The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
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VOL. 1, NO. SX
Preliminary Contests to be Hold
Wodnesday and Friday Evo
ning Two Questions to ,
bo Discussed.
The preliminary debato at which
will be selected by four members of
the faculty the Interstate debating
squad, will take placo Wednesday and
Friday evenings of this week.
That this week's contest will bo
for the student br dy ar.d tho public
generally the n:oit interesting held
at tho university for years there is
no doubt whatever, becauso the
twenty-six candidates for places on
the inloiKtato team are picked men
-men who stand the searching tests
of the genuine debater. The absence
of the weaker aspirants who last yi-ar
swelled the list to sixty and two years
ago in soino seventy, ensures a con
test between the ablest men, that will
furnish a two hours' program which,
from start to finish, will keeD the
judges guessing and interest and en
tertain the crowd. On Wednesday
evening fourteen debaters will arguo
the question which Nebraska will de
bute here In March with Colorado
College and at Columbia, Missouri,
with tho University of Missouri, in
May: Resolved. That American
cities of over 100,000 population should
own their facilities for surface trans
portation. On Friday twelve men will debate
the reciprocity question the negative
of which Nebraska supports bore
against the University of Kansas in
April: Resolved, That the United
States should, bv means of appropri
ate concessions in its tai ilT duties,
extend its export trade ana culti
vate amity with other nations.
From tho original list of thirty
candidates, four have wltdrawn Mr.
Overturf, becauso he will nob bo in
college next semester; and Messrs.
Morrow, Noton and "Stull. on ac,
count of tho press of other work.
From these twonty-slx contestants
tho committee Professor Taylor and
Professor Ross, In whoso departments
tho-questions lio; Professor Caidwell
and Professor Fling will choose tho
fifteen who glvo evldcnco of being
tho most skillful in debate. Tho
selection w'U be mado irrespective
of which question the candidate
happens to bo arguing on.
The new plan of selecting the mem
bers of tho interstate teams from
tills squad of fifteen, has already
been desrrlbers in these columns.
Tho dobators on the municipal ques
tion Wednesday evening will be
Messrs. Baldwin, F. .!. Kelly, C. A.
Kutcher, Thorn ao Maxwell, W. F
Meier, P. II. Smith, Mr. Willetts,
William Yodor, John Milek, H. II.
Levis, C. P. Crart, C. ('. North and
John Tobin.
Friday night's program on the re
ciprocity question will consist of
arguments by W. II. Catlin. J. L.
Clark. S.C. Hawthomo, Mr. Hunter,
O.G. Home, G.A. Lee. M.C. Atkin
son, C. J. Rurkcv, C. M. Rracelen,
J.C. DouDbt, II. G. b'trayer and I). E.
On Saturday evening, January 2f,
the University basket ball team
defeated tho city Y.M.C.A. team
in the most exciting game of the sea
son. Captain Koehler and li is able
supporters played with a vim and
energy characteristic of professionals.
The first half was decidedly in the
Y.MC.A.'s favor, resulting in trie
score of 17-7. With renewed deter
mination the defenders of the scarlet
and cream began to even up the score
in tho seconn half. Corfcelyou and
Ilagenslck dm commendable work
as forwards while Koehler and Ray
mond as guards spoiled many antici
pated goals for the visitors. Pills
hury at center, found a lively oppo
nent in Hancock but b foro the game
elided had shown him equally as
good opposition. Wilber Andreson, a
former player on tho team played Tor
ward for the Y.M.C.A. in a manner
which proved him to bo worthy of
the position, yet with Koehler as his
guard, the number of successful goals
were few. The final score was :12-."I0.
After tho game had boen ended, a
few of the Y.M.C.A. enthusiasts
attempted to claim tho game by as
serting that the official scorer CM.
Beard, had nob credited Andreson
with enough goals in the second hair.
Referee Coat?, who is physical trainer
for the Y.M.C. A.'s, was parsirided
to tako tho side of tho visitors and
declared tho game for tho Y.M.C.A.
The universal decision of the audi
ence was in favr of the University,
despito the feeble attempts of the
Y.M.C.A. to change the result.
The university team has always played
honest basket bail and desires to
meet players of its kind.
During intermission a game was
nlayed between the second University
team and tho second Y.M.C.A.
team, in which tho former again
triumphed by the score of 40-9.
Thomas at forward, Ferguson, cen
ter ai.d Elliot as guard did excellent
work on the University team.
Tho convocation assignments and
subjects for this week arc as follows:
Monday, Hon. G. 1. Lambertson,
Northern Securities Consolidation.
Tuesday, Professor hti. Fling.
Wednesday, State Superintendent
Fowler, Public School Work.
Thursday, Dean Davis, California
as I knew it.
Friday, Paul Clark, Municipal
R. W. Harbor Ohoson Prosident After
an Excitiilg Contest Class
Song and Poom to
Be Selected
The Senior class met, Saturday
afternoon In the old' cliapol. and
elected officers for the second semes
ter. A vigorous and oxcltlng contest
for tho presidency resulted in the
selection or R. W. Harbor. As many
as eight candidates vere in tho held
at one time. All but live, however,
dropped out boforo Saturday. Messrs
E. D. Hanlon, D. E. Thomas R. C.
James, R.W. Harbour, ann W.II. O'
Council, wero nominated. On the in
formal ballot the vote Btood Hanlon 7.
Harbor :n, O'Connell 5), James H and
Thomas 10, James and Hanlon then
On the first formal ballot, the vote
stood Harbor 4(i, Thomas H7, O'Con
nell I, ana James 10, Harbor having
received the majority of all votes
cast was declared elected. Mr. Har
bor was called forward at this time
and responded with a speed).
The other officers elected were:
First Vice President, A.M. Voss;
Second Yleo President, Clara Fow
ler; Secretary, Mabel Wilson; Treas
urer, S. D. Clinton; Class Represen
tative, Carroll Powers; Historian,
Myrle Davis; Sergeant at Arms, V.C.
A committee will bo appointed by
the president to select a class song and
class poem.
The Juniors celebrated their Tom
Tom on Saturday night at the Alpha
Theta Chi house. Owing to some
unexplainable reason tho attendance
did not come up to what was expect
ed but those who went wero well re
paid. Owing to tho fact that last
week was examination week, the
comnntteo found some difficulty In
advertising the celebration as well as
was desired and many no dount were
unaware of what It really was.
Tho entertalnmont for the evening
was general jollity among thoso pres
ent. Painted clay pipes wero presented
to every one as souvenirs of the occa
sion. Tho name Tom Tom was in
part for tho purpose of lending dig
nity to what otherwise may have
boen called a "Smoker". Fruit
and sweet cider wero also on hand
and contributed to tho evening's on
tortainment. Later In tho ovoning
those present wero resolved into a com
mitteo of the whole to discuss plans
for tho remainder oLthu year and to
look up matters of class business.
Evorvone was forced to mako a
speech and theso varied all the way
from stories and Jokes to exhorta
tions to class spirit and "toasts" on
the rest of the class who took so
little class interest as to refuse to at
tend anything which was for (too pur
pose or arousing enthusiasm In tho
class and university and to avail them
selves of the opportunity of becoming
acquainted with tho rest of tho class.
Toasts wero proposed to tho "Junior
Girls," the " University,!' tho
"Junior Class" and to tho "Basket
Ball Team" and innumerable others.
The Tom Tom broko up at a late
hour bf having flash lights taken of
thoso present.
Tho Nebraska chapter of the Chi
cago University club will hold its an
nual banquet nt the Lincoln hotel on
February lfi, at (1 pm. Professor W.
G. Lang worthy Taylor who is now
holding his second term as president
of tho club, is putting forth evory
effort to mako tho affair a success.
Several d languished guests will bo
present. The most notable of these
will be Professor J. Laurence Laugb
lin of Chicago University. Professor
Laughlin has a national reputation as
an economist and will therefore re
ceive a royal welcome on his visit to
Nebraska. Chancellor Andrews will al
so address the club. All students who
arc interested in Chicago University
are cordially Invited to attend tho
banquet. Professor Taylor has left
tic) ets at the exccutivo office where
they may be procured.
A few students confused tho tlmo
of registration with the time when
the special registration feo applies.
Examination and registration days
wero January 27 to February 1 inclus
ive, but In case any student was un
able to register during this time regis
tration can be mado until Saturday,
February 8.
I The Regent's rulo reads as follows:
This feo is charged to any student,
not excused for cause by the Chan
cellor, who seeks to register or re
register later than the sixth week
day of any semester. Any modifica
tion whatever of a registration is
regarded as a ro-registrabion.
Students may register any time
this week until fi pm. Saturday
wlbhoub the payment of the special
reuisbrablon fee.
President Strayer of tho junior class
has appointed tho committee to tako
charge of tho class party to bo given
in tho armory about March 1. It 8
as follows: R.C. Pollard. Chairman;
Hartor, Hamilton; Misses Moier and
The Bible study work in tho Y.M.
CA. course is going on well, dieroaro
lo:i men enrolled. S3voral nf tho
students will tako Professor Wilson's
courses tins semester. The courses
aro especially helpful in Old Testa
ment history, and Prophecy.
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