The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 10, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
..w' , ,-.... .- -xwrr T rV'"3' ' ;", ".' t.r- 1lh ,jyn s -I'' 'Jp'' t? . jmAji" hKi 1-1 t-r - ' -- r" ya,. -''"' .T - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. - cr inilHaniicDaanQnnnBpqiDganDD laiiaaaQQaDnDaDaaaaoDOQaDD FOR STRICTLY High Class Work DDflCCOeiniMI niDCPTHDY DD Witfif m I "1 7 I K f r i la fea jnonnnnnnnonEEionnnEinnnnnnn gQaQQQQmQQaQDQDIIIDtLllSDDuDUDD JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-21 i Rloh ards Block, Telephone 535. Residence, 1B10 Q 8trt, Telephone L984. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flanagan; Office, 141 South 12th Stroot. Tolophone 618. LP. DAVIS. D. D. S., Dentist. Bridge and Crown work. Oflice room 7, over Rock Island ticket oftlcu. Phone 349. Compliments of the NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Foolball team especially invited to call and en joy a nice- clean entertainment and healthful exercise Club rates given. .JorN S. Cain, Propr., 139 South Tentn. A Close Shave A hair cut, or anything eloe you want a barber to do for you, at tho Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Square meals at 'square" prices THE UNIQUE, 1230 0 ST. k i u:n s. o will make w n 1 1 1 -JC VfU. your cloths, clean vour suits with tt?,&Ik?lT clean your suits with SATISFACTION. t J 1222 0 Street. Phone A672 The Grind Is On Again And whenever you want supplies we have them. Wilson & Hall BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 1123 0 STREET. WE SELL KODAKS 117 "' D E. DePUTRON The Pioneer . Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service W. J. WniTFORD. I'hopuietoh Jl3 8 Jkth 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. Local and Personal. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Flno furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th at. 81.LT kid gloves, !)Bc at The Famous. C. E. Itrown, dentist, Burr block. Steele, the furrier, 143 S. 12th st. Buy your underwear at The Famous. Dr.; Woodward, oceuliht, Bich'ds bile, Bass PhotographicStudio, 102(5 O ctreet. iNono better. Bargain sale on shoes at Webster -Rogers. 1043 O Street. For students; those exquisite photos at Bass' 102(5 O street. The Junior law class will take up tho work in Agency next Saturday. Tho Junior law class has almost completed its work in Domestic Re lations. Oo to the Matthews Piano Co , for sheet music and supplies. 1 l'.'O () stroot. For sheet niusic""and 'supplies go to the Mathews. Piano. Co., 1120 O street. If you want a share of tlio bar gains at Sanderson's you had hot ter co at once. Chances like these don't como.overy day. 2 A. W. Gilbert is out or school for the present on account of a surgical operation ho had performed. He hopes to bo hack next week. Thore Is a silting going on in the basket ball class. Only tho first team possibilities and second team men, will bo allowed to remain in the class,. Y. W. C. A. NOTES. A now Bible class will bo formed, with Miss Liaura II. Wilde, Pastor of the Oomrregational church or Bel mont as leader. Anyone Intending to enter should consult Miss Florence (.Boose. Tne Y. W. C. . and Y. M. C. A. will hold a reception to their mem bers in Grant Memorial Hall, Satur day evening. Tho Y. M, C. A. presented tho Y. .W. C. A- with a new bulletin board and put it In place during vacation. Miss Iaggart will not be aolo to accept tho position of secretary of SKND TO THtt EVANS. tho Y. W. C. A. greatly to tho disa ppointment or tho members or tho association. Tho proceeds of the calendars have accounted so far to $130. The Student Volunteer Conven tion Toronto. Is becoming subject for general discussion amongthe mem bers or tho association. NEBASKANS AT WASHINGTON. Professor W. G. Langworthy Taylor who recently returned from Washing ton,.!). C. whero he attendrd'tho an nual meeting or tho Amorlcan Eco nomic Association, roports a very Interesting and enjoyable trip. While In Washington he was given very gratifying reports of former Nebras ka students who aro now in tho government service. Ray P. Tcele. A. M. Is now In Cheyonno, Wyoming, where ho tias chargo or tho statisti cal work for tho department or Ir rigation. Mr. Teelc, It was repor ted, would soon bo glvon a promo tion to somo oillco In Washington. W. B. Hunter, A. M., Is au pres ent in charge or a group or men do ing work In Ithica, New York, for tho Census Department. Mr. Hunter, like Mr. Teolc, Is oolng highly satis factory work and will, In the near futuro, be called to higher work in Washington. Mr. W. P. Stearns, A. M. W. of N. Is still In tho employ or the Treasury Department. Professor Taylor was Informer that tho department was contemplating tho publication of an abstract of forolgn statistics and that In all probability. Dr. Stearns would bo placed In diarize of this 1m portant work. Professor Taylor was hluhly pleased to get such favorable reports from former students of his depatment In tho University. Numerous Inquires were made regard lmz Professor Cald well Dr. Fling and Dr. Ross by nation al educators at tho recent meeting making it apparent that they are well known among tho loading edu cators or tho United States. Tho University class or the First Congregational church, under the leadorshlp of l'rofessor Wilson, Is studying In tho last twonty-sovon chapters of Isaiah, thechcptersjwhlcu have to do with the period of tho Ex ile. Tho Material Is studied histor ically and critically and in tho light which tho inscription throws upon tho period In question. Tho analysis of tho Material Is followed by tho dis cussion of suggested topics. Next Sunday tho subject will bo "Cyrus Ills Policy and Character." In tho discussion of the topic, there will betaken Into consideration not only the Old, Testament material, but also that furniBhed by tho clay cylin der inscription of Cvrus and by tho Nabonldos-Cyrus Chronicle. X To-day and To-morrow Friday and Saturday Will be the last days of our great Discount Clearing Sale. Thus far this has been a rec ord breaking day and wo want it to so continue to the end. Come and see for your self. Miller & Paine 2 2 ' U ; ft "y i L v l r Of course you'll have to keep your room wafn this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan . Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets v