i- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. S3." irj. " r ' E V m 4. r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k nawipapor doYotod to the lntarasti of th UolvnniLr uf Nobruika. Published at 134 North lltti St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS i t, W. Crabtree, President . Towns. Secretary -Triisnrr. J. L Wyer, T. 1. Hewett, K. W. Waihbnrn. A CONHOUDATK'N OK Tlio llo-porlim Vol XXXI 'I ho Nobriiskiin Vol XI Tlio Si'iirlot mid Cnsiiin Vol II Bloilli.K II. M "iiw. U W MiirUir, v.Iiiih 1 I iiylor I CIhin I' WelUf MiiiikIK kultor Im.Iioi ln-( hluf liuslncHH Mm iiRCrs The nbnoTlptlon price of the Dally Nebrai kan la 12 for the college year with a rural r do lUery before chapel each day. Notices, com Biunfcatlons. and other matter Intended for pub lication, mint be handed In nt the Nebraikni. office before 7 p. m or mailed to the editor be fore 3 p. m., of the day pretlout to that day on hlch they are expected to appear BnbicrlpUonii may bo left at the Nebrikan office, at tha Co.Op.. or with BubIiiom MannRer Bobucrlber will confer a faor by reporting promptly at tula office any failure to recelre the AlTchana-e In adrertUlna roatUr mm! be In the office by 8 p. m. on the day prarloui to that a whloh they ara to appear. Addreu all comraunlcatlona to the Dally Na kraakan, 134 N. lltk 8U, Lincoln, Nebraaka. Telephone 47P. Entered hi tin' pnsi oilli r ul I. in oin, Nek iihj-.ccond class mull inaltrr Tho nodded stand taken hv Chan cellor Andrews In the matter of nrlll requirements is causing constn'rahle uneasiness am. trie some or i.lic seniors. Should thev fall to got. their degree, they will liavo no one to blame hut themselves. The average student ought certainly to have no reason to complain of tho two year's drill re quirement when former students have been obliged to spend throe years In this department. Students who have failed to take any drill whatsoever oiiL'ht to bear in mind that thov are under obligations, in part, to the government for the privilege or attending this Institut Ion and ought therefore to no in ply with Its requirements C.(K)l) ENGLISH. No student should go through the University without learning to sneak and write, correct English. The means to this attainment are within the reach of all. Erery branch taught In the University is a help Latin, (J reek, French and Gorman emlnontlv so but not to tho exclusion of hlstorv, science and mathematics. Mastery depends mainly upon tho at tentive study and use of English it self. Those who use tho best English are not all classicists, .hut none use the language well who do not f.imlliiiric themselves in the vital meanings of words through familiarity with the mother tongue written and spoken. Speaking conect English is more dltllcult than writing it. Educated people able, to write whole books with out errors, often. In informal soee.di uso nlioniluahl? English. As a rule our earliest instructors In composition are cultivated people, while many of those among whom we learned tho oral tongue did not speak at all well. Handy Note Book We have just gotten out a new n te book which we have named ttiu ' Handy Note Hoo'." It slips into the i ocket, the front cover turns over the top aud un der the buck cover f.r con venience in taking notes. The handiest cover out. Call at A THE COOP One rorcen In early life to hear much uncouth speech must toil long ana persistently to extirpate resulting errors and improprieties. Every day you ma,, udor. tho campus hear stu dents complain of feeling badly, say ing expect when they mean think, suspicion tor mmped, Illy for 111. using llko as a preposition ("John doesn't study like William does.") and olean as a past tenRo. These aro but a few specimen infelicities. The use of will for shall inn of would ror should is as' InsulTerablo as It, is fre quent. Dian Shcrmuri ought to write us an editorial upon that lin guistic sin. It Is well worth whlie to watch one's ordinary speech, among familiar companions and among the uneducated. Only determined and Incessant self-correction'w ill enablo us to spcax or write as becomes men and women enjoying university privileges. E. HEN.I ANDREWS. NOTICES: AMERICAN HISTORY Courses. 2, (. 8, 10. 24. 11a (a now course) and :ifa. will be open to stu dents the second semester. 11a. Comparal ho Government Comparative" and historical study of the organization and administration' of government In the I nited States, Krarce, Germany. England, Swit'u-r- i land, Canada and Australia. An introductory course to t he science of government. M. W. V. at .1, Mr. Cook. The'abovo conrse, a new one, will ho found 'an excellent stud yby' all advanced students. " Ma.TAd m 1 n 1st ratlve'La V. A "special course'rdeslgned" for'tbose'looklng to lawTTh. at 3. Mr. Cook. Cou'so (5. Am. Hist. Local g ivcrnment will be givetr7lf !askcd fnrrhv flvo'or more studontsrIMcaso notify"dcpartmen t Ifyou wish the subject. II. W." CALDWELL" Tho Univorsity Senato met Friday evening and discussed tho proposedgift of Annrew Carnegie to the national university to bo established In Wash mgton. The, question as to whether or not the accept anco of tho girt will In any way a IT act the control or the institution by the governineut Is being much discussed among college people A oop-'mittco was ordered to be appointed to draft resolutions voicing the sentiment of the senate on the question. A notber'meeting will be held later'in tho week. Uir,h of Siiulor t iiirlmiikn. Senator Fairnanks of Indiana wa horn on n. farm near Union ville, Union county, Ohio, Muy 11, 1852; tha son of Loriston M. and Mary A. (Smith) Fair banks, graduated from tho Ohio Wes leyan University, Delaware, O., 1872 admitted to the Ohio bar, 1874; estab llahed practice at Indianapolis; United States senator from Indiana, 1897-1903, appointed, 1898, a member of the Joint high British-American commission; home, Indianapolis. Don't ty to Jie your pigs and your pearls together ' Advertise in The Daily Nebraskan For big Returns - L EIWINO'S 1115-1117 ST., LINCOLN. 20PER CENT FLAT DISCOUNT SALES On Fine Tailored nothing is the talk of t'-e "own. The greatest success ever known 20 per cent discount on Suits or Overcoa's. S2.ri Suits'Or Overcoats now .. $20 81f Suits or Overcoats now .. . $12 820 S,..t8 or Overeonts now... $1 '2 2"!tsor Ov-rcats now..$ ) ,lu .. .. ,, . ' ,v 810 Sui h or Overeonts now . ..$8 18Su,tsor()verctst.ow$14 40 8 H Suits or Overcoats no . .$0 40 Includes Stein HloHcs, L Holt Son, H. Kuppenheimer Sigh xrt c'oth ing. 20 per cent i IV on 1'iHlerwetii, Ha's Cat s. Gloves, Mit'ens, Trunks and Valines Sec us be 'ore making your purchase". EWINfiPI ITHlrVftfA Fashionable Clothiers and Furnhhrrs EWinULLUl illlMl UN, 1H5-1I17 0 SI., Lincoln, Ntb. Brownell Hall Instructors cuilnates of colleges recognized everywhere a among the best in America, Excellent advances in Music Art, Mo em Lan guages. Latin nnil Greek Latest up thods in teaching ibe natural sci ences and in thematics. Director of music, Mis Ware, three years a pupil of the late Oscar Ra.f, Ih-r in, Germ ny. II. r methods and theories are in accordance with tho-e of the well knon musters of tho world. Gives ood general educa-ion and prepares for any college open to women Prim ipal s cert Hcate admits to college without ex amination Special attention to the developra- nt of individuality, and also to the development of a sense of social responsib lity Thorough ness insisted upon as essential to character building. Physi nl train ing adapted to strength of individual as ascertained by tests and meMSurementh made by pro'essioal instructor. I hree distinct de partm. nts Primary. Preparatory and Academe, Instruct rs of Pri mary Departm-nt luve had special training for this voik. Terms moderate. Second term begins Feb. 3. Send for catalogue. Address The Omah MEDICAL Tenth and Pacific Streets, Miss Macrae, Principal, Omaha. COLLEGE. Omahi, Neb. This College otFers a graded course extending- over four nnual sessions. The advimtages and ro qinrementaof the college aro fully up to tho requirements of the present times, and tho conditions laid 'town by tho HS-ociation of American Medi cal Colleges, of which this college is a member. For in formtion address, EWING BROWN, Secretary. w