xyii.VivTx;sm3i mM'imTr Yr'' wiiiutZ. ' tr rrwwi. V .fv-,' r--y rp-ylwjB&Qfp&'llrii rsrnrn lMWPpw?wfe v V m Be THE DAILY NKBRASKAN. Ejfc-i I - M I'M 41 l v ' f f i. - '. ir i. 1 1 TOE DAILY NEBRASKAN k newspaper deroted to the Interests of the Unlreralty if Nobra ilea. Publlihod at 134 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. 00. (Incorporated.) DIRltOTORBi J. W. Crabtrea, President. G. L.Towne.Socretanr.Treasarer. . I. Wfor, T. J. Hewott, K. W.TVaihbara. HtorllnR II. McOnw, Olmrlwt I. Tuylor, Ooorgu 1'. Bhfillor, Managing Editor Assistant M imager Athlotlc Editor B0A11D OF EDITOHH. V 0 lUtlo, Oliira Glovor. HT It 111. U A Mc- Nown, Dun Outlobon. HEl'OKTEHS U O Pollard. 'ED Hcinlon. Ollfton Ourtor, Nocrls Huso, .1 R Kitrnoy, 01IIT Orooks, John A WUhou, LinnM Huuilngton. The subscrlptUb prlca of the Dally Habras (tan is $2 for the college year with a remuar d UTarr before ohayel effok day. Notlcea, oow unnfoatlonsaBU other matter intended for pub licatlon, must be handed In at the Nabraskan offioa tjefore 7 p. m.. or mailed to the editor be fore 8 p. m., oflha day ftSTious to that day on hlok they are expected to appear. BnbicripUons may be left at the Nebraskan office, at the Co.Op., or with Business Manager. Subscribers will confer a faror by reportlnr promptly at this office any failnre to recelre the paper. All changes In adTertlslnsr matter must be in the oflloe by 8 p. m. on the day preTlous to that a which they are to appear. Address all communications to the Daily Ne braakaa, 184 N. litis St., Lincoln, Nebraska. mi i i i - - Telephone 479. Entered ut tho pos odlro at Lincoln, Nob. 11.S aocoud claH mull mutter. The ora of class Rcraps lias appar ently begun, and from now on until tho ond of tho vear thoro will likely bo a sorlos uf happoulngs which will raoro or less tako the lntorest of tho whole University. Tho action by some claiWInon last night In attacking tho members of the Fri-shmcin class by pastor was somowhac unlooked for and moro or less, comment has boon remarked about tho Unlvorslty on tho way In which tho campaign was opened up. It seems that tho language and modo of attack In the notlco Dubllshoa has been criticised by somo as being on tlroly too strong nnd uncalled for, there being plenty of room for an at tack In tho nature of a "roast" which would navo oeen practically us startling and which In a charitable manner could bring as much glory to the originators of tho postor. The Daily, on this matter, desires placo Its elf on record as forever discouraging any thing in tho nature of a libel In any way circulated against any class or members of any class or any other organization in tho Unlvorslty. Wo do not mean to dlscourao the oonlllcts which como up naturally botwoon tho difforont classes but wo do and will contlnuo to dlsoourago all quostlonaolu means of raising oxclto mont among tho classes In iho Unl vorslty. COLuEGE NOTES. fPlm ITnivnrstr.y nf Michigan runalrU. ers that tho rcsom bianco between isobraska's song "Tho Scarlet ana Croam" and Michigan's "Yellow and Bluo is too striking, particular ly In tho last paragraph. Tho Yellow Christmas Goods In Great Variety Call and see us before you go home. Lincoln Crockery Co., 135 South 12th Street. and Bluo was written In 188.1. Tho University of Wisconsin lias a faculty gymnasium olass. Tho erato receipts ol tho Wlsconsln Minnosota gamo amounted to $15, 387. Tho now permanent grand stand at Madison cost $900. - Tho Unlvorslty of California has given notlco to students that ro-cx-amlnatlons to raise grades will no longer be allowed. Minnesota's recoipts for tho Ne braska, Iowa land Wisconsin games wore $31,000. The Yalo graduates living In tho riawallan Islands aro considering tho idea of founding a scholarship at Yaie. -Tho'Unlverhlty of Chioairo has ab sorbed nineteen schools within the past.tlvc yoars. Androw Carnelgo has promised to Klvc $1,000000 toward a great tech nical Instltuto, If Pittsburg will furnish tho slto. It Is reported that somo college professors In tho east are preparing to got out a dictionary of Amorlcan collego slang. Iowa's athletic association closes tho year In debt. This Is duo, partly to Improvements made on tho grounds, and partly to poor house patroDago. The Minnesota game was a disappointment, thoro being only $4,4O0,puld attendance. Fifty-two candidates are out try ing ror a position on Michigan's baso ball nlno lor next year. Cornell has a fencing team ana is arranclng for contests with Michigan and Wisconsin. A Cornell Association has beon or ganized In the Philippines. ' Five hundred and thlrty-flve oourses aro offered by tho faculty of arts and scelnces at Harvard fo- tho academic voar 1001-02. Columbia Unlvorslty will grant froo tuition to at least tlvo Filipinos to bo recommondod by tho govern ment. Undergraduates of Ilarvard Unlvor slty are attempting to arranco an in ternational dobato with Yalo and Ilarvard on ne sldo and Cambridge and Oxford on tho other. State Sec rotary Bailey railed at tho Y. HL q of Omaha, room&- Tuesaay u ornlnn. lie Is working for tho stato convention to be held at York In Fobruray. D. R. Eddy of Yalo visited the University last week in the Interest of tho Studont Volunteer monument for foreign missions. Ho spoke at tho Sunday afternoon mooting which was neld In tho auditorium and a largo crowd was present in spite of tho sevoro weathor. Mr. Eddy's visit has holped both of tho Christian Associa tions in their missionary activity, giv ing them a large vision of the mis sionary Hold and tho responsible part that students have In the civilizing of evory corner of tho earth. Norton Ware of Nebraska Oltv is pledged to Sigma Alpha Epsilon. I Holiday Novelties E WING'S The Swellest Creations Mufflers, Ties, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Sweaters, Night Gowns, Pajamas, Shirts. See Our Line. EWING,m;i-7 0v A Unique Christmas Gift For $1.00 TUflBLE WEEDS Poems of Nebraska By Will Reed Dunroy Author of "Corn Tassels' "He has the Genius chat makes great poets." Dkan Wjnans, Princeton University. "Surely Dunroy is a succe&s." Ex-Oov, Uobt. W. Furnas. "The very outdoor atmosphere Is In his verso." Prof. Oscar L. Trigg, Chicago University. "No lover of the Prairio Land can fail to find sincere pleasure in Dunroy'8 verso." J. Sterling Morton. $1.00. AH Good Book Stores. The University LINCOLN, !;(----&- Be Ready For The Holidays IWGet your new suits CTWand pants now. We have a full line of first class goods reudy to raaUe up. Cull and look it over. Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., 143 North Thirteenth. T 4 -i-rrm--rri-rM-aM : UUI S.Pn will make Mill IX UU your cloths, clean your snitswith jftftjfcBg; J 1222 0 Streot. Phone A072 : When You Begin to Look about for suitable presents .you should go to PERKINS & SHELDON and see the line of slippers they are showing for all mem bers of the family. 1129 O St. $ Publishing Co., NEBRASKA. Div-SlioemakerVPfivato-flospitat- Special attention irlren to dlseaiek of woi and all surgical iHsonBoa X-rnjr examlnttlo with no UlBcomiort or Injury to patlect. Kr rjtbiug an homnllko as poisibla. Board a4 room reasonable. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. F. O. Box 051. Telephone M , ATTENTION, STUDENTS. I wish to know you. 1 wieli you to know my work. For this reason I will jlvo your dental work at about half tho usual rates for sixty days. DR. A. 1$. AYERS, 127 S. Twelfth. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN. Byes Examined Pree. Price Reasonable. 1238 O Street, tT" 1 r jf- 1 it- J. j. J U : :lalW.4J &&&. tufvbv .wJteA' TTEUilJf .JI T - .!' "- '''" '"' ' ! T'--j-:JjJ .,