The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1902, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
Vol. i ,no 8
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Art Association's Anual Exhibit
on in Library Hall -Many
Beautiful Creations
of the Brush.
The annual exhibit of prize pic
tures held bv the Art Association
was opened on tho evening of Dec.
26, and'wlli extend until Jan. 10.
The dlspiay of pictures this year Is
by far tho most complete and boauti
jul or any heretofore attempted, and
art lovers in the city are now be
ginning to realize what is offered to
them for their enjoyment and in
struction. The collection comprises about
eighty pictures direct from the Pan
American Exposition which have
tnken prizes and received honorable
mention by the most noted critics of
the dav, and in addition many
pieces from our own state and city.
Furthermore- there is a very choico
and elegant display of china painting.
The last week, during the Teach
er'f. Association has been a busy one,
and the art hall lias been thronged
all div with sightseers, a large num
ber being from out of the city. Al
most every dav since the exhibition
oponed there has been talks on art
and a review and discussions of tho
pictures by prominent people of the
city pbo the University.
Orlo of tho most conspicuous pic
tures Is tho painting "Truth", which
Is the first to greet the visitors' eyis
as they enter the gallorv. Tho fe
male figure rests her two hands on a
flaming sword and serins to bo em
erging from the darkness and shadow
behind. Tho effect Is lmpresslvo and
solemn. A heautiful marine scene
and a "Gray Morning" are works ot
art which soften and blend their har
mony Into the human thought.
There Is a notlcible abundance of
andscape effects among tuom being
"A Sinner Rain," "Early Evening,"
and "nartard Bridge at Twilight"
which is einsldered one of tho gems
of the collection. Then one may
find strong studies lu life, among
them being "My Gondaller's Kit
chen," "The Singers" and tho excel
lent "Lo Petile Son" a creation by
Miss Clara Walsh.
It Is notlcable that there are only
two flower pieces bjt they aro beautl
ull pieces of work and deserve tho
closest study. Tho work of Miss
Bayden Instruction tho Art School
is all that could bejaesired and thero
are several of her productions In water
color. Among others ro studies of
animal and baby life, a very curious
and yet true study of that unropres
slble onion, and a strong picture of
an Indian's head. An effort will bo
made this week by Professors Hodge
man and Fling to interest the stu
dents in tho exhibition, and a mass
meeting will probably bo held to stir
matters up in the University. A
rate of fifty cents per season ticket
is made to students and the art
association feels that there Is no rea
con why tho students cannot avail
themselves of tho opportunity to
study the work of masters.
It costs tho Association $1,500 to
complete Buch an exhibition and a
argo attendance is necessary for
them to come out even.
In addition it Is tho aim of tho
association to purchase a least one
first class picturo each voar to croato
tho embryo of a State Art Gallery,
having only the best works of art
that can be obtained.
A recent number of "Home and
Flowers" contained an article bv W.
E. Johnson, formerly of Lincoln on
tho botanical gardens in Ceylon. Mr.
Johnson two years ago marie a trip
around the world for the ''New
Voice" and this article Is one of
tho products. A children's story in
a recent number of tho Youth's Onm
paion is by Miss Frances Proy.
Tho Companion In all its announce
ments makes mention of tho series
of Indian tales to be contributed by
May Roberts Clark (Mrs. P. F.
Clark.) Tho January "Outing" has
a "Gryesome War Dance" bvErnest
A. Gerrard. his, like the stories
of Mrs. Clark, Is a tale of the
Pawner Indians.
Stanford University was defeated
in football Jan 1. by Michigan by tho
decided score of 49 to 0. The result
of tho game proclaims toe difference
between eastern and western football.
Michigan's players entirely out
classed their opponents and pushed
the Digskin wherever they wished.
In tho exchange of punti Stan
ford repeatedly lost ground while
they could not regain by any of their
plays. The second half was the finest
exhibition of fast football ever seen
in California, Michigan scoring 32
points. Tho strongest playing of
tho game was done by Michigan's
backs. The game was witnessed by
a record breaking crowd of beveq
thousand petple.
Debating Board Announces Two and
tho Third Practically Bot
tled Kansas will Do
cido This Woek.
Of tho three questions for Nebras
ka's interstate debates next spring
the Debating Hoard has announced
two and the thirl is practically set
tled. For tl:6 debate with Colorado
College, which will tako placo here
sometime in March, tho question is
as follows: ' Resolved, That Amer
lean municipalities of over 1(K),()0()
population should own and operate
facilities for Biirfaco transporta
tion." Colorado I, a choice of sides.
The ouestlon, as it now stands,
for tho Missouri debate at Columbia
In May. Is: "Resolved, That muni
cipalities of over 100.000 population
should own and operate transpnrta
tion facilities " This wording may,
however. It is understood, bo chang
ed so as to limit the discussion to a
somewhat closer issue.
Although tho Kansas question ii
not definitely slettled it is practically
determined, according to a circular
letter sent on Saturday to each man
entered for the n liminarr contest.
The question submitted by Nebras
ka was the following reciprocity
quccMon: "Resolved, That the
United btates should, by means of
appropriate concessions In her tariff
duties, extend her export trado and
cultivate amity with other nations."
Tnis question Nebraska submitted
just bofore the Christmas recess.
Last Friday the secretary of tho
Kansas Association's Executive Coun
cil stated that ho firmly believed tho
Council would at Its meeting (to
morrow or Wednesday) adopt thisques
tlon and take the affirmative
For n( no of the debates havo sides
yet been selected.
Orval Norton '1)0, graduate of Ne
braska and who has taken his degree
In law at Harvard, and is now locat
ed in Kansas City visited his family
and Alpha Theta Chi brothers over
Tho Y. M. C. A. has not been Idle
during the holidays but has improv
ed the vaoatlontlmo by renovating the
association rooms. The wall havo
been brightly and attractively papered
In the parlor, new carpets purchased,
the wood work repainted and othor
details Improved. Within a few days
a ccmpleto set of lock boxes will bo
plaped In the office for the use of
members and others who are willing
to pav a small sum for their use dur
ing the semester. The set comprises
fifty' boxes large enough for books
and other student belongings. Tho
cases were built In the University
The Nebraska Teacher for January
contains the f"llowiog editorial od
Chancollor Andrews' reception ul
To Chnncollor E. Benjamin Andrews
tho students, faculty, und alumni of
Brown University gave an ovation, cor
tainly uniquely enthusiastic, on tbo oc
caeion of his visit to the univoraitv in
November, the first vibit since ho with
drew from tho presidency in 1807. The
900 undergraduates, most of whom hnd
never seen him, escorted him to the
campus with bands and red fire nnd
sky rockotg; built in hie honor tho bir
g3t bonfire over eeon on tho campu;
ollrd "Wo want Bonnie!" until he
Boston onco rnnro to see nnd yoll for
"Bennio Androws." Tho onllego dally,
In an editor'til ramm-d with devotion,
welcomed him back an tho independent
thinker, the eHucationnl lender who ban
literally croatrd the Brown inlvcpily
of to-day, tho grout hearte I man and
students' friend, whnne benevnlonoo
ha" nnnbled many a poor but eojnust
student to remain In college thn man
who "created Brown Univor-ity's need
for the milliona'of endowment fioltUhly
r fused him "
Thl verv rTnnrUablo reception, ten
dered by the university nnd the com
munity he left ii roll- K" gencrntion nuo,
m additional evidence that Nebraska'
chancellor mete the final touts of the
great college president
Pro bah1 v timonilnnv other American
d'ipntor he bus. the Brown faculty's
famous "O en Letter" relnk' o 'ho
corporation in 1fli)7 fluid, "Mint personal
power which, wth monev without
money, ran tMco ho'd of im l-st'tntlon
and lift it -from a lower to bL'hor
plane; which can seize on tho imagina
tions a d thr morul nut tires of toung
men and transform them iato some
thing more sob lsrlv nnd ni'mly and
noble." If to develop chsractcr, man
hood Is the fundamental thing in cdn
(Mitinp - nnd I' indiBnutab'y is Dr An
drews's career proves him a great edu
cator. Hit has tht stlmu,Htirg power
of 'eaership. Mint cnmiraHn1 person
Hlitv, that honest manliness, that be
lief in ard s mpat'ef 'c nrdem'an'Hng
o' pt"dnt tba' has m"de nnd in rank
i"g them admire and love h!m
In broad scholarship, insight info tho
larger problems of education in excu-
('e ability and In power of inintfve,
Chancellor Andrew is in tho v-rv front
rani of American educator. First and
lat a searcher aftr tru'h, as broad
and judicial in tho flo'd of rcholir"hip
as ho le abovo partisanship in public
affairs. Chancellor Andrew la nn au
thority in a field that includes history,
flnanc. political econnmv, sociology,
the'dogy, and phil inthronv, all of
which subjects ho taught either at Cor
nell University or at Brown His main
interest is in philosophy. In wh'ob he Is
a thinkr of marked originality.
Nebrnska is nroud of Chancollor A
dres and mav well he. His liberal,
progressive, stimulating administration
compels it. In this inppMng scholar
anH educator the university bHB n man
who will bring; hor groator and greater
Winifred Hughes, Margaret E.
Hnugnawaut and Helen Field have
beon elected to membership in tbo
English Club.
Chancollor Andrews has an article
in tbo current Cosmopolitan on free
school bonks. Dr. And rows believes
that books should be furnished free
of oharge to students la the grains.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Boomer were
extended a reception New Year's
day bv tbo Camp Welch girls, at the
homo or tho Misses Roper, 1861 G,
The house was charm I nnd v iWnmtof
maae toom two speeches tbo Urat even with ferns, palms, decorative plants
ing. Tho next morning, after a great and flowers, among which wbh entwln-
demonstration when he appeared at ed tho scarlet nnd cream. The mnm
chnpel. thov "cut recitations en maBe were lighted by the soft glow of red
and formed in triumphal prooeEaion, and white candles. Punch nnrt
escorting him about a he Inspected tbo
recent changes in the university."
By two receptions the faculty, if leee
noisily not less -varmlv, exproesod their
h'gh admiration for their former presi
dent The alumci, who by an aval
anche voe, elected him a member of
th corporation last June, and who, as
fsbmen, bad flnoked to Brown becausa
it president was tho hero of its stu-
wafers wero served to the gucsti dur
ing tho afternoon.
Those assisting in the roioption
voro the Misses Ro.ier, Erisnano,
Pearson. Albarta Hearn, Hannah Pits
bury, Clara Fowler, Grieo Mlilt,
Catherine Sterling and Mow and
Mesdames T. F. A. Willi nm and I.
n. Hatfield. Mr. Boomer v. ill present
ly loare for the Philippines wbero
denta. came in from the city, from all j he will fill a Dosltion in the gorern-
iwuiuuuud wiuuu, anu even irom l menfj schools
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