The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 24, 1902, Image 1

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    t Theaily Nebraskan
B A7T4T 1 -viva
r. x, iu. oa V LINCOLN, NEB., FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1902.
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Agricultural StudentDecidto Pub
lish Monthly Beort-0uld
Keep Graduates In uch
With Bchoa
?bo Agricultural Hf-.iiJLa io.nnin
l)n bold its annual elctlon of officers
,","", gww rarm M,i8 woek. Bo-
sides the election f offlcors, much
business of importance was transact
ed. The meeting was a very enthusias
tic one. About two hundred mem
bers of the association being pres
ent. Various plans for the promo
tion of' interest in agrioulture col
lege and the experiment station work
were discussed. It was Anally de
cided to publish a monthly bulletin
te be under the control of the associa
tion, but in direct charge of the
professors in tho school of agricul
ture. The bulletin will contain arti
cles on agricultural topics of Inte
rest by professors nnd students, De
sides giving reportB of investigations
at the experiment station. The pub
lcatlon of tho bulletin will belgn
about March 1 and will be sent to the
members of the association through
out the state.
The deep Interest taken by the
students in the work being dono at
the college and the desire to keep
in touch with it after starting in
tho spring is shown by the rapidity
and ease with which the sum or $135
was raised for the publication of the
The officers of the association el
ected were as follows: President,
H. S. Wilson: Vlce-Preslaent, B.
Malben; Secretary-Treasurer, E. A.
Rev. Mr. Manss of the First Congre
gational Church of Lincoln addres
sed the student convocation and mem
bers of the Stock Breeders associa
tion yesterday at convocation on the
Bubject, "The Psychology of Relig
ion." lie said in substance: The newest
phase of the problem of religion re
ligion on a scientific basis is creat
ing now standards for religious life.
Each mind, raco, or people has a pe
culiar conception of his relation to
God. Religion is a part of humanity,
therefore two religions are too many
for one individual. Religious concep
tions and views can be analyzed and
modified In the individuals. In Am
erica jellgon 1b a biological term.
The missionary problem of tlje nine
teenth century shows ub that racial
phases of religion occur. A compara
tive Btudy In this connecciomjxplulni
bow cricb religion contributes to the
other. All men are in their religion,
fundamentally the same; In expres
sion, vastly dl Heron t.
From tho standpoint of psvchology
various systems of pyschological and
religious thought are manifest. En
vironment Is the great factor and
overy phase changes as tho environ
ment is modified.
Tho two Important problems of the
church today aro, why aro the con
versions largly of persons from 15 to
21 years of ace, and why are tho men
gradually leaving the cnurch?
The young people's societies prove
injurious to the cburob, and probably
account for tbls state of affairs. Wo
aro also diverting religion from tho
defects of the individual. Such relig
ion causes nerve fatiguo. Religion
should bo handled moro scientifically.
Religion in tho past has been too sen
timental and has not appealed to tho
phlegmatic naturo of tlio adult man.
Intense and broad thinkers typified
tby the man of affairs of the nine
teenth ceqturv; and the phlegmatic
those of Blow deliberate action and
great will power compose the best
minds of the communities. Religion
Bhould appeal ttfbro bo tho roason and
less to the emotions if stability of
thought and more active adult mem
bership is desired.
A full rounded conception of relig
ion today would broaden and deepen
tho standards of thought, that men
of scntimont, action and reellnf may
all have a place In theology and the
churoh. A study of religion with the
comprehension of all tho four tem
peraments of men will create a new
religion for the twentieth century.
Registration days are Monday,
January 27 to Saturday, February l,
All students are urged to make
prompt, studied and exact registra
tion for noxt semester.
Plan your work before registering
In order to avoid changes afterwards.
Study tho program and see hp&t
the hours for which you register do
not' conflict.
Pay at tho Treasurer's Office sec
ond semester Incidental fee and pre
sent receipt when you register.
See that your required work Is
oomDleted or provided for. Register
for .the necessary number of hours.
All students who enter the Univer
sity this year for the first time, also
all unolassed students register with
the Enrollment Committee University
Hall 104. All others register at Reg
istrar's Office.
The- historical society has received
.. :
Madison, .New Jersey, a large num
ber of reports of tho Methodist con
ferences in Nebraska, reaching back
twenty or cnircy years.
Close Contest With Y. M. 0. A. Team
To-morrow Night Looked For
One of Threo State Cham
pionship Games.
Tho game of basketball which will
be played In tho armory tomorrow
svenlr.g will he an oxoitlng contest.
Tho two teams aro probably more
evenly matched than any other two
teams In tho stato. Between them
lies the stato basketball champion
ship. Last year tho Y.M.C.A. won
from the University in ono of the
most fiercely contested games of the
season. This year Captain Koehlor'H
men hope to reverso the result of
last year. With tbd Improved
team and Individual work that the
team has shown this early in the
season and the support that ought
to be givon by tho student body there
Is every reason to believe that Ne
braska will come out of the gamo
with flying colors. Neither Captain
Kooliler nor his men anticipate easy
victory. Tho Y.M.C.A. team been
practicing with all diligence during
the last few days and as the team is
made up to a large extent of old and
practiced raon Its strength can easily
be understood.
The great importance of this game
to tho University lies in the fact
that it Is one of a series that will
be played to doolde the state
regents with regard to dropping work
without permission is beginning to
bo approbated by the few who have
not glren It serious consideration.
Permission to reregister or to regis
ter In tho continuation of work care
lessly dropped will bo granted only
upon tho payment of the $3 registra
tion fee.
Elmer Sbinbur, ex-'02, who is In
the employ of the government en
gineering department at Havana,
Cuba, is about to start on a trip
around the Island for the purpose of
gathering data for a reconnalsons man
It is interesting to note that the
"Engineering News," in spenklng of
the installation of electrlo motive
power in the New York Central
Railway Company's, tunnel to avoid
the repetlton of such disastrous
wreoks as ocourred a few weeks ago,
says that "For several months the
company has had Mr. B. J. Arnold.
M. Am. Inst. E. E., at work upon
plans for such aystem: and It Is said
that announcements of the adoption
of these plans Is shortly to be made."
Mr. Arnold received the degree of
Electrical Engineor from this Uni
versity in 1890.
The sophomores in Engineering
should bear in mind that Elemen
tary Mechanics (C. 133. 18) given next
semester must precede Mechanics of
"Materials (0. E'. 27) which, ig requir
ed in duo nrsc semester or the junior
year. The regular aennennh nf!
"bridges'" upon tb'ls course makes ifc
'imperative fcbftb-tbolTll-engineerlng
nbuueuui 'especially ao not overlook
EfiP m? .flfynp boara,pr;
The fourth international conven
tion of the student Vol upjioer ove
rrent will bo hold at Toronto, Cana
da, February 20 to March 2. Stu
dents will do sent as delegates from
tho institutions of higher learning
from all sections of tbo United
States and .Canada. It is probable
that 500 institutions will bo repre
sented. Delegates to tbo number
of 2500, comprising not only stu
dents, but professors, national relig
ious leaders, returned missionaries,
representatives of Foreign MlBSlon
Boards, and Editors of relllglous
papers, will bo entortaiucd by the
citizens of Toronto.
The program will consist of ad
dresses durlnr the moining and
evening sessions and seotlon meetings
for tbo consideration of missions
from tbd standpoint of phases of
work, missionary lands and denom
inations represented.
The addresses given will deal with
the obligation of promoting ' the
missionary enterprise the meansess en
tlal tp its success and its relation: to
the students of this continent. The
most capable leaders of this great
movement throughout the world will
he present and teach from the rich
ness of their experience. University
of Nebraska will be represented by
six or eight delegates at this great
student gathering.
Tbo sophomore class met yesterday
morning at ten o'clock In tbo old
chapel and elected officers for noxt
semester. The girls were much in
evldonco among the hundred mem
bers present and they did not fall to
let their voices be heard. The meet
ing was onthusiastio but there was -a
total lack of wrangling. For some
reason the spirit of strife was dormant
and tho secretary was instructed to
cost a unanimous ballot for each
nominee. The offlcors elected were:
E. F. Davis President. Alta Ko
ken, Vice President Lulu Xing'
Secretary. Earl Eager, Treasurer. R.
A. MoNown, Soraeant-at-Arm.
The meeting adjuurned in fifteen
minutes after tho call to order.
Senator 'Willard has ordered the pub
lication of the nqw censussent to
the Historical Suolety. J. 'A. Barrett
the .librarian of historical soqlety. lis
searching for some published
maps of Nebraska which are ac
curate. As yet he has been unable
to find one. i
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