& .; t- v " - sgsraprappsr-f IT -ff f r . ' ' V . , . ' - S , r l,' , I St I I I V THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN. rTjT , it. - f, ' 3 i i. - ; l!"T It TDE DAILY NEBRASKAN t-Btwapapar davotod to the lntarasti of tha University of Nebraska. Published at 134 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PTO. CO. (Incorporated.) DIMICTORB: t, W. Crabtroe, President. . Town9,Becrotarr.Treasarer. J. I. Wgr, T. J. Hewott, E. W. Washburn. MariftRliiK Editor AftHlHttint MuntiRor Athlotlo Kill tor HtorlliiR II. Mc'Iaw, UhnrloH I. Taylor, Goorfro 1. Hhfdler, IIOAUD UK EDITOHS. V O nitlo,01nrii Olovcr. KT Hill. It A Mc Nowii, Dun Uutlobon. Kbl'OUTEUS It 0 Pollard. E 1) Hunlon. Clifton Oiirtrr, NorrWUuse. J K 1'iirncy OIIT Crooks, John A Wilson, MiniM IIuuilnRton. ' Tba obiorlptlon prlca of tha Daily Nebraa Kan la K2 for the college year with a regular de uorr bsfore ohapel each, day. Notices, com munications, and other mat tar Intonded for pub lication, mast be handed In at the Nebraska office before 7 p. m., or mailed to the editor be fore 3 p. m., of the day prerioua to that day on htah they ore expected to appear. Subscription! may bo left at the Nebraiknn office, at the Co. Op., or with Business Manager. Subscribers will confer a fayor by roporting promptly at this office any failure to receiTO the All changes In advertising matter must be in tha ofllce by 3 p. m. on the day previous to that a wbloh they are to appear. Address all communications to the Dally No braakan, 131 N. litis Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska. " ''' " Telephone 470. Eatorcd nt tho post ofllco at L nroln, Neb. its Bocond cIiihm mull mutter. Nebraska Is to bo congratulated on tho trio of men she has chosen to conduct football affai-s next year. Tlio rofcnMon of Coach Uootli, Jn sures a man at the head of tho train ing work who cannot bo surpassed in tho west. Tho past two'seusons havo demonstrated his ability In his Hno and havo tended to increaso moro and more-the confidence of ton men in him His Intimate acquaintance with tho mon and the student body In general makes him an invaluable adjunct to Nonraska football circles. Captain Westover owes his reelec tion to trie fact that durlnir tho last senson ho proved himself to do ono of tho nccossarles. No ono connected with football In any way worked liaraorand accomplished moro for tho successful lssuo of tho season than he. Ills hard vigorous nlav that would not givo up under tho most adverse circumstances together witli his nat ural talont, won for him tho roputa tlou or being one of tho best tackles in tho west. With Captain Westover at tho head of tho team Nebraska may feel sure that nothing that will tend toward making tho season a suc cessful ono, will bo leit undone. While Mr. EukcI is comparatively new in football ciroles in tho Univor sitr ho has had. oxperionce that has demonstrated his ability as a busi ness man. Boforo coming tu the Uni versity lie managed a team at Omaha and ho was manairor of the Univer sity track team for a season. With these men at the head Ne JbrflSKa football ought to experience its most successful season next year. PROFESSOR FREDERIC W. .TAY LOR AT THE ST. LOUIS EXPOSITION. Tho World's Fair Uulletln, a publi cation put out in tho interest of tho Loulsana Purcbaso Exposition has tho following to say of a formor membor of too faculty of tho Uniror lsty of Nebraska: "Mr. Frederic W. Taylor, formerly professor of horticulture in tho State University of Nooraska, later super intendent of flgrloulturo, horticulture and forestry at tho Omaha Exposi tion, and moro recently at tho Pan American, is now In St. Louis where ho lias taken up work In connection with tho Loulsana Purcbaso Exposi tion Company's l)ooartment of Agri culture. Mr. Taylor was the son of a pioneer horticulturist or Iowa, and was brought up to the business. Af terwards his promlnenco in tho nurs ory business In Nebraska lea to his call to a professorship in tho State University. Ho was sent abroad sev eral times by the ..government for scientific pomologloal study and his duties at tho Pan Amerioan and in connection wifch the Paris Exposition nave given him a very broad special training in exposition details and features. Ho Is still a comparatively Tiiung man, having been born In 1800." Y. W. C. A. CALENDARS. Tho culondars gotten out by tho Young Women's Christian Associa tion will bo on sale Thursday and Friday In tho Library Hall. The calonnars are prettv and considering the artistic work, very low in prico. They are in two colors gray and brown and consist of threosheots and a cover. Pictures f tho Chancellor and of tho buildings together with typical University scenes designel by two ot tho girls adorn tho pages. Students should bo suro to see them when thoy start out to look for C liristmaB presents. Dr. Fling will address tho class pedagogy Thursday aftornoon. in Christmas Goods In Great Variety Cull and see us before you go home. Lincoln Crockery Co.. 135 South 12th Street. A TALE OF A HAT. A good storv Is told about a senior, whoso name must for obvious reasons bo withheld. Tho talo goes that he borrowed a senior cap from a frat brother to protect hira from the Btorm, as lie went to tho library night before last. Tho sight of the cap. iving calmly on tho table beside tho austere senior, naturally excited tho onvy of an avaricious junior, and long before tne librarian tapped tiie bell, tho cap was safely stowed away on tho Junior's shelf of trophies. The senior, becoming alarmed at the consequences of his loss, tele phoned to his frat brother to send relief in the shape of a new hat. To indicato their great loyalty unaer such adverse circumstances they im mea lately despatchea a straw hat re sembling tho 5-cent hat that tho ubiqultus bare-footed boy wore just bef' ro school opened lanTTfalir In fourth act the senlor-olothed m-a-fur-overcoat and a straw hat. was seen crossing O street with a pair of co eds clinging to his arm. There was undoubtedly a fifth act on his return to the house but particulars of the same aro out given. Some of tho electrical engineering students havo fitted the machine shop with electric lights and connec ted them with tho University light ing plant). Hereafter the elements will uavo no control over the enthus iastic machinists. ' I'-i"1; ri&m Holiday Novelties - EWING'S The Swellest Creations Mufflers, Ties, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes sweaters, JNight Gowns, Pajamas, Shirts. See Our Li EWING, 111517 O. When in Doubt BUY SLIPPERS. PERKINsTsHELDON 1129 0 STREET. ar 4aY M$0r fri-frf-tfrt-C-f-f-f-&E-tfr&. T v n4. I? H I dc Keuiry rur The Holidays IPS? 'Get your new suits U3$"jind pants now. We have a full line of first class goods ready to maxo up. ChII and look it over. Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., 143 North ThirtAPnth --- - - - ! T T ft 8 Several new students are oxpeoked to register H tho bchooi of Music (after the holidays. t Hill & Co. will make vnurrlnths clean your suits wUIiIi0TlsvF7cS 1222 0 Street. Phone A672 : Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital Special attention glrcn to disease of wotaaa ana all surgical diseases. X-ray exaralnattoa with no discomfort or injury to patiet.4. Everything- an liomrliLo aa possible. Board aavd room reasonable. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. P. O. Box 031. Telephone MS ATTENTION, STUDENTS. I wish to know you. 1 wish you to know my work. For this reason 1 will give jur dental wok at about hulf the usual rates for sixty days. DR. A. H. AYERS, l'J7 S. Twolftk. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Pree. Prlcts Reasonable. 1238 O Street, ' Special Thursday and Friday One Copy Autograph Edition of TUHBLE WEEDS Bar 45jLoa The regulat prico of the autograph edition is 81.25. However wo have quite a number of this edition and only a few of tho regular til it ion left. Hence this offer for today and Friday. No. 1 of the autograph edition was awarded Monday to W. T. Chantland, Ft. Dodge, la., hie hid of 80 being tho highest received. On'yono copy will be sold to any one perBon. At any book store, or of tho publishers, 134 North Eleventh, rooms 4, 5 and 0, up stairs. The University Publishing Co., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Jl JjT V ay'tfglJaawaaaaaMaMsBTHsBrTl ;tfAlilaiMWiriLaa'i:ai..x-..i .Atn ,-aafcfc.!LfrW&.. . . tn Ju&.n. 'a... t 'Jtt.i iuujlW- --' .f'- aLi. JiiV&izJl&Ju.JZii. . -ttuM u ! j, W&J2fUtiii n . i - V . .i -f 'ussMii jfe'3iJtL 16- 3 m ijl