H3 V MW&V ' ' r V -.. ? i -w J v ,i rf'k - vaat i - -4 V.' - 1 -,,-J" THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. " V lg3SgS3ggS33B inncpnncnna DDJBHUH a a y Y A - PHUftSSIUNAL UIHtUIUHT gg aa laoactaEusaaiincincBiicaBQKSianB JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich ards Block, Telephono 535. Residence, 1B10 Q Street, Telephone L084. DR. BEN J. F. BAILEY; Dr. Mar Louise Flanagan; Office, 141 South 12th Streot. Tolophone 018. L. P. DAVIS. D. D. 8., Dentist. Bridjre and Crown work. Office room 7, over Rock Island ticket office. Phone 349. Compliments of the NEW INCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Football team especially invito)d to call and en jov a nice clean ontortainment and healthful exercise Club rates glVen. John 8. Cain, Propr., 134 South Tenth. Remember When in need of tailoring-, repairing or cleaning in lh clothing lino that C. EHLERS is the man. For the benefit of those new students who dont know, his address is north west cor 11th and O. room 4, up stairs Uncalled For Shirts at a Big Discount. HARPER, Tho Shirt Makor, 1012 0 St. Smokers Can of e t what tney want and be sure it is right in price, too, from G. R. Wolf & Co. 1 039 O Street A Close Shave A hair cut. or any thine else you want a barber to do for you, at tho Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND p streets. AT THE HflT Unique 4l Restaurant 1230 O St., and you will wear a Binilo. Commutation tickets at a dis count. '&ffi$WMWWWiMbliiib& &. ! Fine i i Furs, i : We are making a spec- ial this month on fur coats 1 Investigation means a g purchaser. Every g wit.h it, absolute satis- & faction. F. E. VOELKER, 1 Twelfth and N Streets. Phone F357. " ...... .. am Pili We can interest the student in Wood and Coal SCHAUPP & HURD, Office: Hit South 12 St. Phones, 382-793-705. Local and Personal. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. $1.25 kid gloves 08c at Tho Famous. The Hygienic Cafo, 316 So. 12th at C. E.lBrown dontlst.'Burr block. Steele, the furrier 143 So. 12th st. Tho Co-Op for UniZX'mas novoltics. Prang's Art Calandars'atBrown's. Buy your undorwoar at The Famous. Dr Woodward, occullst, Rlch'ds blk. Pot Roast Day at FranciR Brothors. Your Irlond WoeaB." will need "Tumble Tho Music Lovers' series of Books at Brown's. All kinds of X'mas Toggery for men at B. & TVs. Rlnohart's Indian Calendars, at Tho Co-Op. 1902, Go to Westerflolds for your mas hair cut. Christ- Theodore Westermann University this week. visited tho Tho summer school bulletin will be out sometime this weoK. Come now for your uhristmas pho tographs. Townsond's Elite Studio. Go to the Matthews Piano Co., for sheot music and supplies 1120 O street. Lindsoy's. Pipes, Cigars, Canes, Tobacco and Smoker's Articles for Christmas. Do you want a Piano? Go to the Matthews Piano Company 1120 O street. Stop at Bass' studio for your Christmas photos and soo the water color exhibit. Wo havo tho gonulno Pontouris Hats and yon want one, Wilson & Waters. Ilattors 1042 O St. You ought to get fuel that will give you tho most heat for tho money. That being the case go to tho Union Fuel Company and buy either coal, wood or coke at tho lowest prices. 1014 O street. nOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES. Tho Union Paolflo will soli tickets on its linos for tho Holidays at Great ly Reduced rates. For dates of sales, limits and points to which tickets will bo sold, apply to E. B. Siosson Agont. Of course you'll have to beep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man ENGLISH 11 AND 13. Thoso mombors of English 11 and 13 to whom I returnod their first ar guments, submitted on October 3 and 4 respectively, will please return to mo thoso argumentsnot rowrit trn Dororo tho University classos for the Christmas recess. M. M. FOGG. Go to E. Fleming's 1211 O stroot for Christmas gifts in thol Jewelry line. Samuel ITankins received a badly strained ankjo whllo playing basket hall Thursday night. Superintenaont E. A. Burnett loft Friday for Holdrego to conduot tho Farmer's Institute there. nRTTTnTvGrSlty club Wiir gl7oJT dance at the Lincoln Light Infantry Hall, Thursday, Decombr 19. Miss Helen Koop. loft Saturday for her home In Nebrasna City, aftor an extended visit with her sister. Captain Koohlor was out for basket ball practice Thursday night for tho lirst time this year. Not that wo wish to butt In, but a copy ol "Tumble Weeds" ought to bo added to the list of Christmas pres ents you are to buy. Yale alumni havo subscribed $170. 000 for a now $225,000 gymnasium. They oxpeot to ralso tho romulndor from tho undergraduates. Tho American Federation of labor passed a resolution favoring an at tenant to unionizo the school toaoh ors during tho next year. Fire destroyed the main bu1llttnginr Woostor University of Woostor Ohio. The building was valued at $250,000, covered by an insurance of 870.000. The Shoes you buy at Sanderson's ar as good as money can buy. Thoy are satisfied with a shall profit bo cause thoy sell so many goods In tho aggregate. This Is why you should go In and look over their stock. Augustana College, Rock Island, 111., established in I860 as a Swedish Theological school, has deoided to become a seotarian institution with instruction in the English language In ail departments. Cold ana si Ivor headed canes and umbrellas. The latest stylo of horn novelties. Clocks that need to be wound out once in two years. Lots of other novoltes and standard goods in the jewelry lino can be found at E. Flemings, 1211 O streot. SENIORS. . Do not fail to hand in personal SKotohcs and havo pictures takon this week as rjiis work must be arranged during tuo holidays. Editor hopior 1 Book. Before Going Home COME IN and select gifts for "the folks." We are show ing toilet articles at all prices from five cents up. Genuine Ebony hair and clothes brushes, with sterling name plates, at fifty cents Other goods at similarly reasonable prices. Thesejjoods must all be seen to be appreciated. Miller & Paine. 'Are you going to buy ! Christmas Presents? ilfpo, don't forgot to look through E. IIALLETT'S elegant stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Sterling Silver Ware, Qold Tlead Canes, Umbrellas, Cut Gloss Wore, Opera Glasses, and every tinnif revnniv nrepTiHtt2 first class jewelry store. Remember the place. E. Hallett! 1143 O 8t., under Funk Opera Houbc Art Calendars Gift-Books. Latest Fiction and Juvenile Works - Come in. "We can suggest presents for your friends that will be gladly received. Wilson & Hall, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, II33 O STREET. WE SELL '& KODAKS ti a i .,-, ..'i m V v . Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets. (wwww,wrowro I 117 NORTH nth 6TRBBT. D. E. PcRUTRON te&&&d