DAILT NEBRASKA!!, y frrl I.'. 1 c iftr fU t I I it- fo.( p ', f I - l ' T J nr r it. t, I? gr r . I , f - llfr 7 y ft hi' t tV . J. ANOfflEU TOURIST EXCURS ION TO CALIFORNIA. To accomodate tho Increasing travol to California, tlio Burlington Routo lias added to Its Bervico another wookJy oxourBlon, Id tourist cars personally conducted. Tho nurlltigtnn'B through car ser vices t Calirnrnla is aB follows STANDARD SLKEPBRS-dally, Omaha, ulncoln, Hustings and Ox ford to Sao FrauciBco, connecting at lattor city with fast train for Lob Angeles. TOURISM SLERPERS-poreonaliy conducted every Thursday and Sat urday, Omaha, Lincoln, Fairmont. fIa8tlnBB and Holdrego to San Fran cisco ovory Weancsoav and Thursday, Kansas Ol'y, St. Joseph, Wvmore, Superior and Oxford to San Francis co and Los Angeles. All these cars run Yla Donvcr and Salt Lake City, passing the grona panorama of tho Rockies bv davllaht. If you're come to California, you will bo interested In our new 40-pano folder, "California Tours-1901-'02." It la freo. J FRANCIS. General Passenger Agent, Omntia, Nebr. Tumble Weeds ot all Uoolt Stores. ---1 Translations Literal, 50c. Interlinear, $1 y 117 vols. Dictionaries German, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, $j 00, and 51 '. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I, Willow each page, into linear translation, literal translation, nnri rvtry u ord comptiltly parsed. $1.50. Completely Scanned and Parsed Ac- ncid, Book I. $1.50 Ready A uguit ,ijoo. HINDS 6c NOBLE, Publishers, 4-5-6-13-13-14 Cooper Institute, N.Y. City. in :: Sttutoibookt of all fubl then at one itort. The Pioneer Barber Shop... Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First class Service J. WHITFORD. PHOl'KIKTOU 113 South 11th St , Lincoln, Nob. Every new Student calls on JaniesHearn 337 haB his So. nth street moasure taken And fox tii Tamous Kalamazoo Xlniknms? IttaHufacturtd fcp tbtl$enders0njnfri3 C0. Kajamazoo, Wick 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs QOPYRIQHTS &C. Jtpyono tending n Bitot cli and description mny auloklr nacortnln our opinion froo ulicUier an Invention Is probablr potontRblo. Conumintcn- tlona strictly conUdontlal. uanauooicoii riuonw sent froo. Ytnnti Oldest auoncr for socuHuk patents. Patents takon tlirounb Munn & Co. rccclTo tlxctalnotUe, without cUnrHO. la tho Sckttlif ic American. A handsomely lUnstrated weekly. Tantcst cir culation of any selontino Journal. Terms, 3 a year: four months, L Bold by all nowsdealors. MUHHCo38IBrodNBwYork Brwcb Offloo, &6 F BU Washington, D. C lyJHjra PROFESSOR BARBER TO READ A PAPER Professor 0. E. Barber haB received an invitation to prosont a paper at the annual raeotlng of tho Archaeo logical Instituto of America, ot which ho IB a mem nor, to be hem at Columbia University on December 20. 27 ana 28. Theso meetings are usually held In some eastern cltv and arc for the Durposo of discussing recon,t dis coveries In tho Archaeological fiela. Ho Is also in rooolpt of an Invitation to attend the meeting of the Chicago brunch of the institute to be held at Chicago Univorelty this month. ADDITIONS TO THE MUSEUM. Tho Morrill Geological Collcctiorh liavo been enriched by a set of "Tevln-Cleovago" calcites. Tho set consists of ten beautiful calcito crystals, showing n per f cut twin clcavairo. There is alBo added 10 specimens of a remarkable black and whito Hint brecohia. Tins sot of breech I a surpassed anything of the kind in tho museum. Tho broken, unworn pieces of white flint are Lcemented In a body of muddy colored flint. Tho oicces are largo ana showy and will soon bo mounted and placed in tho museum. Tho lator collection was found in Missouri. Dr Barbour hcara of tho (ina and scoured tho collection bv correspondence with local parties. Thoso two sets aro a valuable addi tion to collections in phenomenal geology. Tuesday afternoon the class in Phil osophy 7, under tho able leadership of Dr. T.Tj. Bolton, visited tho local hospital for the insane. Thoy were entertained very ploansatly for three hours by Dr. Greeno of the asylum who led tho class through the vari ous wards and assisted by Dr. Bol ton, explained the various forms or tho diseases. Much interest has bien demonstrated by the class In this suojoct anl many very interest ing cases wore oxamincd. Particular study has been givn to mania in its various forms, melancholia aud pirysl8 and as thoso patients aro predominant in tho itntitutton, many d fforont forms of ihoao diseases were smvbmg t8 r ell s instructive. In'onc ot the rocent numbers of theAmerlcanAgrlcultutiKt thero is apicturo of the front view of tho proposol new building for tho depart ment of Agriculture in Washington. II is to bo a massive structure, with line arcl ltectural details, and is to bo absolu'e'yrireoroof. f44064&40004"00Q Arc you Going to California? Call and get Printed Matter that will give yoti t full information a8 to its 01in?ft4e, Kesources and X the beet way to get there. 1 i.i i ' City Ticket Office, Bnrllngton DepOt, Corner loth and O Streets. 7U1 Street, Bet- P and Q. Telephone 235. Telephone as. NOTICE. All who liavo registered for tho Preliminary Debates will sond their vacation address to Secretary of the DobatlngBoard. O. G. HORNE. About half the mombors of the junior Law class havo been excused from tho linal examination in Con tracts by Professor Bobbins on ac count of the proflolenoy thoy have shown in class work and in the Dro ll mi nary examination which occurred last month. All othorB will be ex amined todav beginning at 8 o'clock. State Superintendent Fowler will dlsouss a paper by Superintendent Samuel Ilamllton of Pittsburg on "County Institutes f roma; Dractlcal standpoint," at the meeting of superintendents In Chicago. February 25. Major Van Ness ol Cornell has made a rule, preventing all men under 5ft. 4 in. In height and 115 pounds in wolRht from taking mili tary"drill. Such men will be enrolled iTTTfre GyrrmasTimrclHsscs: Members of Professor Caldwell's class in American Ilistory n are busy preparing a comparative statement of the lives of Alexander Hamilton ana Thomas Jefferson or of tho political parties of Jefferson's time. Iowa's atholtic board is said to bo o poor to advanco money for the track and baso ball team. IT thov havo either, the monoy to support them will havo to be raiBcd by sub scription. Professor uobomroir ih trying to arrango to have his class in Agency como in the morning Instead or the afternoon at at present. Partnerships or two members each have been formed in the Senior Law class to try cases in tho Justice and District courts. The Junior Law class will aminea by Professor RobbJns Law of Contracts the last week. bo in of ex- thc thin Miss Dott M. Druso was visited last week by somo frionds from Hot Springs, South Dakota. Of course you will wanL a Panlouris hat. We have; them. Wilson & WaTe rs. When In doubt buy Tumble Weeds. KOO0O4 Wanted by the Daily Ne braskan enough new subscribers to bring the list up to.... 1000 The list is now 750. To induce 250 more students and alumni to subscribe we will ma"ke a rate of 75 cents for the rest of the .school year, just half price. This offer is for new names only and is made to in crease the list to 1000. It. will be withdrawn as soon as that num is reached. WriteJJyonr name nnd address below tear out'thc slip and leave with the 7. cents, at the Dailv ofllce, at one of the book store or send by mail. The Daily Nebraskan Dkak Sihs: Herewith find 75 cents. Plrnso send the Daily ns per your special offer. Name . . Addrcbb. Gold Filled Watches Sflas, $10.00 until Xmn. Late popular muilc, 15o or. cop DELOSS T. SMITH, 1140 O STREET. The Fast Trains are via the Union Pacific. I 'PICTO Ti 'uamuAji!UJMmii Lv. Lincoln 71UOQ. m. 10:0p. m, 1:40 p. id, :i:lO p. in. &: p. m. i :io p. m. 0 If p. m. a CO a m. (M5 a. ni. ox Pun Ar. Olioyvnnu Ar. Ogdon Ar.Bnlt 1 nko City Ar Pun Franclbcu Ar, Portland Ar Styikiino Ar. liutto Ar. Lou Angeles dally dally dully dully dally' dally daily dally "THE CALIFORNIA. EXPREBB." Lv. Lincoln Ar. Denver Ar. Choycnno Ar. Ogdon Ar. 8ult Lako Olty Ar Hun Frnnclsco Ar. Los Angelea 1:45 p m. 7:30 a. m. 7:10 a. n). 12:30 n. en. 8:45 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 7:00 a. m. i2s53l Oij H bh nri o . fc Vtt dally dally dully dully y dally Jally dally I 'TIIE PACIFIC EXPREee.' Lv. Lincoln Ar. Denver Ar. Choycnno Ar. ORden Ar. Halt Lako City Ar. Ilutto Ar. Ban Francisco Ar. Portland 1:45 p.m. 1:40 p m. . 12:00 pir. 7:3fl a. m. U:25 a, in. 6:0p. m. 4:S!5p. m. 9:10 a. m. U:50a.m. 8:43 om. dally dally, dully dally dally. dally dally daily dull? dally Ar. Ar. BDokanu Lbs Angeles For full Information call on or addrc&a E B. SLOSSQF, Agent. k " "HE." rM s?"' -1 "". .. .-$ J ,,v ? m !- Rt ' S. r J-1 1 V . u.