iimww h i ii i r hi i mm pp WWWMJiiJTOWes?5l f?TSXrfsIi& W'8iifWW'04M'nnMwM A-'' ti ,' ! WP" ' :-r.-: 'z-:V'l' ..':' c- v,--" - ''- '' -M.r--v:-.V.:. - :. --..,,- l; ";,"'" ,v--i 1 . The Daily Nebraskan VOL. I, NO 66 LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1901. THREE CENTS y : t r R &'. Ifc I: R i ( ic- x BS I'M h - M.V.. :v . X . -,-) ,1 i SPEAKS ON FORESTRY. Dr. Bessey Sets forth tho Advan tages of Tree Planting Would Tend to Conserve the Water Supply. The president's message in Its ap plication to forestry was the subject; of an address by Dr. Bessoy at con vocation yesterday. Dr. Bessey defined forestry in tho words of President Roosovolt In his message. "Tho fundamental idea of forestry is tho perpetuation of forests by uso." A froest, said Dr. Bessey. Is a rank perennial vegetation which docs not die aown but keeps growing from vear to year. Ho then compared forest land to pralrio land with referonco to the amount of moisture bold in tho soil. -In-the forest-there-ls-a soft-spouayJ soil filled with sticKS and roots and envoi cd over with grass and fallen leaves. This soil acts as a water re servoir, soaking up largo quantities of moisture when tho rains come, and letting it trickle slowly away through little brooks to water tne la no. down stream. "Forests are the sources of all large rivers," said Dr. Bessey. Ho sh iwed that the forests also hold the water in reserve by protecting the ground from tho wind,, which would other wise cause evaporation. On the Other hand, he said, that ram fall on open land is subject to evaporation and the ground 60on becomes ory. As there is nothing to hold tho rain when it falls, great torreuts rush down the slopes and cause much damage, then in a few days the torrents are gone and tho ground is dry. Dr. Bessey expressed himself as well pleased with tho president's at titudo.to forestry which is shown In his message where ho says, "The water .supply Itself depends upon the forest." In tho arid region it is water, not laud, which measures production. Tho western hall of tho United States would sustain u popu lation creator than that of the whole country today if tho waters that uow run to wasto were saved and usod for irrigation. The forest and water problems are perhaps tho most vital internal questions of the United States.' In another placo ho savs. "The. forests are natural reservoirs. By restraining the stroamB in flood and replenishing them in drought they make possiblo the use of water othorvnse wasted. They prevent the soil from washing and so oroteot the fltorngo reservoirs from flhing up reserved in tho western states and that ten million more were soon to bo reserved in tho southern Allc ghanics. This last summor tho Bur oau Of Forestry sent a party into western Nebraska and tho surround ing region to study tho problem of making trees grow on tho plains. "Ton years ago" said Dr. Bessey, "experiments wero ruado in the sand hills which provo that pine trees eighteen foot high can bo grown in ten yoars. Tho government proposes to rcscrvo land In Nebraska and plant Dine on it. If this Is done, in twenty rears from tho time of planting we shall havo usuable forest timber." DEBATING BOARD BUSY. Questions For Intercollegiate Con testa Now Being BoloctedA Special Bullotin to Contestants. Tho fact that tho Debating Board has not announced much interstate dobating news this week does not mean that tho board is not pushing tho matter of" selecting questions to a conclusion with all possihle speed. It has not annuonced the questions beeauso it has not yet succeeded in coming to aareemont with the three colleges. It expects, however to make somo dellnito anouncement by O-Pf I Hop. Walsh Hall, Jan. 16. CERTIFICATES TO BE ISSUED FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Certificates for reduced rates to stu dents and members of faoulty will bo issued at the Executive Office Friday morning for those obliged to leave on Friday afternoon trainBand Frioay afternoon for those leaving Friday evening and Saturday morning. Cer tificates will also bo issued any time Saturday. Tlckocs aro only good on trains leaving Friday und Saturday. Tho rate 1& one and one-third fare tomorrow morning. The desirability of having the questions settled beforo the Univer sity clusses tomorrow night, no one appreciates rooro than the board. That it has not been able to announce the questions before today is, tbe board states, beeauso It is taking especial care to havo genuinely de batable questions. Had tho board boon willing to sottle on a vague, general question without a dolinite Issue, It could havo anuounced at olther the secretary of tho board or with tho instructor in argumentation and debate. In caso tho questions are net decid ed until after tho candidate leaves town, tho board will thus bo able to notify him without delay, and it will do so in every case, what tho ques tions arc. Tho best material in tho University library on tho intorstato questions will bo resorved at onco so that it may bo accessible to all con cerned not only during tho Christmas recess but also thereafter. Registration for the preliminary do bato, tho board voted at Its last meeting, will not ho closed until a week uftcr tho last Interstate ques tion is announced by tho board. iTThe special offer of 75 cents for the remain der of this semester made by the daily will posi tively be withdrawn December 25. All names must be new, on the list and be ac companied by cash. CHEMICAL SOCIETY MEETING. Tho twenty-sixth regular meeting of the Nebraska section of tho Amer ican Chemical Socloty will bo hold in room 4 of tho Chemical laboratory on Thursday, December 10, at 8 pm. Tho papers to bo read aro as ft Hows: Tho Indirect weighing of Quafltl tativo Precipitates, Roscoo VV. Thatcher. Report of tho Twenty fourth General meeting of tho Amer ican Chemical Society, Professor Ffudsun H. Nicholson. All those Interested arc invited to attend. for the round trip limited until Jan uary 0, 1002, good to ail points in Western Passenger Association. with- silt. Forest conservation 1r - therBfore:an essential condition ol wator conservation." The.8i)crt!:oi' raaldtalned that wo use our forests too much as a farmer uses his crops, wo out them down and leave nothing. He declared tbo for ests should be preserved for posterity, and the forestry us a Bclenoo, alms to show bow to preserve them and at tho same time use them. Tho president recopnueuas that the Un erf States Geological Survey, the Land, office and tb,a Bureau of Fores try ho merged into ono office. Dr. Bessey explained that these three offices handle different parts of the forestry work. Ajlrto, tlio. -work which is being .done toward the preservation of for- -eats, Br. Bessev stated that fifty - :. . . i,. i.-i uJ. muiion acres ox lureau muu uuu uccu SENIOR PARTY TONIGHT. Tho Seniors will hold tholr class party tonlgt In tho armorv. Every attention baa been given to makothc party a success. Tho armory will bo decorated prettily with tho Univer sity and olass colors. Tho entortaln mont will bo strictly Informal, as It Is hoped' that tho class will become better acquainted than at a formal reception. All seniors aro invited. The committee wishes to announco ftliatll-senior-BiFlsi-pxLvilegedkL Invite tholr escorts. BASKET BALL EQUIPMENT. The athletio association voted $50 Tuesday evening to tno basket .ball team. ThlB'money will bo used to buy a basket ball and eight suits. Thse suits will bo given to tho eight men making the nest showing. This s tho first time in tho history of the University that tho basket ball team has had-uniform suits. Tho offer ing of these suits to tbe 8 best men will it is thought creatQ enough com petition and rivalry among tho play ers to develop a strong team for this season's games. The, final examination In Contracts was given in the Junior Law claGS Tuesday. least ono question toaav. But the board has insisted and still is insist ing on defllto questious. This kind of a question ono of tho institutions Nebraska hopes to meet, evidently does not want to debate on. With this Institution the debating board, through .Secretary O. G. Home, has been arranging in corres pondence by telegraph as well as mall tho last thirty-six hours. Tho board is Insisting on a final reply today and to oxpedlate the opponent's decision it has given him not only tbe choice of one of sevoral questions but also tbe choice of side. From another of tbe three Jnstitu-XTbTiTTJelJramnn&njXpTroOiig Jpn-anyJiour as. to the-question, What tho intorstato questions aro to oe tho board will announco bv bulletin in University Hall Just as soon as they aro known hero. To provide, however, for a possiblo delay of a day or two in settling tho questions, the board. Issues to those students who havo already registered or the preliminary contest and to .those whose registration is conting ent utoon tho character of tho ques tions! the following: SPECIAL BULLETIN. Present and possible candidates for positions on tho Intorstato debating teams will, beforo loavlng tho city for the Christmas recess, leave their addresses during tho vacation with SPECIAL. MUSICAL PROGRAM TOMORROW. A special program of sacred mUBio lias beon arranged for tho convoca tion period tomorrow. A number of features of unusual interest will bo introduced. IMPORTANT. Tho address of every student, should bo correct in tho student di rectory which will bo out in a few days. Today and tomorrow are the last In ffhlch corrections can bo mado. Students who haye moved since regis tering should leave their correct ad dress at Registrar's office at onco. ENGLISH 13 DEBATE. What promises to bonn Interesting debato will take place in English 'A the advanoed class in oral discussion, this afternoon in tho Supreme Court's decision on tho Porto Rico tariff case. Tho question will bo, Resolved, That the Supreme Court's dcciBiQiUn. Hie-oase-of-Downcsvs-Bldwp.li wnH.ln conBlBtent with the provious inter- pretatluuB of tho constitution by that court. Tho speakers for tho affirmative .will be Messrs, ,C. P. Craft and I,. P.' Howltt, and for tho negative, Messrs J. C. Douot and M. L. Hart. Professor Charles A. Robbing, a now addition to the faculty corps of crlt-: ics that is ripping up loose logic', will co-operate with Instructor Fogg, criticising the debato from tbe pcint of view of constitutional law. Tho 'debato will bo he a in the old chapel from 2 to 4 o'clock. Tho vacation in the law school wJU bo-tbo same as that of. tho Academic College, beginning Friday evening December 20 at' G o'clock and ending v, at8 am. Monday, January." P: 'nWiBS :3 i -. v ' ' AT r ''-a 1 r vif r f. fr" w ' ws JS. ,' : &i 'V,. ,. Ji :l:ifeW. -2L.'J