w Mftypy?'-. ytT"iW fijjMmrrmjtHm.vjt.wiii'Biffmrm mtmti b- VWHi- -( -JiH',f,,wltVw! w i THE DAILY NEBKA8KAN. -i i V . nnnancinjianncnnincnrsnnnnctcnnD oanataanauaDUcaciuEauiaBaaaca 11 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 11 tnnnnnnnnncnnincnnnnnnnnnnn QaaggQuaaQgaaaaciaiDuaaaaaH JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offlcc 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-215-214 Rlch fitds Block, Telephone 535. Residence, 1810 0 Street, Telephono L984. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. Mar Louise- Flanagan; Offlco, 141 South 12th Street. Telephone G18. LP. DAVIS. D. D. S.. Dentist. llridgc and Crown work. Oflicc room 7, over Rock Island ticUot ofilce. Phone 34W. Compliments of the NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Football team especially invito! to call and en- FOR STRICTLY High Class Work SEND TO THE EVANS. Local and Personal. Cat nt Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. The Hygienic Cnfe, 31G So. 12th at. 2C. 10. IJrown, dentist, Burr block. Steele, the furrier, 143 S 1 3th st. jov a nioo clean entertainment and healthful exorcise Club rates given. John H. Cis, Propr., 131) South Tentn A Close Shave A haircut, oranythiim i1fc you want a barber to do for you, at the Y. M. O. A. Bahhkii Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Square meals nt square ' prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. I Hill & CO.yonrdotht clean your saits with IMH-ftS,1 4 1222 0 Street. Phono A672 .Dr. Woodward, rcculist, Ilieh ds blk, llass Phntocraphic Studio, 1020.O ctrcet. iSono better. " The mo )t trials In the law college will commence this week. Guy V. Barnes, '01, ot Norfolk. Is vlsltlni? at tho Delca Tnu house. Today Is tho firicemh of January, tho date on which Junior and Senior themes arc due. Vernon Craiu who waH in tho Uni versity six or Bcvon yi.ara ao. called at tho Department of Botany on Monday. No Is enaued in mining operations In Bunker City, Oregon. Mr. Brew who has played on tno University foot-bull team for tho last two years Is now engaged In practicing law In western Nebraska. Ho will probably go to Harvard next yoar. Dr. Shoemaker's Private flospital. Rneclal nttontlnn rlron to iHemck of won nil nil turfilcal (llannsan. X-ruy eiamlnatlo with no discomfort or iDjnrr to pttlec. Kt rjrthlnf a liomcliko a possible. Hoard . room reasonable. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. P. O. Bex 931. Telephone M Col. Victor Vlfqnain will speak at convocation this morning. Mr. Fugg will lead tho devotional exercises at convocation this week. " Abni.t ten members oT tho U. H. I). ('. will accompany the team which is to debate Donne College next Satur day nh'ht. Messrs Kutchor, Meier and Cronin will roprcsont the Union club In the .contest. For sheet music and supplies go to the Mathews Piano Co., 1120 O street. KODAKS H7!S,tk P- E. DePUTRON WE SELL What Do You Think of In the line of fiction, that you would like to have? Come in and look over our stock. It's always strictly up-to-date. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET. Plii Delta Phi will give a smoker this evening at the l'hi Kappa Psi house. M. Finlay .'01. of (jreenwooci, was in Lincoln on business last Saturday. Last week a collection of marine algao was received by the Department of Botany. .l. C'laudeLawler has been confined tothoAlpha Theta'.UliI house for houttenjJnys wltlfla grlnnc. """" Prof. Robbins lias commenced his work in agency and quite a number of the soniors are taking aclvatngo of It. The lacal .mandolin ciuo has very generously consented to furnish musiuifor the uasket ball meet next Saturday evening. Students aro invited to sec the tho SDCcimens or. living "I'jy Traps," now In tho nlant l'ouso. Tliey caino from Nrrth Carolini sometime ago and are getting accustomed to north ern conditions and growing well. Willard Hawley will go to Min neapolis as a delegate from the I ical chapter of Alpha Tnu Omega to in stall a chapter or that rraternlty in tho University of Minnesota. Ho will bo accompanied by Lirtp M. Hunt ington. II. L. Stein, a former student in civil engineering, and until recently foreman of the south end of tho II. & M. yards In this city, left yester day for Cody City. Montann, where he will have charge of some of tue new construction on tho Burlington. A contribution to the engineering annual has just arrived from J. W. Mct'rosky, '90, an electrical engineer of Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South America. Ho gives some, very Inter esting results attained from u power plant of which he Is superintendent. Yule Bros. Laundry I5I4 o St. Phone 754 YOU CAN FIND IT By inserting a notice in tho D"ailv Ne broakan at one cent a wor'l per insertion. Mr. Blnckmnn iias'made an exten sive map of Nebraska, which ho used in his talk a tho meetlgof the State Historical Society last night. Tho classes in botany reciting Thursday will meet in the labora tory ns tho lecture room will bo'ooou pled by tho Hortlculturnl Society. Lat week while tho members of tho junior law class woro making a visit to the insano asylum one of ttie students wns attacked by an unruly inmate. A pait of the first year Domestic Science girls visited the meat mar ket yesterday afternoon for a practi cal lesson In tho cuts of meat, tho rest of tho class spent its laboratory period yesterday afternoon In tho study ot stoves and ranges at a lucal hardware store. Clvdo McMaster. '01, is now located at Mnywood, Illinois, whero he is employed In a pharmacy and at the same time attending somo of tho lectures of the Northwestern Mcdioai University. Thero arc at prosent five former Nebraska students at that plnco among wnoru aro F. F. Mnlone. '01.; Ellis Johnson, '00. nnd Mr. Bosswell. Of course you'll have to koep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eye Examined I ree. Prices Reasonable. i2380Street,lirBCBRL.N' The Pioneer . Clean Linen Kiwst of Toiletfi First ehisn Service W. .1. WIIITFOHD. Phopimi.toii ll.'l South 11th St , Lincoln, Neb. Italian Cream Bar Is the stuff dreams are made of. It's five cents a bar. R. W. MAXWELL CO. AlakersDffljDd Chocolates. Mir. n Streot and 2CG South 11th Stroot JntereoHtgeate Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 172-178 Mronclirnr Allmny, Now " oi u Alakcrs of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges nnd Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample, prices, otc, on request. Gowns for tho pulpit and bench. & 'it If 'if 'it t ft 1 'I IMM-nhK. A lll'W ( ,1 f .1 tl I ill.rtll. I It, l.lu-,1 L'pl.U., UiUU! . In in ii i .1 tw i : ill. r in nt ;.ip,l; jil ., ,lj lln.lys .. v. M.I. in I .r v,1,, i.,, oil II I i., sin h i li.ill , I,, ,, 1 II JKi-i I, ,,i 1 . iOsv Ual cit. llrr v..ki- Isil r is i .. irliiu lirk'H. Ami licr li Is lUi ilios- irullfy t ir vUfUl Wlic i r.rs-, i niii.l ly .r, it she Mil, 1 lit. U) jll Uivo n.iiiiljidoii litbl Til turn of lu-r li. i. u n . lit ours. Urn, Mior. i ilmjs i ,:,i i ,st liihoriwwi lit . n.m;li t.i nn..' i Mr.iii ilrunk, To lijr l.r ,lu ..I I ., .., the uatv. I Tlio ilnivc, Tii.l ilir. c ..ili-r Nnw vorwn t.i 1MI UHI', H1.I Nltw uokds. mil,. ntMotUtc. u many iillwr of Ihc hnl ir OI I) I'AMII.IAU TIINBlI .l.lirsUI DI'AMJKln ...nil llsonuny NttW.WHI.3. 80NOS OP ALL TUB COLLEGES.. &'wrsi'. Price, $fjo, fioitpaiil. ijru. HINDS & N0ULE, Publisher, New Vork Clly. zctioolbooki of all fiublHhtri at oiu ttort. - r"-.- U;: : : A: iftSbs-a ft ft ft ft ft Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and Laasdcape Photographer iao 5outb nth Street. LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. QALLERY ESTABLISHED 1871. Has tho Stuif Eleventh and O Streets 1 Advertise Your Wants. One cent per won! per insertlou. "want" for less than ten cents. No 1 i 1 1 Hf . s 1 rl m ' i iWf . ''iki'iii " -- iumj:d,ijL1 ;; it, Hfnn hMmm'tiMm-Mtrrwlfa