The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 21, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
VOL I, NO. 79
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0. E Persinger Explains tho Origin
and Significance in a Convo
cation Address -Story
of tho Trouble.
The causo and nature of the pres
ent dlsputo between Chilo and Peru
formed the topic of a discussion by
CE. Persinger at t3nvocation yester
day. Mr. Persinger explained by raeanB
of a map the territorial relations be
tween the two countries, over which
the controversy arose. Ho said the
trouble was one of long standing and
arose originally over a mutual agree
ment amouna Chilo. Peru and Bolivia
that their boundaries shouldadhere
to the old colonial limits. A small
dispute arose over an area claimed by
each which was enhanced In 1842 by
valuable discoveries of mineral
wealth. In 1842 tho Spanish forced a
compromise on tho conditions that
tho disputed area should bo under the
joint Jurisdiction of all three coun
tries and under no one or them ex
clusively. Constant iirlfcation ensued
which came near resulting in war in
1874 but a treaty wasTnade giving a
largo area to Peru and Bolivia and to
Chile, important commercial privi
leces. Valuablo nitrate discoveries
caused tho treaty to be disregarded
and aftor some fighting it was de
cided to leave tho matter to a vote to
bo taken in 1894. This Chile ignored
and a conference lias ilnally been
called in which Chile objects to the
consideration of past questions.
Mr. Persinger said tho indications
are now that tho disputed territory
will become Peruvian provinces.
The program for the School of Me
chanic Arts, for the second semester,
has been posted. Subjects for the
first year class are as follows: En
glish B., Mechanical Engineering
20, Mathematics 13.. Mechanical En
gineering, 12, and Mechanical Draw
ing. 10.
For tho second year class: Mathe
matics 1), English D., Physics 2,
Electrical Engineering 12, Mechanical
Drawing 12, Mechanical Engineering
4, and Mechanical Engineering, Ga.
Minor changes may do necessary,
bub it is probable that tho abovo
program will stand.
Manager Teach of the senior basket-ball
team wishes to receive
challenges from other classes. Ho
hopes to Introduce the innovation
of having tho class games played In
tho evening, and the teams support
ed with the colors ana rooting of their
classmen. This, it is expected, will
make tho games more pronounced
class affairs, and tend to developo In
terest ana spirit between the,
This morning Professor Caldwell
will address tho convocation on the
early history of California.
Wednesday, Dean Davenport of
tho agricultural school of Illinois will
Thursday. Rov. Mr. Manss will
speak on The Pscbvcolocy of Reli
gion. Friday, Mr. Fogg will discuss
College Reading.
The program for tho department of
mechanical engineering, for tho sec
ond semester, will bo as tallows:
Courso 2, Sections 1, 11, 111; Course
4, Sections 1, 11, 111, IV; Course
0, Sections 1, 11, 111; Course Ga;
Courso 10; Course 12: Course 10;
Course 10a, Section 1, 11; Course 18;
Course 20.
Text books to be used arc: Courso
10, "The Steam Engine in Theory
and Practice," by Wm. Ripper.
Courso 12, "Thermodynamics of
the Steam Engine." by Peabody.
Course 18, "Experimental Engineer
ing," by Carpenter.
The class in forgo work announced
in yesterday's Dally" for next bum
mer should have been annouced for
next semester. Tho fiat semester's
work will bo repeated provided a
sufficient number of men signify
their deslro to take it ny handing
their names to Mr. Votaw.
C.L.Gerrard, a former studont In Irri
gation engineering, came down from
Columbus this morning. Tho follow
ing paragraph from his advertising
circulars indicates tho line of work
he is engaged in.
"Remember A little
water was running down
row in my fields during
last snmmor whllo othei
suffering very badly, and
stream of
every corn
tho drouth
fields were
dryhiC up.
Do you realizo the difference? In
other words Mv fields produced a
fine crop of fully developed seed corn.
The other fields produced mostly
nubs and some not that. If you
wish to raise a full crop this year,
you cannot do it by planting drouth
stricken seed."
C. D. Charles a formor engineering
studont who was provonted from re
gistering last fall on account of sluk
ncss, is at presont drafting for a local
architect. Ho will probably bo in
school next somestor.
G. A. Bonedot, '99, who is going
to the Philippines, has asked for in
formation as to what plants, animals
and geological specimens he can col
lect for tjho University. He is be
ing rurnlshed tho information by
the professors interested.
Salary of Coach Fixed at Two Thous
and Dollars Board Will Meet
Other Offers Foot
Ball Schedule.
" The Athletic board hold Its rogular
meeting last night. Owing to tho
absence of President Caldwell, Vice
President Corteiyou called tho meot
ng to order. Various matters of
business were taken up, most import
ant of which was the engaging of
W. C. Booth as coach for next year.
The managers of the foot-ball and
basket-ball teams reported.
Manager Engel of tho football team
reported that definite arrangements
had been made with Northwestern
University, and that this gamo would
bo played here on Thanksgiving Day.
Tho contracts for games witli Kans
as, Wisconsin and the Iowa teams
were being held off until tho tlmo'of
the larger games could be definitely
settled. From present Indications it
is very probable that the Minnesota
gamo will be played at Minneapolis
on November 1st. As yet nothing
definite has been settled with Wlscon
oin, though It Is very probable that
this game will bo played in Milwau
kee on October 18. Playing Minne
sota on Novemboi 1, It would bo un
wlso to schedule a largo gamo at a.
date less than two weeks from this
Manager Morrell of the basket-ball
team then reported that he had maoo
a contract with Minnesota for a game
on February 16th and one with Sioux
City, la., for February 14th. The
board authorized him to complete his
schedule for games on this trip.
The matter of hiring a foot-ball
coach was taken up and after an ani
mated dicsusslon it was decided to
retain W.C. Booth at a salary of.$2,000
with a further provision that should
Wisconsin make an offer of $2,500 to
him boforo February 1, this would
be duplicated by tho Athletic Board.
The borao voted to buy the foot
ball caps for tho team. While it did
not feel itself under obligations to
buy them Jt was deemed best to do
so being that. they were already here,.
A claim for fifty dollars by the
State Journal company for advertis
ing athletics during the year was d-Is-enssea
at some length, but no definite
action was taken. A football com
mittee was appointed to make a con
tract with this paper for future years.
A contract submitted was to allow
it fifty dollars for advertising all tho
games of tho year, and a further al
lowance of not to expeed ten compli
mentary tickets.
At drill last night it was announc
ed that Doane Powell had been ap
pointed ;Drum major and Russell
Harris Color Sergant.
Andrew Carnoglo dovotcd 10$
000,000 of his vast fortuno to tho Q$,t
tabllshmont of tho Unlvorslty of Urn);
ted States at Washington. Tho prafc
Idont of the United States wlllJBi
president or tno ooara or rcgi
which Ib to bo composed of all
presidents of universities in?
United States. Tho campus Off
Institution is tho famous Washing'
square winch President Washing!
. . . j?
selected for th's purposo over
yoars ago. Tho institution will
tempt to teach a moio prnctii!iM
cation than do our presontoisinj
tutlons. Wisconsin Cardinal
Tho registration In tho
colleges and universities of tt
try for tho now year is as
nnivnrslt.v rr CnlirntninJ
Chicago Univorslty, 3,974; L1'
bla. 4,690; Cornell, 2,792; ij
i,oou; Michigan, 4,iou;
of Minnesota, 3,800; North)
University. 2 523; Unlvet
Pennsylvania, 2,907; PrlncetQi
Wisconsin, 3,021 and Yald$
Z Dr. von Schronk, of St. Lx
was on tho program as f)i
. . v
cnnnirnra nr. run Mnrr.inn ir.iiraBi
on last Thursday was unSbitj
present on account of siekhj
society passed a resoluble
Dr. Bessey to sond a lottor
the sympathy of tho met
requesting him to favor thorn;
his presence at some other tinw
Tho list of members of tho, 'rk
elation Intornatinnalo d(arJJi5i3
istes"a dew cocloty which alpjg;tgie
euro international action iu raraitil
botanical publications, contrail
names of four University of He
men, namely; Professor cM'iy;
r, Rlinnr 07 J J TMinrnhjM-Bil
.. -....-, .. . , w. . ... ..W....UY I
and G. G. Iledgcock, 09' -
Mr. Crass announces that the
pus will look better thlsy
over before. Ho haB a numi
nhvvQnnMiAmnma fir H 'VuWtifc?4
NJ juuuuuuiuuujo Ul.u awUUVI
varieties of Canna's started.
rnMnrr ih F. .f H
In reply to the notice' ,ffeniii
structors lately, It is' &uo4l
great many BtuaentB pwya.
from classes without po-ito
Ira E. Campbell who fera
February has been oleotpd
of sohools at Ong. MA ,
will return in Februarftol
' IT-
John Fosslor who
aegree in U'eoruary as
prlnoipalship at Hart
far as tho authorities here
this is the only high school Jn ,.
state offering a oourso in agrto
ture. Jr
t- Yi
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