TTTse-sHHHIIH PBPTOPWM 5 t The Daily Nebraskan LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1902. K v VOL I, NO 70 THE PHMI OHUL Colonel Vifquain Oontrasts the Two Proposed Waterways De clares the Panama Route the Better. Colonel Victor VlTqualn discussed yestorday at convocation tho n civ in ability of completing the old LJnnama canal instead of carrying out the Nicaragua project. Colonel Vifquain was consul at Panama for eight years and has had amplo opportunity for obtaining In formation concerning tho canal, which is of much value. In speaking of the elect which British interests in tho Suez canal might have upon tho building of an Amorican canal, Colonol Vifquain said tho owners of the Suez canal recognize the construction of an Amorican canal as Inevitable, but it will bo their policy, IT possible, to influence legislation in such a way as to have a canal conbtructed whore it will least hurt their Interests. Thus tho question of where the canal shall bo built resolves itself into a question of English and American interests. I Tho agitation of the Nicaraguan project, said the speaker, began in 1888 when a party of Now York capi talists obtained a concession from Nicaragua and went to work. This waB after tho failure of tho Panuma canal. Two million dollars were spent In making a harbor at Grey town and tho work was droppod. Colonel Vifquain mentioned several points In favor of tho Panama routo as against the Nicaraguan route. 2 Tho only argument that can bo advanced by tho promoters of the Nicaraguan route is that Greytown is 350 miles " closer to New York than Colon is, and consequently it would take less time to go from New York to San Francisco by way of Greytown. Ac cording to Colonel Vlfqualn's know ledge, tho facts are that It wouid tako threo aays to co through a canal at GrovtOAn, whereas the Panama canal couldbe passed In twelvo hours; and after considering the distance from Greytown to Colon tho Journey from Now York to San Francisco would bo one day shorter by way of Colon. Thotcllson tho Panama canal would bo lower beoauso of its short ness. Thero are 50 curves on the Nicaragua canal route ana only 28 in the Panama routo. These curves aro much shaparon tbeNloaragua canal, and this fact, together with the leugth of tho canul would make the danger of wrecks so groat that tho Insurance on vessels would have to bo exceedingly high. That a Panama canal would have a large business Is shown by the fact that even the Pan ama railroad, which Is 40 miles In longtb, last year declared a dividend or $8,000,000. Colonel Vifquain oelleves that there is danger of lubbylsm in canal legislation, which will be unfavorable to American Interests. ARE COMING WITH YELLS AND SONGS. "Basket ball is tho only sport that has the whylo support of this school. Wo are coming with yolls and songs. Wc will show the State how to root,'" said the manager of tho Wesloyan basket ball team yestorday in refer ence to the coming contest. Indica tions point to large attendance from tho Methodist institution. Tho II no-up for the game as glvon out is as follows: University. Weslcyan. Hagonslck R. F. Gcarhardt Cortelyou L. F. Fisher Pllisbury C. Smith Raymond R. G. Milllson Koehler L. G. Knutson The opening of tho season has been simowbat delayed on account of tho unusual amount of material. Last night Captain Koehler an nounced that the team was In tho propor condition to begin tho first contest of the year which has been anticipated a successful one. The contest Saturday evening will bo fast and Interesting Tho best material in tho squad will be select ed to compete with Wesloyen's crack athletes. The remainder will take a try at tho high school men who were outplayed last week by tho Metho dists. The 'varsity ilvo will proba bly appear In their new uniforms The Junior laws have recitations In Aaenoy twice a week and In Domestic Relations once. THE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE. The fuOtball schedule for noxt season is now beginning to assume some tangible shape and within a weok It is very probable that arrange ments for the threo largo flames will havtj been definitely made. At present Professor Wycr is correspond ing with Minnesota, Wisconsin and Northwestern Universities In ordor to reaoh some dofirlte conclusion as to tho time and place of these games. Beforo these have beon definitely fixed it will bo Impossible to arrange tho games with Kansas. Missouri, Ames and tho other smaller contests. From present indications it appears thut it will bo almost Impossible to play the Minnesota game on tho home grounds. Minnesota having two games away from home In No vember refuses to consider a proposi tion for a third game away from home in tho Barae month. So It Is very probable that Nebraska will play her at Minneapolis on November 1. Whilo nothing definite, has been settled with Wisconsin, word is ex pected at any time to close tho con tract for a game at Milwaukee on October 25. This will be In accor dance with tho oontraot ontereo Into last fall which stipulated that tho game was to tako place in tho above city after the third weok in Ootober. Tho Thanksgiving. game is practic ally assured with Northwestern Uni versity on home grounds. Nebraska will thus secure oneTof the three' nor- I thorn games. HOLDS FINAL SESSION State Historical Society Concludes its Meetings Archaeology and Railroads Topics for Discussion. The concluding program of tho annual session of tho rjobraska Stato Historical Society was glvon in Memorial Hall last night. Aftor the reading of tho minutes of tho session of 1001 by Secretary Caldwell, Proslaent Morton Introduced E. E. Blrfckman, thosoclety's archaeologist. Mr. Blaokman by tho aid of a specially prepared map gavo an In teresting description of different points In Nebraska of Interest to tho archaeologist. Thus far tho society, with Its limited means sot aside lor this purpose and In tho short years of tlmo devoted to it, has been able to mako investigation at but eighteen points. Hovrcvor, enough has been found hero to con vince oven tho most dubious that Nebraska has wonderful archaeo logical specimens buried beneath its surface. Specimens or Indian rollcs, said Mr. Blackman, have boon, found which aro without equal anywhere in the world. It is only a matter of time when the society will oe ablo to make some highly Interesting re ports along these lines. The address of Mr. Blackman was to havo been followed by a paper by G. L. Laws, ex-membor of the Stato Board of Transporta tion, Mr. Laws not being pres ent, this part was omitted. J. n. Ager then read a paper on Ne braksa Politics and Nebraska Rail roads. Tho early influences of the railroads In Holdrege. Nebraska, was discussed, and their connection with Btato politics. Mr. Agor said that their Influence in stato politics was greatly exaggerated. The aim of the railroad was to keep out of politics. A notable fact was the absence of railroad men in the state legislature of the past fifteon vcars. E. L. Sayre, of tho Union Pacific taw department then followed with an exceedingly interesting account of Nebraska country boundaries. Mr. Sayre has give this question consid erablo study as well as much tlmo to tho preparat ion of a large number of maps showing the evolu tion of Nebraska from tho early territorial beginning soon after the Loulsana purchase to Its present highly organlzod form. The area covered by the original counties was surprising to menv. Tho early mis understanding of tho real geography of Nebraska, tho location of the rivers and streams, have been largely cleared up by Mr. Sayre. Boforo . tho mooting last night a banquet was bold in oonnotolon with tho Horticultural booloty, at tho Llndell. Covers were laid for fifty. THREE CENTS ATHLETICS FOR WOMEN. Thouubject or plmlcal culture is attracting more gonoral attontlon at t'to present tlmo than ovor bofore. Men and womon aro beginning to poo that through It not only Is tho power for work and, theroforo, fur earning money Increased, sickness avoided and lite lengthened by oxorclso, but that physical development and strength aro to bo desired for-their own sakes. Whilo womon aro bene fitted Injnuch tho same way and by the samo oxerolses as mon, thero nro certain cssontlul differences botwoon tho soxos which must bo considered In order to attain tho highest degreo of physical and montal development. Tho Fobruary Delineator contains tho opening artlolo ot a valuable scries on athletics for womon, under tho heading, Physical Culturo at Homo. FAMOUS FOOT-BALL COACH ENTERS NEW FIELD. Goorgo W. Woodruff, W&t well known root-ball coach who recently re signed from tho University of Pcnn svlvanla, has been selected by Phila delphia's new postmastor as finance clerk. Ho is a graduato of Ynlo Ool lego and the, Lnw Department of Pennsvlvania. and was admitted to tho bar In 1895. From 1892 to 1901 ho had charge of foot-ball at tho University, bringing Ponn up to tho highest standard In that sport. A coal famine came near playing havoc at Michigan Univorslty, dur log tho holidays. Owing to a scar city of cars and the suddon cold tho snap University authorities found themsolves at two o'clock in the murnlngj without a' shovel ful or fuel In their bins and tho moroury In tho thermomotor standing disagree ably cIobo to tho bulb. Just what the effoct would havo been had ( the famine continued would bo hard to estimate. It Is, probalo that damago to tho extent of thousands of dollars resulting from burstcd water-pipes in the laborator ies and other buildings would have resulted, and the danger to the pati ents In tho hospital could not bs es timated. Luckily help arrived just at tho nick of time, in tho shape of a carload of (foal. ' Appropos the- goneral discussion among railroad men of means for tho prevention of wrecks, E. F. Bliss, 02', has written an article for last Sunday's State Journal on auto matic signals. Mr. Bliss is especially Interested In this subject as he hab seen service in the signal department of the Pennsylvania Railroad and is at present makjng it tho Bubjeot of his thesis. W. M. Mundorf, tho long distance runner on last year's track team, is in Lincoln. He expects to take up work again in tno University next semester. The department of civil engineer ing has installed eight expanded metal lookers fpr protection of the surveying instruments. The Instru ments may now be stored without bc ing removed from their tripods, and no time uced be wasted in opening doors for inspection. n KJ V i! ia i 'i Mf u- it "A. I ..A, "X f- T I, r rJt m fr. Wfe.- ft CW,, . '" '' " L