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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1902)
WT ' --1 -Z-- ' -M -7fyw'Ty?'yP?W'' ri .I'lUr" . ?tf&'tf?l f"u,.;-' r'J?r " -!. ' .. - - I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. 41jlL A m. (. ' m m vfiMuwi' Vyv fr U I - f i 1 i. PS t? .. ., 'J I I t K i ( , hs 'j- k t '.". k'v U f T 41. i, ; i?; I r- c. T I ;" i -!- w TH DAILY NEBBASKAN 1 Bnrtppr daTotad to the lntereiti ox tht Unlrartltr of Nobra ka. FublUhed at U North 11 tb St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. 00. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS i f. W. Crabtro. PrwJden. . Tnn Hitnrntarr.Transx J. L Wyer, T. J. Hovrett, i w"W-"- r--14 fci ... -LI . , T. J. Haweu, a. n. yyuiuui A CONSOLIDATION Ol' Tho Iloaporlun Vol. XXXI Tho Nobrnskim Vol XI Tho Scarlot mid ('roam-Vol 1 1 1 torllnir II Mcl'uw, MiinnnlnK Editor Editor ln-(.'hlof HuhIiichb MuniiKOrH A W II lurhor, (Uhiw. I. Taylor I E. Wells f 'Uimn KttTba robscrlptlon prlca of tbn Dally Hebrai kn la 2 for tho coll year with a regular do ry before oliapei ooon aay. nuuoo, im llcatloni, and other matter Intended for pub- nDlGBliaul, auuuvugi uiuvw. .....-- ...I-.. . Km. hanHnri In lit the NODrttSkftH fflce before 1 p, m.. or roallod to tho editor bo ore 8 d. m.. of the day proTlous to that day on hloh they are eipoctod to appear. Ul Bubiorlptloni may do leiv win '""" l-ifflco, at the Co.Op., or with Business MannBer. lBubscrlbers will confer a faror by reporting Jjjromptly at thli ofllca any failure to recelre the jAvill'o'hantoi In adfartlsln matter mnia be In fy'iNe office by 8 p. m. on the day prerloni to that faT which they are to appear. "Uitkan, 181 N. lltk St., Lincoln, Nebraika. Telephone 479. Entored tit tho t08t olllro lit L'ncoln. Ni'U I us second oliiss mull niultor Thoso students who made a mis take, last September, in registering f6r so mo courses that thov did not jwnnt snould profit by experience and "arrango tholr courses definitely for ttie next semester. Too may plunpo blindly Into their work and gropo through tho year with no other aim than to havogalncd so many moro hours ;of credit. The old adage. Hitch your wagon to a star," means much. Tho future will bring no disappointments, If tho present X contains a dollnltc purpose with the s means of reaching it well planned. t Kl The last fo weeks have- certainly ' given proof of tho statement, often ,, made, that tho University student 'has a great many advantages over the student of other educational instltu tions of tho state. At tho last meot jjg of tho state teacher's associa tion, the students wero permitted to ' listen to very able discussions of edu cational questions. The session of tho Stato Horticultural society just closed ..vas full of highly Instructive as well is entertaining addresses on topics of .nterost to tho studont. Tho same may be said of the meeting of the StatoIIoiticultural society. And cspec ly has tho studont body boon for jhato in tho matter ot the art ox- ! W.nND HAND UNI. TEXTS 17 of All Kinds WANTED at THE CO-OP. CONE, e Installment Tailor 115 North 11th. his I ,h(j AS thej- hlbltmn. For a nominal sum ho has boon pormlttcd to onjoy tho product ions of America's greatest artists. All those npporunltles go far In the way of education and como rarely to any but the Stato UnlverBlty students. COLLEGE NOTES. The Y. M. U. A. of Michigan pub lish an independent paper known as the "Association Letter." Alumni of Cornell have organized an association in tiio IMiilippincs. The invested funds of Harvard as reported by tho treasurer amounts to $i:i,110,.-)38.(U. Tho Stanford glee and musiyal clubs have been giving a series of concerts for three weeks In southern California. Stanford has established a club boarding house called tho "Inn," and It has proved so far-very success tul. Tho Yalo basket-ball team recently rotumea from a trip of twelve days which was the longest ever attempted by a Yale athletic organization. The team defeated all college opponents but Minnesota. At the finals of the intercollgiate games of chess, the Yale team was victorious; Columbia second; Harvard third; Princton fourth. The Japanese students at Yale havo organized a debating society. Tho dobates will bo given in English. Tho faculty of Harvard Is composed of :i;i7 men. It is the largest in tho country. Instead of tho cane rush as the annual contest between the two low er classs, Rutgers has adopted tho ropo rush. A number of strands of rope aro distributed among tho con testants and, at a given signal, at tempts aro mado to tie each other. The class tying the greatest number wins. -Cornell Dally Sun. The Y.M.C.A. of Oregon Unher bity is having a college building eicc ted. It is valued at 810,000. Stanford University is having a largo Mechanical Engineering nuild lng erected. By tho defeat of Stanford by Michi gan tho latter has the football score for the season of fr0 to 0. M. Edwards, a former Prlcoton guard, is tho most likely candidate for coach of the Wisconsin team for noxt year. Tho new chair of Chinese at Colum bia will probably bo offered to Wu-Tlng-Fang. presont Chinese minister to tho United States, as soon as it Is estaolishod. An opldomlc of small-pox is valunt at Pennsylvania and all students are being vaccinated. pre the Stanford at its reoent commencement granted to twenty-nine studonts. mld-yoar diplomas As we Said Before Every bit of goods that we sell now will not have to be looked after when we take inventory, so we are making an ex tra offer all along- the line. PERKINS & SHELDON, 1 1 29 O STREET. xwooooooooooooocooccooooc Emxsa-v - , - ,, , The Omaha MEDICAL COLLEGE. Tenth and Pazifij Streets, NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND BOYD BUILDING, 17TII AND HARNEY j STREETS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Sectional view of actual llusincss and Hanking Department. Kiukrsud by high school principals, court ra porters. Absolutely thorough, equipped institution in the West, 84,000 3,:i00 Banking and other fixtures placed in actualjbtib'nebs department. Ele-gantYoll-top desUs ordered for Commercial Department. Another floor has been lease J that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over 90 PER CENT of lastyoai's enrollment. Students may enter any time. Address A. C. ONG, A. Write for elegant Catalogue free. Omaha, Neb. ,This College offers a graded course extending oVor four annual sessions. The advantages and re quirements of the college aro fully up to the requirements of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the association of American Med! eal Colleges, of whie'i this college is a member. For in founation address, EWING BROWN, Secretary. COLLEGE Established Nine Years. A School Without a Superior. Employs the Ablest Teachers. BOOK-KEEPING, Actunl Businoss from tho Sti r. BANKING, An it ie practiced. TYPEWRITING, The Touch Method. SHORTHAND, Graham and Gregg SyBtems. ENGLISH, Practical and thorough. leading business men and ofllcial The finest and most thoroughly invested in standard typewriters. M., LLB. Pres. Omaha, Neb. 1 1 A i t. i I r f ) r ij II. J , & r