The Daily Nebraskan n VOL. 1, NO.-?0 XI LINCOLN, NEB., TUESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1902. THREE CENTS ! AGRICULTURE SCHOOLS Professor Davenport Says Thoir Con nection with Universities is Advantageous Isola tion UndeBirablo. Professor E. Davenport, Dean of the Illinois collego ot agriculture and Regent E. ton Forrol Rave brief talks -before the Univorslty convocation yesterday morning. Professor Davenport who is in at tendance at the meeting of the No Ijraska live stock association, gavo a short discussion of the aeslrablllby of having the University composed of riilloront schools. Regarding the question of conducting an agricultur al school In connection with the Uni versity, much doubt has been going on soroo holding that it would not be to the Interest of either. How ever, he salo, thcro were strong reas ons whv tho two should work togeth er. Tho University on tho whnlo Is the embodiment of all kinds of thought, literary, scientlDc, legalete. For this reason there is not only co-education as Is commonly understood but also oo-eoncatlon of different schools. The University thon Is in reality a little world oy Itself whero BtudentB can find those who aro to represent the .active life for which thsy aro prepar ing. Tho stuaent of law, when he en ters into thopractloal world, will not bo thrown among lawyers alone, but itmonir men representing all the pro fessions. Then the college training should bo such as to prepaio the stu dent bThcluing him to oultivato tho acquaintance with other ideas than those in which he is directly interes ted. The ease of the agricultural school is not different. It should not be isolated from the rest of tho colleges, but thrown into the same environment as these. The University will then present the whole mass, though the upper strata it is truo. And according to its principle of heredity, said Pro fessor Davenport, it is from this that all greatness must come, and cot as is "sometimes supposed, from anticident greatness. Professor Davenport was pleased to see that the University of Nebraska had an agricultural school in connection with the other colleges, thus giving each the benefit of ming ling with tho other Regent Forrel Impressed upon tho students the necessity of keeping two things in view while striving for a college education. To gain power ac companied by the ability to do was tho first thing to bear in mind. But without the second object in mind tho training would doubtless result In failure. This object Is the getting of an inspiration for a deslro to do. When the student leaves collego with the ability to do and tho desire to do ho has tho two qualities that are abso lutely essential to success. The world wants men ror what, they can do and not for what thoy thinK. COURSES IN ENGINEERING. It will be possible for a limited number of students to begin work in the machine shop, next semester, taking the regular work listed as Mechanical Enigneering f. Students taking this work must hare had Me chanical Elgnecring 1. 2, and n. and preferably 4 as well. Eight or ten men are all that can bo accommodated and assignment of days for work can only be roada after forming tho section in Mechanic al Eglnoering 0. Persons desiring to tako this work should confer with 0. R. Richards at once. A class in Mechanical Engineering 80 (tho heating and ventilation of buildings, two hours credit) will be organized by Mr. Elsworth, provid ing six or more students register for tho work. Any one desiring to tako this work should leave his namo with C. R. Richards as soon as possible. Courses in electrical engineering, for tho sccord semestor, will be as follows: Courses No. 2, 0, 8 (I). 8 (II), 10, 12, 10, 18, 20, and physics No. J2. A time schedule is posted In Me chanic Arts Building. ENGINEERS MEETING. Tho meeting of the Engineering Society lact night was taken up by a iroueral. informal discussion of wlnd ralllB. Mr. Payne, instructor in tho machlno shop, told of tho principles employed in a windmill factory nf which ho was superintendent. Messrs Dorman and Kallasch describ ed a test which they had under way on Professor Barbour's model. Messrs. Dempster, Swoboda and Posolsll, uavc interesting talks on various brands of windmills, home mado and otherwise. in the business meeting following, tho book committee reported excel- ent progress on tho Engineer's an nual. BASKET BALL. The game to he played In tho Ar mory baturday evening batween the University bakset ball team and the city Y. M. C. A. team promises to bo a very exciting ono. There Is enough rivalry between tho two teams to oauso each to put forth ovory effort to win. Tho Y. M. O. A. team Is an excep tionally strong one. Tho men are practicing on an average of 'three times a week. Mr. Coats, tho Y. M. C. A. phyiscal director and a man of wide oxporlonco in all kinds of ath letics, is coaching tho men. This team won tho state champion ship last year. Tbrco old men are again playing their positions. Tho team is as follows: Andresen, (Capt. ), F; Hammel, F; Hancock, 0; Benedict, G; FieluB, G. ASSOCIATIONS MEET Dairymen and Stock Breeders Hold Sessions at tho University University Men Participate. Two very interesting programs wore given last night at tho Unlvoristy, ono in tho old ohapol by tho Nobras ka Dairymen's Association, the other in Memorial hall by the Livo Stook Breeders Association. The University cadet band favored both audiences with a fen choice selec tions of muBic. The meeting of the dairymen was doubtless tho most popular us ndicated by the large attendance of women who were interested In tho program. Chancollor Andrews welcomed the association to tho Univreslty which ho said was unusually fortunato In being able to secure all theso associa tion meetings. Theso wero oppor tunities that wero rarely had at other instltuioos of the country. In a short address (short because he believed that the shortness of his addresses was the reason for his be ing asked to speak so often) he show ed tho desirability of pushinc tho dairy industry in Nebraska which ho bollcved could mako tho greatest state in tho union in this industry. There would always be a market for good butter as thcro had been from prehistoric times. Tho way to suc ceed in this work was to make use of nature, which, he said, was always free to give but liked to be asked with propriety. Acting Governor Steele, In behalf of Governor Savago and tho state welcomed the association of dairy men. -' The audience was then favored with a vocal sojo by tho celebrated Jules Lombard of Omaha. The very presence of Mr. Lombard was tho signal for applause and, ho was oblig ed to respond with an encore. The principal address of tho even ing was thon gien by Mrs. JSertlm D. Laws of Minnesota, on tho "American Girl in tho Home." To her mind the dairv cow is the sub Ject of more attention and Is better fed than any other animal in Amer ica. The farinors gave more atten tion to the cow valued at fifty dollars than thoy do to the human help which Is Invaluable. Tho necessity of educating the girls to a placo in a hoffle was tho main theme of her able address. No girl, she said, could not bo considered a real success, no matter what her accomplishments, who was unable to mako a home. The tend ency in America is for parents to edu cate thoir daughters in overy other way than for house keeping. Women are rapidly taking up work formerly performed by men and aro oolng it creditably, yet, said Mrs. Law, the greatest calling on earth for the Amorlonn girl is tho making or homo. """ At the mooting of the llvo stooK breeders association In Memorial hall addresses wore givon on "The breeders of pure-bred Btock and the ranchmen;" "Some legal aspects for tho trade in pure-bred stook;" "Hearing ynupg booves for market." Meetings Will bo held both tho fore noon and .tho evening. J ' ' I 1 M I I II I l NEW DAILY. BbARD. Tho Dally takes pleasuro in an nouncing its now board of editors. Tho list Is not yet oumploto but will bo added to as promotions can be made from tho lower positions of tho staff. Thoso morabors of tho board of associate editors who buow special litness for tho work will bo advanced to tho rank of assistant editors Tbero will always bo positions open to thoso who show abilltv and relia bility. The staff until further notice will bo made up as follows: Robert T. Hill, Assistant Editor; R. A. Mc- Nown. V. C. Batlo, H. G. Nelson and Wm. Caso Associato Editors. Thoso having news items of interest are requested to hand them to any of theso. In addition to the above MIbs Clara Glover will havo charge of Y. W. C. A . news ano Dan Gutle ben will rotalnhls position as reporter for the engineering departments. BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT POSTPONED. The girl's basket ball tournament, advertised for early in February, has been postponed out of courtesy tn the Lincoln blirh School team. Tho lat ter has decided bo havo an inter Koholastlc competition and carnival. and has selected as tho date, Febr uary 7. NEW FELLOWSHIP IN PIlYSICb ENDOWED AT PENNSYL VANIA. Mrs. Thomas K. Conrad, tho daugh ter of tho lato John Prlco Frazcr, has contributed tho sum of four thousand dollars, wnich, with previ ous subscriptions, complete tho en dowment necessary lor a Fellowship, viz: Ten thousand dollars. Tho now fellowship will be In tho Depart ment of Physics and will bo knorn as "Tho John Fries Frazor Fellow ship." Mr. Frazer, in whose mom ory this fellowship has beon estab lished, was born in PhlladolDbla on July 8, 1812. His father Robert Fra zer was a member of class of 1760 College. Ho entered the Junior Glass in 1828, and received tho degree of LL. D. from Harvard in 1857. He was moderator of tho Phllomatoan Society, and shared tho lirst honors with James Claric, and was Valedic torian or bis class. Was First Assis tant Geologist of tho Geological Survey of Pennsylvania and Vice President of tho American Philoso phical Society. Ho held tho Professor ship of Natural Philosophy and Chom istry at, the University of Pennsyl vania, 1844-72 and was Vice-Provost of tho university, from 1853-08. 0 r .: 'V t i j. ', , ' K f,.,