.., jiwBr. V.-gJ".! Zyj.-.yy.fy'.-?! rr : w-iy&sgi??'? twwto "S VitwMrrf,lfcZSn6 ,''" - r .Jf'. S THE DAILY NEBRASKA!!. ,'hi FURS' RAGLANS Wanted -a For Xmas Presents. by the Daily Ne jVraskan enough new subscribers to bring the list up to.... Elegance and style predominate in our Cloak Dept., with the prices so low that we -W fear not competition. A nice Fur Scarf makes a useful Xmas gift. ' RINGS FOR XflAS GIFTS. iElittaltl I: iiL I ;8fe P K 5s'T Klf -J re.-' :? 'jo ; mf- t.r ; ir.n. fcvT",r" ftr. i, 1000 The list is now 750. To induce 250 more students and alumni to subscribe we will make a rate of 75 cents for the rest of the school year, just half E. & J. B.'s Solid Gold Shell Rings. Each and every ring bears the stamp of the maker, and is guaranteed for five j-ears. The riugs are made in a great variety of styles and settings for ladies', misses and chil dren. There are plain wedding bands, also chased, and mountings of Tiffany, Belcher, Gypsy, hoop and cluster designs. They are made of a solid gold shell, and guaranteed by the maker for five years' wear. The stones used are fine imitation diamonds, sapphires, rubies, pearls, opals, moonstones, turquoises, garnets, and all the birth-stones for the different months. There are three prices only, 25c, 50c and $l.OO, worth 50c, $1.00 and $2.00. each, Sample line of Solid Gold Rings, with genuine opals, pearls, turquoise, garnets, etc, also plain band Rings, worth from $5.00 to $10.00 each, for $2.98, $3.50, $5,Ou and $7.50. I You will pay just double these prices at jewelry stores. I rice. This offer is or new names ordy and is made to in crease the list to 1000. It will be withdrawn as soon as that num is reached. Writo'your narao and address below tear out the slip and leave with the 7.r cents, at the DaHv ofllce, at ono of the book store or eend by mail. More New Cerise Lamps We received yesterday, by fast freight, ten barrels of our celebrated Kopp Cerise Red Lamps the Lamp that is the talk of the town. Siegel-Cooper, of Chicago, sells this same Lamp for $4.75. We have 50 to sell before Dec. 24th. Central draft, Success burner, 100-candle power light, and the pretti est red in the world, all others are imitations: $3-45. The Daily Nebraskan Dkaii Siub: Herewith find 7.r cents. Please send the Daily as per your special offer. Name . Addross. Gold Filled Watches $10.00 Until Xmat. Lale popular music, 15c pr. cop DELOSS T. SMITH, 1140 0 STREET. Elgin or Waltham Justice court practlco was orean lzed in the Law Sobool, Thursday afternoon. Mr. llorbort completed his work in law Thursday and left for Ulsmark South Dakota wliero ho .will join a law Arm. The Fast Trains are via the Union Pacific. IM i5s&.h rig i M In Howard Saxton, oaw '01. is in Lin coln looking up a location to pactloo his profession. Mr. Saxton was a can didate for county Judge of Cass Coun ty this fall. When In doubt buy Tumble Weeds. Jack Best has some Spaniels on exhibition rooms. fine Cookrel in the bath The four o'clock athletic class, has increased in membership from twelvo to twenty-five, sinco the closo of tho football season. G. D. Johnsou of tho Junior laws, was in Omaha a fow days last week. Mr. Johnson will not resumo his course until next semester. tv&irtf "THE OVERLAND LIMITHD." Lv. Lincoln. Ar. Ohoycnno Ar. Oftden Ar.Solt Lake City Ar. Bun Francisco Ar, Portland Ar. Spokane Ar. Butto Ar. Los AnRolos 7:00 a. m. 10:C0p. m, 1 :4o p. m, :i;10 p. m. &: p. m. 4r:io p. m. 0:16 p. m. a.COa m. 4:45 a. m. ox Bun dully dally dally dally dally dally dully dally "TUB OALIFORNIA1EXPRE8S." Lr. Lincoln Aj. Denrer Ar. Oheyonno Ar. Offdon At. Salt Lako Olty Ar. San Francisco Ar. LosAngoles 1:45 pm. 7:30 a. m. 7:10 a. to 12:30 a. m. . 8:45 a. m. 8:25 a. in. 7:00 a. m. THE PACIFIC EXPRESS. Ly. Lincoln Ar. Dftnvor Ar. Ohoyonno Ar. OKdon Ar, Halt Lake City Ar. Butto Ar. Ban Francisco Ar. Portland Ar. Bookano . Ar. Los ADgoios 1 H5 p. m. 1:40 p.m. 12:30 p- m. 7:30 a. in. 0:25 a. m. 5:20 p. m. 4:25 p. m. 9:10 a. m. 0:50 a. m. 8:45 a. m. For full Information call on or addross E. u.,SL.t:UN, Agem. dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dully dally dally dally aany A practical joko was playod ou Mr. Morrow of tho Junior laws a few ovonings ago, whllo he was acting as sub-librarian. One of tho law boys put a oat in a drawer of tho librarian's desk, whllo ho was out for a moment. Shortly after he camo back, "Scrub by" Hohl wont to tho desk and re quested a book which ho know to be in tho same drawer with tho cat. When Mr. Morrow oponod tho desk tho oat popDoci out, and so also.) did Mr. Morrow's eyos. It is said that ono ootid havo knocked thorn oft with a stick. O. H. Rose Las been called away for a few davs on ecological investi gation for private parties in Not th orn Nebraska. Chancellor Androws has been re quested by tho Nebraska Teacher to furnish a paragraph by way of greet ing tho Stato Association. Tho following officers were eleoted at themeoting of tho Unlop Debat ing Club Saturday night: President, J. H. Ovorturf. Vice President, B. G.. Lewis, Secretary, Mr. Cutcher, Attorneys. Ilawtborno and Baldwin. Students! The Pioneer Clean Linen Finest of Toilets First-class Service W. J. WHITFORD, Pbopiuetor 113 South 11th St., Lincoln, Nob. ANOTOEU TOURIST EXODRS- ION TO CALIFORNIA. To accomodate tho increasing travel to California, the Burlington Route has added to its service an ther weekly exoursion, in tourist cars personally conducted. Tho BurliDgton's through car sor vlco to California is as follows: STANDARD SLEEPERS-daily, Omaha, uincoln, Hastings and Ox ford to San Francisco, connecting at lattor city wlth fast train for Los Angeles. TUORISTSLEEPERS-persouall conducted every Thursdav and Sat urday, Omaha, Lincoln, Fairmont, flastlngs and Holdrego to San Fran cisco every Wednesday and Thursday, Kansas City, St. Joseph, Wvmore, Superior and Oxford to San Francis co and Los Angeles. All these cars run via Donver and Salt Lake City, passing tho grand Legislative Gallery. BEST OF RATBB TO STUDENTS. s&6$MGMjb Portrait aid Laisdcape Pkotographer iao 5ouh nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLBRY ESTABLISHED 1871. Decorate Your Rooms! IN ARTISTIC POSTER FREE. Send us your name on a postal card and we will mail to ynu free a new brilliantly colored Washburn poster (size 12x18 inches. This poster is the creation of. the Viking's Head Studio, and has been pronounced exceedingly bright and clever. It represents a pastoral scene, a rabbit enamored of the music of a mandolin.. Write today, this offer may not appear again. LYON & HEALY, 17 Adams St., Chicago. Makers ol the World-Famous Washburn Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos and Zithers. TKnToratnirorilliO Kocklos by daylight. If you're going to California. jfou. will bo interested in our new 40-pago folder, "California Tours 1001 -'02." It is free. J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Omana, Nebr. Be Good Get a box of Maxwell's chocolate to take home with you for the Holidays They're tho best you can get at any price. I W. MAXWELL CO. MakerAOfdood Chocolates, uifi O Street and 200 South 11th Street .. ? "'L. rV. V', 1 .' ' ? : . yy.. : m ... . , r , s 'X-.r,ti til A. .'- J0"v.' VH 'ij,itk'-4gi