilir OL1I I'AMILIAH TUNES, be- fl" )i side OLI. PAVOKITIW . and aM many NEW Snim. 11U " GONGS OP- ATT. Tilt? nm 1 rrrtTyo W r criiM, Prut, trjo,fi,ita. wou. ib. .u HINDS k Nnni p n..f,n...,. ZZ1 .. .. .. r fT. -- ---,...,., Mcir IUTKOIIJ. ii .notnoooKt 0 an publisher! at oue store. 3 V l1 IT 5 Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENT. m Portrait aid Uisdcape Ptotig rapher iao 5outh nth Street, UNCOLN, - NEBRASKA ' OALLCRV ESTABLL5UED 1871. AZGStqj&fitl '1 H 1 A I W'll !'l ' SI S V- I ' ,V .- -. t 1 l '4 si 1 A t 1. ;j i . -- (1M 4 S.J , -MJ H5 y-