The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
f 9T VpfPt -rH "ZT "? ,. ' fW " . f THE DAILY NEBRARKAN. J I. ' i b: THE OAILY NEBRASKAN 1 BiwiptMr drotd to he InUreiti of th UnlrUy of Nobr tlca. rnbllBhvd at U North 11th 8t., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. 00. (Inoorportel.) DIBKOTORSi t, yr. Crabtr, Prwldant. J.Wyw, T. J. tafiratt, B. W. W ajihbum. A CONSOLIDATION OK Tlio Hosporlun Vol. XXXI Tho NobraHkiin Vol XI Tin Hcarlot unci Croum-Vol III Bturllnir II. McCuw, ChuH. K. Wells it. t. inn, U. W. Hartxr, Chns. I. Tivylor I MunnKlnq Editor Editor hi-Clil'f DubIiicsh Munnners Assistant Editor Associate Editors. v ( iintln. II. A. McNown, II. O. Nelson. Win. Ciuii. Dan Outlubon. Inwa men and forced to turn over all tho notcR lio had taken. The Interpretation that tho Iowa people put upon tho affair 1b that they havo tho Gophers soared witless over tho coming contest and the latter In order to bo ablo to cope with tho brainy lowans sent a man down to steal tho Hawkcyc thunder. The man was probably, an ho claim ed to bo, a student stenographer do- ng praotloo work. Tho affair was considered of sufficient importance, howovor,to caiiBo oonsidorablo agita tion amons tho Iowa debaters and to furnish an oxcuso for a two-column head in tho local paper. i Th tbcTiptlon prlca of tb Dally flabrai tan la C for tha coll year with a regular do rery before chapel each day. Notices, com ruTinlcatlcm. and other matter Intended for pub loatlon, nail be handed In at the NebratVan offloe before 7 p. m.. or mailed to the editor bo fore 8 p. m., of the day preTloue to that day on hfoh they are expected to appear. Bnbicrlptlom may be left at the Nebraikan office, at the Co.Op., or with BuilneM ManoKer. Bubecrlbere will confer a faror by roportlng promptly at thla offlce any failure to reoelre the ilTchanrw In adrertlsln matter mue be In Khe offloe by 8 p. m. on the day preTloue to that Mi which they are to appear. Addreea all communication! to the Dally Ne H-aakam 134 N. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebraska. Tolephone 479. Entered lit tho post ofllce lit Lincoln, Nek as second class mull mutter The beginning of a new semester is to the student what tho beginning or a now year is to a man of the worln, a time for making new resolutions. Most BtuaentH have probably vowen to do better noxt semester hut as a rnlo theao vows aro kept about as faithfully as now year's resolutions. Tho test of a good student Is not in his intention, planned out In detail for noxt somestor but jji his ability to take up todav's work and stay by it until It Is finished. Tho toaohor sitting beforo the stu dent is to a certain oxtent an ex ample It is for her to guara her English and her grarmner with tho greatest care. For what conlidenco will tho student place in an instruc tor toachlng some study who is con tinually using bad English? And not at all dlllorent is it in the mat ter of guarding tho temper. Tho in structor who invariably loses her temper at every class porlod at tho slightest provocation certainly morits but little confidence from her class. Tho oven tenor of affairs at the University of Iowa was vioiontly disturbed tho othor day bv tho cap ture of a stenographer who had neon observed taking notes during the courso of tho preliminary ciobato to tho annual contest with Minneso ta. The culprit was nulled by two can .wear our Shoes until the cobbler is unable to find places to tack new soles on, and ffce uppers wilJ still be in good shape. We are having a special sale now. It will pay you to come in. PERKINS & SHELDON, 1 1 29 O STREET. COLLEGE READING. At tho last mcefcine of tho Univer sity convocation M. M. Fogg of tho dooartmont of English addressed tho students on ''(Jollego Reading.-' Mr. Fogg stated tna ho had asked of eighty or ninety students the follow ing questions. What standard litera ture did you read before you camo to college? What standard litoraturo did you read last year? What stan dard literaturo have you read this year? If vou have done no reading this year, why not? From tho an swers received, it appaers that manv Students hart no .insirn tn ro.nd standard literaturo, ono-lifth of them had no time, while one-half of them wero reading but woro not reading what Thomas DeQuiueey calls tho "litoraturo of power." This general apathy among students for tho higher literature Is due, said Mr. Fogg, largely to tho fact that tho secondary schools arc really starving the soul to food tho intellect and fall to cultivate, by means of literaturo, a sense of beauty, but are turning out souls as dry as tho multiplica tion table. Mr. Fogg assured tho young men that thoro was ample tlmo for reading during the oollego career. Tho strenuousness of the coming years will bo so great that tho student will look back upon ti is college days as ones of leisure. Tho young men Instead of reading tho Black Cat and young women instead or reading Munsoy, could employ tboir tlmo to better advantage by reading some standard author. The University Book Store 340 No. 11TH ST. University Books and Supplies OF EVERY DESCRIPTION "University Football Annual" will be out about Feb. 10th. Watch for it. "THE SCARLET & CREAM STORE." NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE CONE, The Installment Tailor 115 North 11th. HOW TO STUDY THE 151 BLE. Yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock Dr. RowlanaB addressed tho Y.M.C. A.. meeting in Union hall. Ills ad dress was thoroughly enjoyed by all. 2 He said in part: "Study tho Bible to know it, to know tho books, and to bo aDlo to point to passages that will prove dolinlto question?. Study ing by topics is the most approved method. Tako tho great natural division of ttio Old Testament and Btudy oach lor Its historical value, for Its value as litoraturo and as a devotional hblp in spiritual life. It is not sufficient to read the Uihle, Christ said 'Search the Scriptures.' Study tho Blblo becauso It contains tho groat truth of life. Study tho Bible, and not about it." BOYD BUILDING, 17T1I AND HARNEY STREETS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Established Nino Years. A School Without a Superior. Employs the Ablest Teachers. BOOK-KEEPING, Actual Bubinoss from tho Start. BANKING, Aa it iB practiced. TYPEWRITING, The Touch Method. SHORTHAND, Uraham and Orogg Systems. ENGLISH, Practical aud thorough. BMBEifrH&ffH Sectional view of uctual Business and Hanking- Department. Eudorsed by high school principals, leading business men and official court reporters. Absolutely thorough. The finest aud most thoroughly equipped institution in the West, 84,(100 invested in standard typewriters. 13,500 llankjng and other fixtures placed in actualgbnsinoss department. Ele gant roll-top desks ordered for Commercial Department. Another floor httB been leased that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over 00 PER CENT of lastyoai's enrollment. Students mayienter any time. Address Chancellor Andrews addressed a farmer's Instltuto at Teouniiseh Saturday night. ZZ' YOU CAN FIND IT By inserting a notice 9 -the Daily Ne braskan at one cent a wor'l per insertion. A. C. ONG, A. M., LLB. Pres. Omaha, Neb. Write for elegant, Catalogue free. Lost, Found and Want Ads' in the.,... DAILY NEBRASKAN Pay Because they reach the Students. 4