i THE DAILY NKIIKASKAN. Your Money and Important Papers Slum (1 ln kept ill a snf plncc. 1 V. pnys for a Safe Deposit l!o for three months, alis lutelv sifc from lire ami linrjfliiis iivi rwiiri uiu'tni Its i-tore.) in our Storage Vault LINCOLN SAFE DEPOSIT and TRUST COMPANY, 126 North Eleventh Street. Kvcry new Studont calln on James Hearn 337 So. nth street And has Ihh merwure taken for tk Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, Itlanufactund by Zbt f)etidtrsoti'J1wts Co. Kalamazoo, ffllcb Announcements. KKKSHMAN CLASS MKKIMNl, There will he :t inielitiL' "f t In rtchliinati class I rlriav : ni.irv 171 h, in the olfl chapel, ('lass yell and col ors will he select ed. ( 'ominii t ei s will he aniioiiiiccd locanv lerwatd wi:l in freshman li.i.skct halj Lvery niemlier oine. It (J. Lewis piesi dei.t." r ' " - n A f 4 7IMCC l imfiiii l, WK, At Just OneHalf Price. A coiiuiii t.t ( (i c imposed of I'rnfcs- Mir.s.M.irnoiir, I'lim.' and havis have heen instructed lodiaw resolutions voicing tlie seiiLiinenl ol the Uni versity Senate as tiTthe recent ('ar ueie ift ofll(),0(M)(()(iO ror'ii Na i Innal University. The resolutions will he acted upon at :: meeting of the. Smate next Friday evening. MIDWINTER EXCURSION TO F1.0R1IU. i i- will i iia rv itl ami this I i 1 s. ill :.,i i a ,'.'tli I at II A I Ms f lip ,u ly u- I: M con .1 I Ml V . kit It tl'll f l II I Sl 111 :-, I' l .1 tiii- SKNIOKS ATT K NT I ON. Pictures taken after January 1'), cannot he put in the Scr lor Hook. Miouniphicul t-ki tciii s are past due. The niemhcr.s of th" class will do the commit tee a irreal favor hy (oniplet my their work v it liout delny. Anvne Having ncsirahie "material J for the Senior liook.'iuay hand it to' any meinher "f the commit tc o. I V. .1. KKLLY, Kditnr Harper's Weekly 4.00 World's Work. ........ :U)( Public Opinion :U)() I'verybody's Magazine. 1.00 Nebraska Teacher. . .. 1.00 SI 2.00 ALL FOR $6.oo I World's Work.. $:U)0 1 larper'sWeeldy . ' 4.00 I very body's Magazine . . 1 .00 N'TdH-askii Teacher 1 .00 $9.00 A,LL FOR $4 50 The tollowinu notice lias heen sent ii all I'lofcssois in the rnmrsil ' I'leasi' report, at the lti ist rar's "lllcc miii hefore Wediu sdav, J,in uii. r The names of all students who ;i,peai to have dropped fnuii Mir (hisses or courses without re rcuist tat ion Such ttudeuts will not he rem-t cred lor anol her seinest er un til I lnv have sa'lslied t he require ments in this regard for the semester now cm 1 1 nt . " """"" lliec corn,'!- 1 ' ill-script uv th Q. W. Bonnell, C I' A I'. Lin olll. Nchi VALENTINE ABT The great Virtuoso and other great players use only the Wasliburn Mandolin Ho sayH It 1b un Inspiration to him. You, too, Hlinulil t-iiluy n W mill, urn. Wmhburu Miimliillnfi.Uiilt.irM, ll.in. .lUitirn nr sold by Uret-claM iiiuhIc luln ovorywhore. New Models Only $i5- Ueautllul Souvenir Catalogue Free. LYON & MEALY. Makers, 17 Adam Street. - Chicago. I ne . M. (!. A. announces t hat i he lock boxes will he open for assign ment I his morning. Thev are nun til Me in every way. twelve hv riilit inches in sue,, and equipped with lirst, class Yale locks. Kent for the semester will lie t hi rty- live cents; per In , with the addition of a fifteen cuts deposit, fee for one, key. The deposit, will he returned when the ki'is are returned at the end of the semester. Any parties who wish to double on box rent will have to make -pecial arraiiL'eme.nts with those hav ing boxes I uncharge. itt Kv tf Kx Kx Kv Kv - XX XX XX XX XX XV t' I'l 111-1. A IX Vt I ,. , (1 I, i illhu 1 ill I )M1, I pi .1, . I pi .Ii Im in n, I I Hi si l ill r in i I, , ,l pi .1, i il i It In, j . ur .1 il,l in I r, v u, t.M, v 'inn,, i , i, ii, r i i.i i ... llllltl . I .i .t.. it. I .Il rl It f t . . I . I . I it . . ,ii I i r k s , A i I In I II I ll I I, .' , ii link i,t i, , ss , , , I l s i. . i I rtus I I ' I- )s ill! .. I I .11 III I I li.in I ' I , I ..,, i.l ,t , I. ,.. I I. I. . I.i i i ', -i I., il in I,, i , . I i Ji l ',. .k . i ,, ,i .Ii .nl I . I" ii Ii. i I,,. M , l I ink ' All -subscriptions must be NK1W, and may be sent to one or different addresses. Send your orders to The University Publishing Co., 134 North 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. tf 4 1 1., .i ,. .,, i .... )ft in I M U. .1 1 1 Tl II. I I II,, T' i- ft17- ,.,, SIU .N..V Mf E COLLEGES. T M , I.l I'l I HI 1 1,1. I . him, 1 li I M II I l list II . SONGS OF ALL THE fu MINDS h N0I1I V, Publishers. New ork Lily. ., nkX J.x Kx Kx xr Vx xr rx KX kX U4VAVAX i Vx-- XX AVAVAVA 50 YEARb EXPERIENCE LOST AND FOUND NOTICES" in the Daily Xebraskan, (me owit ier word per m .sfM't.i.oii. No notice for less than-ten cents. 23H E$ ff and IQ i2 .lirotio -r 1 quit ly . .int iiw -i Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. i our (ipiiii, n trt'j "l.tillur un linlily luiti-nlalitn I'liimiiiitrii (Inii.iHl hi t i ililoiitlul. 1 1 uiitlmok on rutuiiU ne.it (rt'tt. o 'osi iiL'tMicy for M-i-uruiK puleiits. I'nUintn tuken tlirt.uuh Munn k Co. rocotvt Hi, clol notice, without chnrKO, In tho Scientific American. A hnrtomoly lllnstratort weokly. Ijirircst clr ctilnlloii of any ai-loiiltuc lonrnal. Terms. 3 n yenr: four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.36'Dro'd-. New Yort Branch OmcK 625 V Br. Wasblnat'Ji. D. C. J Wind In The Corn. I love to lie in the prairie rass, As the sun's noon heat is born, And list to the lips of the dashing leaves, As the wind blows through the corn. l-'or the sound of the wind is soft and sweet, A.s the sio-h of a child in sleep. As soothing and calm as the drifting dark That falls from the bluey deep. It does not moan as it does in the pines, Xor wail as it does on the sea, lint -.iiis ;i son;, faint far and low marvelous melody. From 'rumble Weeds. Key.ular Edition, $i oo; Autograph Edition, $1.25. For Sale at all Book Stores, If You Want Anything That Some One Else Has or Have Something For Some one ElseAdvertise in thie Daily Nebraskan. ta