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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1902)
ry - ;-; . - S J . ii. . r-fl, t-O ? c rAILT NEBRASKA!. IH W. 41 M '"i' t& i: L. J. Herzog, Merchant Tailor, 1032 0 STREET. Allow me the privilege of again calling your nttontion to my line of Woolens which I am sel i hk in SUITINGS at $15-50, $1750, $20.50. These fubricw arc unqucs tionahly the -wilhst in the city nnd my line is also the most gorgeous. Allow mc to show you these goods be fore milking your purchascs. imd you will iilwnjs U 1 111 dchted to mc TROUSERINGS at $3.50, $4.50, $5.50. Kespcctfull.v. L. J. Herzog. havo often hcop. Some of the great est painters hnv done, their IjcbI in this fuHhum, alwavH or at tlmcH. The main thing Is not how a painter works hut what result ho achieves. If the result Is truthful and alive, if it portrays or suests Knirethlng that ho really saw, then Ills method is ood. Your part, as an intelligent observer who wants to enjoy and ro learn, is to try to discover what he saw, why he caren to paint It. what ho wished his picture to convey to you, and whether lie speaks his meaning clearly. And it in surprising how quickly, looking at good pic tures in tills mood, even the inex perienced may learn something about real pictorial excellence- how soon they will unde.stand that such excel lence can he enjoyed even though It does not coincide with strong person al preferences, and how delighted they will be by this enlargement of the power to receive from varied works of art varied kinds of pleasure of the eyo and pleasure of the mind. DR. J. J. DAVIS, Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital GRADUATE OPTICIAN US -SSfraKl rythln an homfillko at poinow. room raaionable. HIT L ST. LINCOLN. P. O. Box 051. TaUpfcoM Ere Examined Pree. Price Reasonable. 13380 Street, "tS' Translations, y Intrrlmi ii , $1 y i (7 ls Dictionaries (rrinin. I trmli, SimiiisIi, I .1(111, ' r ( . J , .uid i " Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I. II iMiiimi.1 H mtr 1 1 ilea i tr.insliti hi, htft nl' r wisl uimi, -i ml ei e y wold lomf-letfh .ttscl Ji y Completely Scanned and Parsed Ae- ncid, Book I. $i c, . AVii,t HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, 4 5 6-11-13-nCooper Institute, N.Y City Scioolbooki of all fiubluhtrs at one state. LOST AND FOUND NOTICES" in Lbe Daily Nebraskan, one cent per word per in sertion. No notice for less than ten cents. Robert (Jraliam will return to his home In Canada at the end of this semester. Mrs. A. J. Sawyer will entertain Pi Hotn Phi at her home at seven teenth and F streets next Saturday evening. Want Ads in the Daily Nebraskan One cenl per word per insertion. No "want" for less than ten cents Every new Student cnllfl on James Hearn 337 So. nth street And hfiB his measure tukon for th Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, manufactured by b f)endtrsoti'Jlmt3 Co. Kalamazoo, Ttllcb Your Money and Important Papers Shou'd he kept in a safe place. 51 ,r pnys-foru Safe Deposit 1W for three months, absolutely safe from tire and burglars Sii verwaro and ti u tj Us stoi ed in our Stoi age Vault LINCOLN SAFE DEPOSIT and TRUST COMPANY, 126 North Eleventh Street. 1 K "8 8 8 x " XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XV A i III p 1 1 I . I 1 1 I II I r ri in i I III. III. I I I I n I ' ill II . I . ' I I lr ,, tfV II I I I l I I . 1 II . - Ii II I I - II IWI s , , , , , , Hit ,, l Am I Ii t . ii i Ii . il .nil,,, i, -..,,,1. I . i llirlM ,11, I I I , I I I I I I' I i II I is I I I , li ir I r I, II I I. Mn ,i i n I i. ,n .1 , . i. i i i I . i j. in i l t I . Ii lunk P P P P l p t I 1 ill, I III III) ft7 U I Will 11( M NFS U fl ' r- P: to j HINDS & NOBI r. Publishers, New York City, ilu ft Si hoolbook i i' all publishers at arte store. fj"i H K rx Kx Kx Kx kx tt ex K RB U WAV -XX XX XX- XX XX XX XX -XV AX kS I I III 1 I III I Jj ill t M-W Willi " lli r ( Hi i M II I. s ill I i i III n I lis III iilv NhW Sf fl SONGS OF All. THT? fni I RfiER U ri,Jnih 5 i fiottMnf Advertise in The Daily Nebraskan For big Returns MIDWINTER EXCURSION TO FLORIDA. '1 Ins personally eondneted exeuiMon will leave Lineoln at 1 I". 1' M flan iiury -"'t-li (all at H .V. M eity olllee corner ami (I Sts fin liiuiUlet deei ipt ive f this trip G. W. Bonnell, (' l'. A T. A Lincoln, Nehr flAQAZINES X At Just OneMaIf Price. Pl VA1PNTINF . t) rnifiii"" ABT The) great Virtuoso and other great players use only the Washburn Mandolin Ue ar" H Is an Inspiration to tiliu. You. too. should enjoy a Waahburn. Wu.hburu Mandolins, Oultnre. Hunjox. Zithors are sold by nret-claaa muslo dealers ovorywber. ew Model Only f5-oo. ' BcauUlul Souvenir CaUlogue Free. LYON & HBALY, Maker, 17 Adam. Street, Chicago. Ilarprr's, Weekly $ 4.00 World's Work .'.00 Public Opinion ,'U)0 l'lvci-yhody's MaaziiH'. 1.00 NYbni.ska rl';ifh(M-. . .. LOO $12.00 L Lrf FOR $6.oo V "tj EMI H" " V World's Work S.H.00 Harper's Weekly 4.00 lveryhody's Magazine.. 1.00 NebraskaTeacher 1.00 $9.00 A.LL FOR $4 50 All subscriptions must be NEW, and may be sent to one or different addresses. 1 o'orrrtvp w HICTU" ALWAYS IN THE LEAD TlIK l MON I'ArlFIC was the lirht lipe to introdnee Dininy Cars, Vesti huled Cars, Steam Heat, l'int.seh Lifjhl , lhitVet Smoking- and Lihrary Cars, Touriet Cars, on trans Continental '1 rains west of thu Missouri river, and continues to lead. Is nrst in equip ment; first in apeed, first in important improvements, first in stupendous en tfinurrintf enterprises; first iH historic, first in scenic attractions IT ACAIN LKADS in reducing by several hours the time of "The Over land Limited" to the Pacific Coast, making the run from Omaha to Salt Lake 11 hours quiclter than any other train; Omaha to San Fraucisco If) hours quicker than any qthor truin; Omaha to Portland 15 hours quicker than any other train. Full information cheerfully furnibh ed on application to E. B.Slosson, Agt. Send your orders to The University Publishing Co., 134 North 11th St., Lincoln, Nebr. YOU CAN FIND IT Hy inserting a notice in the Daily Ne braskan at one cent a word per insertion. V r4-ri -t r T iilllHW