sa m&m '? Tfcl -?" " The Daily Nebraskan & L&-- .a a E53ifl&?y5 I. VOL. I, NO 65 , LINCOLN, NEB., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1901. THREE CENTS Ttf r r tr r m n THE NEW STAR OF 1901. 2ova Porsei tho Subject of a Talk by Profossor Swozoy Flashed Into Sight Within Three Days. Tho bright star which appeared Id the flrmanont last February, was the subject of Professor Swczey's tain: at convocation yesterday. He said that new stars aro not in frequent things but that this was a -very rcmarkablo one. It blazed up last February in tho costelation or Poraews until In three days it was tho brightest object in tho northern sky. it was olBcovorcd by an astron omer at Edlnburg on Fobruary 21 and by .several others in Europe and America within a row hours. Professor Swezcy saw it tho next evening at its period of groat eso brilliancy ana measured its magnitude frr a num ber of days It has steadily decreased in brilliancy until now It can not he seon by the naked eye. Professor iswezoy said that it is known to have blazed up from utter invisibility within three days, for three days provlous to its disco vory a photograph showing stars down to the eleventh magnitude, was taken of that portion of the sky in which the Btar 1b and the photograph did not show it. He said that the sudden appearance of tne star was probably duo to tho collision '.f a star with some other body, very likely a nebular mass. The spectrum showed double lines which is Just what would uappen if two bodies moving in different directlous, should come togother. Professor Swezey Is much interested in tho star's phonomona and olosely follows tho reports sent out from Harvard. Ho montiond a photograph taken in September with tho Yorkes telescopo which shows sovoral wisps of Nebulous light around tho star; also ono taken in November at tho Lick observatory which shows a spiral movement of certain parts, of tho nebula In a direction outward from tho center. According to Prcfessor bwezoy's statement theso spirals have a vory surprising rate of motion wnich according to computations Is more than 2,500 miles per second. Another phutngraph of Nova Persoi was taken at Llok observatory about two weeksago, said Professor Swezey, which shows that tho remarkable motion still continues.- LOCKERS TO BE PLACED IN THE y. M. 0. A. ROOMS. -Fifty lockers for tho use of students Y. M. C, THE ZOOLOGICAL OLDD. Tho Zoological club will meet Wed nesday evening Decombor 18, in tho Zoological Libiary. Tho program will bo as follows: Some Parasltio dilates, by Gunther E. C. Stovonson; Conjugation In the Infusoria, by Hover H.W. Gray bill, Development of tho Myxosporld la, by Dofleln R. H. Wuloott. Visitors aro cordially welcomo to tho meetings of tho olub. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Lincoln and vicinity: Wednesday fair and warmor. Weather report for 24 hrs. ending 7 pra Tuesday. Highest temporaturo 0 degrees, occurring at 7:00 pra. Monday. Lowest temperature, 7 degroes, occurlng at 8:30 am. Moan temperature, I degree, which Is 30 degrees below the normal. Precipitation for tho past twenty four hours, trace of snow. GEO. A. LOVELAND, Section Director. A DARK ROOM FOR'ENGINEERS: A design is being made of an elab orate dark room for tho use of the mechanical engineering department. It will bo built in tho wash room in tho shops and will bo supplied with all modorn conveniences Including shelves for washing plates, a ventilat or, and an arrangement that will permit the photographer to leave the room without exposing his work to tho light. It will be of considerable assistance to the prosper tlvo engine ers who realize tho valuo of being ablo to make a good picture. will bo placed In Tocms during the tion "the- At ft'Neoraskan leportor paid a visit to tho rooms of the University photo grapher yesterday morning. Tho call revealed a condition of industry and prosperity that can hardly be equaled by any Institution on the campus. The great rush of work required tho assistant's presonoo bofore tho radi ator had had time to raise the tem poraturo of tho room above the freez ing point. At this unearthly hour tho assistant photographer was found standing on the radiator while sho was thawing the developer and hypo no a gas stove. When theso took on a liquid form tho work of printing pictures commenced In such a lively manner as to remind the reporter of the placard formerly placed over Pro fessor Barbour's desk by which tho visitor was informed to "conduct your business with despatch and givo -mc-a-chance-to-yo-nHner1J Christmas vuoa- Thoy will bo ready for uso by -the timo tho studonts rotuxn for the opening of school. Tho looker case will be arranged along tbo east ond of tho room. It is tho intention,. to rent tho lockore to students for. a nominal sum. They will bo fitted with lock and key so as to give abso luto security to tho belorgings of the porson who rents them. In case the demand warrants It'more will bo constructed later. Professor Wilson has charge of tho devotional exorcises at tno convoca tion meetings thlB week. Ho Is, so far as tho timo at his command will permit, Interpreting ana giving tho historical Betting of the Xmmanuel propbicies of Isaiah. FOOTBALL ELECTION. Westovor Unanimously Electod Gap tain Engol for Manager Graduato Manager Unconstitutional. Captain John Westovor was yester day rooleotod to his position at tho bead of the football team. Tno cboico was unanimous every voto that was cast being for him. The votes wore canvassed at tno meeting of tbo atblotic board last night. Chas. Engel was elected studont man ager of football by tno board. Tho election for captain was almost a toregoue conclusion from tho start. Whilo a few candidates appeared in the distance, tho strength of current opinion or so strong for the roelec tion of Captain Westover, that tboro was ilttlaiiouht at jmv time. Jit ilia choice Tho only oblectlon seriously urged against bis ohoico was that re election would break a precedent. For managor thoro were three candi dates, Chas. Teach, C.E. Bullard and 0. W. Engel. An old bill that has boon hanging over tho board for tho last three years was allowed. It was presented by H. M. Benedict and was for ser vices rendered as eweh for tbo base ball team three years ago. During tho past year the matter has been undergoing Investigation. A vote of thanks was passed bv the board to tbo phvlsciuns. who gave their services to the football team during tho season. They wero Drs. II. M. Evorett and John Boaohloy. The basket ball management came forward with a petition for lifty dol lars with which to equip the team. Tbo amount was allowed them. Tho question of a graduate manager which has been agitating tho minds of tho student body fur somo time and which has been given some notice by tho board was taken up. It was pointed cut, however, that under tho present constitution a sal aried managor could not bo elected. Tho constitution provides for a stu dent manuger who bhall serve without pav. It was the opinion of the board that this provision of tho constitu tion would have to ho changed beforo a graduato manager with a salary could bo chosen. ling his "Tumolo Woods," tho prldo of his heart and tho joy of his friends, wants It understood that ho trusts In God only. Tho Iluosonlto: Tho most appre ciative Thanksgiving poem wo over read, and tho ono that hi tB tho closest homo, Is tho ono wrltton for Thursday's Bloux ' City .Trlbuno by Will Reed Dunroy, tho' llrst .Sioux City poot. Mr. Dunroy's poetry is in groat domand, he being tho author of some gems In tha poetical lino, his two books of poems. "Corn Tassels" and "Tuuablo Weeds," boing widely Bought after, for, like Riloy, tho Hooslcr poet, ho gets so close to na ture thab you can't toll tho imitation from tho genuine article. DR. BESSETTO SPEAK TODAY. Dr. Bessoy will address tho convo cation today on the subject of fores try. Tomorrow Mr. Lovoland of tho Weather Bureau will speak. Frank Hollenbeck, law '00. was in Lincoln yesterday attondlng to a caso before the Supremo Court. He is practicing Jaw in Fremont at presont and in addition is Assistant City Treasuror. TDMBLEETTKS. Ex-Goveruor Furnas of Nebraska I laid everything olse aside, business oorrespondonco and other things to givo ' 'Tumble weeos" a hasty perusal. Surely Durnov Is a success aa a STUDENTS CERTIFICATES. Z Oertitioates for reduced rateB to ltddonts" antf raomboTff oTTaonltv vnt bo Issued at Executive OITIco Friday morning for those obliged to leave on Friday aftornoon trains; and Friday afternoon for thoso leaving Friday evening and Saturday morning. Cer tificates will also oo issued any time Saturday. Tickets aro only good on trainB leaving Friday and Saturday Tho rate is ono and one-third fare for round trip limited until January 0, 1002, good to all points In Western Passenger A'ssoolation. Tho Burlington City Ticket Office will be open from 7 to 10 Thursday and Friday ovenings to accomodate students who are obliged to leavo tbo following day. Tbo Christian college in China, -looated at Canton, has issued a most interesting catalogue for 1000-1001. It represents tho best ideas of tboso on tbo ground as to what is needed In ibo line of Christian education at tho present crisis in Chinese blBtory. While Its English-Chinese calendar, and somo of its regulations affecting the students havo an oriental color ing, it is a sohemo wbloh all lator cbtol in Chinese education will. And worthy of examination. Mr. O'Gara is at work on his paper on tho diseases of fruit trees for tho State Horticultural Society. W. W. "Graves, senior law, spent Sunday ip Fremont). poet. Herman Ereo Press: On our desk lies a codv Of thov book "Tumble Weeds." It Is burning a hole in odr golden oak. Unique, beautiful little volume, the work bf tho heart and band or clever, fanolful Dunroy. When wo arq tired of all oIbo in tbo world's'.literatura, when a grim ana ghastly raven sits anovo our chamber door and a small but fierce volcano vexes us Boro inside, then we .Will Reed Dunroy. 'Nowoastlo Times: Sioux City is getting to be a olty of authors. Ex Mayor Quick has written a book on the fairy land, and Will Reed Dunroy onb palled "Tumble Weeds" Winona. Morning Independent: Tho Salaq, Dressing man o.f tbo Sioux Olty Tribune,, when it comes to ,'sol- Word bus been received at the De partment of Botany that Professor Scibner, tbo well known botanist of Washington, has been appointed to tho position or Chief or tho Buroau of Agrlcultue in tbo Philippine Islands. It is the Intention of the Government to send out with him a full corps of scientific men, including a soil export, an agrastologist, a plant-breeding expert, a dairy expert, botanifltrbesides-other asslstantflr- As thrcof tbcsaaro-botanl8tH,-thore is a strengthening of demand in -bo--tanlcal markets. Professor Bessoy is rojoiolng aver tho receipt of a copy of Dr. Packard's pew book on tho LI fo -and Work of Lamarck, tho Founder of Evolution. Tho author Is a member of the facul ty of Brown University, and an oldr time friend of Professor Bcssey's. - A mooting of-tJiQ Botanical Somm far was held on Friday, December 13, at 4 o'clock, in room 102 of Nebraska Hall. Profesor Emerson, read a paper .. giving the results, of ;a' number of; vex porimoncs. He also read a JottqrlfrQiDa i ,. Mr. Horn who la now in AlaskaV " " "k v 4 h? a .' . m -.'n ' .r cv ,5 . rt i ,.' i' .? si "".,, -yi - 'M r A - .' L A. ' 0' i fc&v 'emmmmM. mi ,u mmm