TUB DAILY KBBRABKAN. I & pnonaiacinQDaGaisncnbnnii SDBngDaaacaDaaaDaDEiQf na PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 18 SSSSgSgSSSgggSgSSSSBiESS JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 110Q O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Telephono 635. Residence 1810 G 8tre.t, Telephone L984. DR. BBNJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flanagan; Office, 141 South 12th Street. Telephone 618. LP. DAVIS. D. D. ., Dentist. Bridgo and Crown work. OHice room 7, over Rock Island ticket office. Phone 349. Compliments of the NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Football team especially invited to call and en joy a nice clean entertainment and healthful cxerciso Club rateB given. Joun 8. Cain, Propr., 130 South Tcntn. A Close Shave A haircut, or anything olee you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. C. A. Barukr Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Squaremeals at 'square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST tHill&Co.ifflake: clean your sails with I&IT 1222 0 Street. Phone A672 KODAKS SELL 117 NORTH nth 5TRBBT. D. E. DcPUTRON What Do You Think of In the line of fiction, that you would like to have? Come in and look over our stock. It's always strictly up-to-date. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET. Yale Bros. Laundry 1514 o St. Phone 754 YOU CAN FIND IT By inserting a notice in be Daily Nc bratfton at one cent a vror! per lns?r-tion. sac FOR STRICTLY High Class Work Local and Personal. Eat at Hendry's. 12 N. 11th. Fine furs. Steele, 143 So. 12th. Tho Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th Bt. C. K. Brown, dentist. Burr btoc'.r. Steele, the furrier, 1 13 3 12th ,st. Bass Photographic ytrcct. Mono bettor. Studio. 1O20 O A special Fale of shoes at Webster & Rogers. lO-l.'t O street. For sheet music and to the Mathews. Piano street. supplies go Co., 1120 O In order to insure a good louse for the University and Y. M. C. A. game Saturday night, Manager Mor roll has arranged with the Y.M.C. A. boys to jivo one complimentary ticket lor every livo ttckots sold, The same prlvlleze will be extended to all students. Tickets mav be ob tained f rotr. Manager Morrcll. The Nebraska Academy of Science will meet in the botanical lecture room on Friday afternoon and also on Satur day of this week for its annual ses sion. Paporswill be read by tho mem bers on many topics of scientific in terest. Mrs. Clements has mad-i a sot of charts Illustrating tho minute struc ture of the wheat kernel, for tho do partent of animal husbandry. Dean Horsey as been nominated as one of Llie two members of tho "Ceu eral Committoo" or the International Association of Botanists. Dean Hesscy has added the Century Dictionary and Atlas to the useful appliances in his oflice. There will be a basket-ball game in tho Armory Saturday evening when the University first team will play against tho Lincoln Y.M.C. A. team. After which tho University second team will play agalsc the Y. M. C. A. second team. The first year Domestic Science girls have taken up tho study of Food with Its relation to tho body, this week. The first year Pomestic bclencc girls cooked veal In tho form of outlets and veal loaf yesterday after noon. Miles Board man, of Overton, Is visiting tills week with V. O Batio, '02. Of course you'll have to ke?p your room warm this wint r Gregory, the Coal Man lias the Stun! Elevepth and O Streets m,j jf .-gJa"J ' T' 'IT SEND TO THE EVANS. "LOST AND FOUND NOTICES" in the Daily Nebriiskan, one cent per word per in sertion. No notice for less than ten cents. The State IIlBtorlcai Society has two volumns Just ready to go to press. Tho larger ono will contain about H00 oges, consisting, of the. Tipton papers. The Old Territorial Pioneers Asso ciation which consists only of pioneers who were In Nebraska before it bo camo a state, are Irving to unite with the State Historical Society. They have placed their headquurteis in Lincoln, and made Mr. Parrot of tho State Historical Society their secretary. The work which tbc second yar Domestic Science girls are doing in the serving of meals, Is provlr.2 very benellclal.Jand they arc getting a more practical kowlcdge of the work, than In anything else so far. Ilcta Theta Pi will give an Infor mal party Friday evening at, the chapter house. C. K. Aoams, '!)(', was a visitor the Hot a house Tuesday. at Ilela Theta 1'i will givo a smo kei to the various fraternities of tho University Saturday evening. Tho Eleventh Hour Club met with Misses Ilroon and iluchanan last Saturday cutting after the business meeting, the gas was put out and the girls roatsed marshmallown over wax candles and discussed topic's dear to feminine hearts. Fred West will not be in school next semester. Mr. Shaw formerly in tho Uni versity, who was first elected princi pal of the Bennett schools ana later on to the samo position in tho Sew ard schools, has resigned at tho for mer and accepted the latter. A part of Dr. Luckoy's class Id systems or education is doing obser vation ana caaet work In the city schools. Chancellor A. Phillips was recently choteo Captain of Company H, second regiment Nebraska National Guard. IPs Company is stationed at Aurora. '- .. California Southoni Californli ita lovoly so. sldj roBcrtp, oraoo (j oven beautiful gardon? and quaint old mlesion towns arj Visited Every Year by thousands of tourlate who travel Over the Union pacific bocaiue it io tho best and quick est route and the only line run ning through tra!ns to Califor nia from Omaha In addition to tho Pullman Pal ace Slcvp?iH tho Union Pa cific runs Pullman Ordinary Bloepore ovory day. Train Leaving Lincoln at 1:45 P.M. These Ordinory Core are Per sonally Conducted ovory Tuos day mid Thursday from Chicago and ovory Wednesday and Fri day from Omnha. A Pullman Ordinary Sloepor also h avoe Omuha every Tuesday at 11:30 p. m. for Los Angoles. Full information cheerfully fun ished upon application. K. II BLOSSOM, Aent DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Tree. PrlMi Reaionuble. 1338 O Street, UBS8!F The Pioneer Barber Shop... Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service J. WHITFORD, PJKH'iMKTon 111) South 11th St., Lincoln, Xeb. Use Maxwell's Chocolates ...FOR.,. Wounded Feelings.. R. W. MAXWELL CO. MakersofOood Chocolates, uitt O Street and 200 South 11th Street Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENT frrtnit i taistofe fttfifrtfkir iae Sttth nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. ALLBRY ESTABLISHED 1871. yQfafy 1m r eJ '-7 ?u " 3v& . v a ' i AH ..Ur -'' .P M , .: tkJb 4fhig jfafHOWM. iu'CJUiiikJkkatbtik Av W it . &m.. 1 f