in I ---Trrr- jdJ lft$iyMi ', kZix$$y,hc :" i v vk- V jt- w-'-ik-ws? J t' "y'.j"' ;KW:X-' " r-tt--z --ps"- - -."I ..J .rrezX-jsi-frTT-zsr-r-' B-VZ'-ft't ' THE DAILY NKBRASKAN. f n IV ! fc in aDiaQciQiaiJiaDuuiuiiuuuuuuuuuui ni onnccooiniJAi niDcPTnDY oh O inUI LOOIUnML uiiiluiuiii hq DQ CO onnnnnnonBEicinBEonnnnnpnEinn laoaDUDUBiaBDDtaoaiaaDUEnuDiinH T R. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 jj O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rioh ftrds Block, Telephono 535. Residence lfllO G Street, Tolophone L98L DR. BEN J. F. BAILEY; Dr. May LoviiBe Flnnman; Ofllco, 141 South 12th Stroot. Tolophono 618. T P DAVIS. D. D. S., Dentist. rJLi Hndge and Crown work. Ollice room 7, ovr Rock Island ticket ofllce. Phone 349. Compliments of the NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY lo the University students. Foot.ball team especially invite! to cal1 and en jov a nice clean entertammont and healthful exercise Club rates give". John S Cain, Propr., 139 South Tentn. A Close Shave A hair cut. or anything else you want a barber t do for you, at the I Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, I3in Arsu r ikcd. Squuremoals at "square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. i w LIZ II S. O will make w 4 mil iX UU. your cloths, nn.i a efiUc niU h The Very Bl EST bicau juui aunoniiu SATISFACTION. t 1222 0 Street. Phone A672 The Grind Is On Again And whenever you want supplies we have them. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET. WE SELL KODAKS 117 'SSZT P- E. DePUTROW . l I TV I & LEONARD Jl A JammW M '2"t78 Ilrondwny IV imflttLBMHIlfl Albany, Now Yfirk HIIIftH Makers the Caps.Oowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges aud Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prioes, etc, on request. Gowns for the pulpit and bench. FOR STRICTLY High Class Work SEND TO TILE EVANS. THE CENSUS FIGUKES. REPORT OF THE BUREAU MAKES INTERESTING READING. TIow tli Wlioln World Contributes t the Population of the United States Fomnlsi Inrranie Morn Kapldly Than Male. In June, 1900. there woro In the United States proportionately a fow more females than in 1890, a greater proportion of the population was na tive born, and there were also propor tionately more whites; or, stated con versely, thoro were proportionately fewer males, fewer foreigners and fewer blacks than ten years ago. During the past ten years the num ber of women Imb been growing Bllght ly more rapidly than tho number of men; the native born population has increased at nearly double tho rate of lncreaso of the foreign born, the for eign element having Increased at loss than one-third of the rate of lncreaso of tho foreign born during the preced ing decade, and tho number of whites has Increased to Quito an extent more rapidly than has tho number of blacks. These aro the main conclusions de rived from a study of tho figures pre Bonted In a recent Census Bulletin. The total population of tho United States on Juno 1, 1900, was 76,303,387, Including persons enumerated at mili tary and naval stations and naval ships abroad and in Alaska, Hawaii, Indian Territory and Indian reservations. This great total consisted of 39,059, 242 males and 37,244,145 females a ma jority for the ma.les of 1,815,097. Ex pressed differently, of each 10,000 In habitants 5,118 were boyB and men and 4,882 were girls and women. Ten yearB boforo there were 32,315,063 males and 30,754,693 females, or of every 10.000 In habitants 5,124 were males and 4,876 woro females. The females havo thus Increased only a very little moro rap Idly than the males. In 1900, in 10,000 inhabitants thero were 236 more men than women, whereas in 1890, in tho same number of inhabitants, thero were 248 moro men than women. Ex pressed In percentages, there has been an Increase in males of 20.9 per cent and In females of 21.1 per cent. Of native born persons there were ."j.hl3,J02 and of foreign born 10,460, 0Xr In 1900 that lb. of every 1,000 per sons in 1 !()() m;: were born In the Unit I'd M.itfh and only 137 outside the bor ileis of the coimtr In 1890, on tho oiln-r hand, there were 63,761,665 na tl" bom and 9,308.091 foreign born, or of 'eiy 1,000 persons 852 were native and 148 foreign born. During the ten years the native born Increased at nearly double the rate of of the foreign born, the former increahing 22 5 per cent and the latter only 12 4 per cejit. If we exclude tho foieign born counted In Hawaii, Alas ka and at military and naval stations abroad, in the United States Itself tho foreign element increased by only 1, 091.729, or 11.8 per cent, whereas dur ing the preceding decade It Increased by 2,569,601. or 38.5 per cc.Lr ..'-..: '. ai.iimr me tiiftt ton vearg Ue toroiCi (ff course you'll have to Peep y ,r room warra this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has Eleventh fciBtnrm increaa pi icn inun our third of Its rato of Inciease during the procedlng decade In absolute numbers thoro was an add'tlon to our native born population of 1 2, OS 1,637 and to our foreign born of 1 151,904 Thore are 1 Japanese, 2 Chineses. 3 Indians, 116 negro-s and 878 whites in every 1,000 of the population. The totals of the different classes are 66,990,802 whlto poisons. 8.840,785 per sons of negro descent, 119,050 Chinese, 85,986 Japanese, and 260,750 Indians, or a total colored element of 9,312,585 persons. Local and Personal. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. The Hygienic Cafe, 31 fi So. 12th st. 31. 25 kid gloes, '.Sc nt Tho'J',uinois. C. E. Brown, dentist. Burr block. Steele, the furr er, 113 S 12th st. Buy your underwrnr.nt The Famous. Dr.; Woodward, ecu list, Uicb'ds bile "Basa Photographic ' Studio,' 1020 o ?treet. iSono bettor. Bargain sale on shoes atrWobster& Rogeis. 1043OStreet. Fot "students; those 'exquisite photos at Bass' 1020"O street. . 1 1 Oo to thcr'Matthc-ws-. Pi-no Po . for sheet t tnusicj and stroot. supplies. 1120 O For""Rhoet music anrl rupdIIph g to tho Mathews" Piano Co.. 1120" O street. "ZZZ Tf yon" want a share of the bur gains at "Sanderson's yoti had brt ter go at . oiwo." Chances llke't liese cion' t'come Vi'ry'.dayTT " .. " A'R I ley '""program was given' Fri day nig lit hy tl)c" I'-illaeilans,-raud enjoyed by all present. The opening number was a piano solo hyMlsB (J Tif fin, whe)se plnvlng was warmlv'pralseet hy'the audience. Mr. Elliotr?then t"ld some laughable ancedotes of the llfo of tho Hoo8ier poet. 'uno"f Ri Ipv'k poems (f pnllfi-llfo"was read bv M 1887 Wei Is. 'The quaint" 'humor of the selection kept the audience in continiial"r"laughrer! 'As" tho Inst number one of Riley's short but very Interesting poems was read by Miss Bednar . the Stufl and O Streets Inventory Time : Is at hand and we don't want the jub to be too long" so we are giving" a big- dis count on all our goods. It's your op portunity. Perkins & Sheldon 1129 0 Street. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eye Examined Tree. Price Reasonnbla. 1238 O Street, MS The Pioneer . Clean Linen Finest of Toil, ts First class Service W. J. WHITFORD, Puopiiietok 11H Houth J lth St., Lincoln, Neb. Italian Is the stuff dreams are Cream made of. It's five cents a Bar bar. R. W. MAXWELL CO. MakerAOfGood Chocolates, nirt n Rtreet and 200 South 11th Strek CONE, 'lu Installment Tailor, 115 North 11th. Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATES TO STUDENTS. Portrait and Uisdcape Piiotograpkcr i 5uth ntb Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLQRY ESTABLISHED 187U f. fi, -r,I r VI ,4 A 'J M ' Mi J? ': -rT