r'jMfJF,1 yH;yy fa$WyB' . X . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k BVirtpapar devoted to the interests of the University of Nebra ska. rsbllthed at 181 North 11th St., bj THE HE8PERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS i i. W. Crabtree, President J.I. Wyer, T. J. HeTrett, B. W. WashburB. of rrlendly faces. Nebraska's support in debating Is especially olt color. It seems that few caro whether tho Scar let and Cream triumph in tho foren sic contest. This is not right. Ne braska should havo an array of pat riots at her back, willing to sacrifice tho price of a theatre ticket to fur ther her prowess. It only demands a llttlo Nebraska spirit. As we Said Before Every bit of goods that we sell now will not have to be looked after when we take inventory, so we arc making an ex-ifc-tra offer all along the line. 'mwtfeAn S. M N l I' ft It . I: t ,' . ' A CONSOLIDATION OF Tho liosporlun Vol. XXXI U'lio-ftuDriusMun Vol XI The Hcnrlot nnd (.'roiun Vol 1 1 1 HtorllnR H. M?Cuw. U W. Harbor, Oban. I. Taylor I (.'has. K. WollHf MuniiKlnK Editor Editor ln-Chlof IlUBlnoBS MaiiOROrs ' The subscription price of tho Dally Nebras kan U C for the oollof year with a regular de livery before ohapel each day. Notices, oom sranicatlons, and other matter intended for pub lication, must bo handed In nt tho Nobrnskan office before 7 p. mi, or mailed to tho editor be fore 8 p. m., of the day previous to that day on hteh they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be left at tho Nebraikan office, at tba Co.Op., or with Business Mannacr. Subscribers will confer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure to receive tho aper. All changes in advertising matter must bo in lha office by 8 p. m. on the day preTloua to that ea which they are to appear. Addren nil communications to the Daily No braskan, 134 N. 11th Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. Kotor wut thjy posr onlro at Lincoln. NoU nn aooonn cmth mull mnttor In an Institution as lurgo its Ne braska University .wiicro It is not easy to niako tho acquaintance of follow Htudonts, It Is Important that ono should Join homo social organization. Many students go through college almost unknown, except by a low whom thev chance, to hocomo ac quainted with In tho execution of Iheir dully duties, bchool should not bo a drudgery. It should bo a social period In the llfo of every m alvldual as well as a tlmn of mental growth and attainment. Tho re is a class of students, here as well as in other schools, no doubt, wlm room to havo an enormous snnKo of their own importance. In other worciB they aro filled with supremo egotism. Perhaps they havo suffered an Illusion and think themselves sim ply Belt-possessed. If so It can only bo lamented: Would that they might oo themselves ns others seo them. Thoy certainly do glvo ono the im pression that thev aro possessed but by the same Satanic Majesty as pos sessed tho Biblical swine. There's u world of difference between egotism and- confidence. The latter is com mendable but nothing Is more dis gusting than the former. Nobraska lacks spirit. Some few students back ono project, others an other, but there Is lacking that uni versal support, whether It bo In bas ket ball or short story contest. In otjior colleges the debater is escorted to the train aud cheered on his way. If the contest bo at homo, the repre sentatives face a cheering multitude Whether or not. Nebraska will schcdulo basketball games with Min nesota and Wisconsin rests with tho student of tho University. With proper support from tho student body tho management will fed them selves safe in undertaking tho ex pense of games with those instituti ons. No ono who is Interested in the game can fail to see tho advantage of contost with these athletic leaders of the weUi. Michigan and Wisconsin aro to western athletics what Har vard and Yale aro to eastern athlet ics. In vlow of tho Importance of scheduling theso games, students Bliould seo to It that the early con-1 tests aro well supported. The games next Saturday night will be interest-! log and should bo witnessed by a roomful of spectators. CONE, The Installment Tailor 115 North 11th. Under the head of "Free Hecr at Tech.," and similar wild and woolly ( tlt'cs tho daily papers of Hostmi and vicinity for two or three weeks team ed with accounts of doings at that popular engineering school, which accounts were wholly calculated to bring roproach upon it. The excite ment ran high for a time. Parents began to worry for tho moral safety of their boys. Prospective engineer ing students linked askance at a school that sanctioned the practices alleged to bo in vogue there. The whole trouble arose over a "Kommer." A "Kommer" it may bo explained 13 a (Jcrman Institution which when hold in America 1b com monly known as a "smoker." The "Kommer'' Is, however, a llttlo more than a smoker in that tho re freshments consist not only in tobac co but also in commodities of a moistor nature. In brief a smoker was held at Tech. under the auspices of tho junior class aud under the sanc tion of tho faculty at which beer was served. To add to the scandal onl a few weeks before, Prelsdent Prltchard had, in an address, commended tho democratic gatherings of German students at which It Is understood raoro or less beer is consumed. This was suniclent to set the press of fiostoji agog. Boston Tech. got moro frco advertising within the next few weeks than for years before. Whether or not it was of a kind cal culated to do more goon than harm Is a question. Tho outcome or tho oxcitomonb seems to be that the Tech. will not abandon tho "Kommer." Thoy will only cutout thobcer. The Students feol that thiswill give thorn tho ad vantages of democratic meeting place tor tho different classes and at tho same time obviate tho objectionable I advertising that followed their first efforts at German democracy. Miss Willa Adams of tho Wahoo naskot ball toain is tho guest this week of Miss Minnie Jansa. She tool: part yesterday In tho practice game between tho 11 rst and second 'varsity tenme. ". ;. PERKINS & SHELDON, 1129 O STREET. Thts Omaha MEDICAL COLLEGE. Tenth and Pacific Streets, : : : : : Cniaha, Neb. This College offers a graded eour.se extending over four annual sessions. The advantages and re quirements of the eollege aro fully up to the requirements of the present times, and the conditions laid down by the as-ociation of American Medi cal Colleges, of which this college is a member. For in formation address, EWING BROWN, Secretary. Brownell Hall Instructors gialuates of colleges recognied everywhere as among the best in America, Excellent advantages in Music, Art, Modern lan guages. Latin and (J reek. Latest methods in teaching the natural sci ences and mathematics. Director of music, Miss Ware, three years a pupil of the late Oscar Raif, IJerlin, (iermuny. Her methods and theories are in accordance with those of the well known mosters of the world, (lives good general education anil prepares for any college open to women. Principal's certificate admits to college without ex amination. Special attention to the development of individuality, and also to the development of a sense of social responsibility. Thorough ness insisted upon as essential to character building. Physical train ing adapted to strength of individual as ascertained by tests and measurements made by professional instructor. Three distinct de partmentsPrimary, Preparatory and Academic. Instructors of Pri mary Department have had special training for this vok. Terms moderate. Second term begins Feb. 3. Send for catalogue. Address Miss Macrae, Principal, Omaha vi V K K A' Kf i 1 i" 1 ni :uj:r " j ,.- f . V "A, K 7yt ,ji ,&& apWBaMaiBafeiMH - "-