,i. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. - j- We can interest the student in ?v 7 . 'N J A 'V m- naaacaooiaatntacairacaiaacaciactj g PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I E3EJ on fiaQanaEunaBQiaiaQanaouEiBnuBO JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offloe 1100 O 8treet, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich rds Block, Telophono 535. Residence, 1810 Q SUwt, Telephone L984. TR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. May J Louise Flanagan; Offlco, 141 South 12th Stroot. Telephone 618. T P. DAVIS. D. D. S., Dontlst. JLjLm Br dgo and Crown work. Offlco room 7, ovt Rock Island ticket office. Phone 349 Compliments of the NEW INCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Football team especially invitl to call and en jov a nice clean entertainment and healthful exorcise Club rates given. John N Cain, Propr., 134 South Ten'h. Remember When in need of tailoring, repairing or oleaain in lh clothing line that C. EHLERS is the man For the benefit of thos" new students who dont know, his address is north west cor 11th and O, room 4, up Btairs Uncalled For Shirts at a Big Discount. HARPER, Tho Shirt Maker, 1012 O St. Smokers Ca n get what they want and be sure it is right in price, too, from G. R. Wolf & Co. 1039 O Street A Close Shave A haircut, or anything else you want a barber To do for you, at tho Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. Eat AT THE Unique Restaurant 1230 O St., and you will wear a Bmile. Commutation tickets at a dis count. &iiiiMiifffiWSsiBWJfaT Fine Furs. a e "6 "t We are making a spec- ial this month on fur coats 1 investigation means a g purchaser. Every g purchase here carries J with it absolute satis- 5 faction. F. E. VOELKER, j Twclflk and N Streets. gi Wood and Coal SCHAUPP & HURD, Office: 110 South 12 St. Phones, 382-703-71)5. Local and Personal. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. $1.25 kid gloves l)8o at The Famous. The Hygienic Cafe, 316 So. 12th at. C. E. Brown dontlst,' Run block. Steele, tho furrier 143 So. 12th St. Tho Co-Opfor TJnl X'mas novelties. Prang's Art Calendars at Brown's. Buy vour underwear at The Famous. Dr Woodward, occullst, Rlch'ds blk. Oystor soup 5c today at Francis Bros. The Music Lovers' series ol Rooks at Brown's. Rlnohart's Indian Calendars, at 'The Co-Op. 1902, Go to Wosterfields for your Christ mas hair cut. Unl pennants, pins, badges and photos at tho Co-Op. Bon Rons and other oandles for X'mas at the Co-Op. Come now for vour Christinas pho tographs. Townsend's Ellto Studio. For Sheet Music and Supplies you can do best at tho Matthows Piano Co.. 1120 O St. Stop at Bass' studio for your Christmas photos and seo tho wator color exhibit. Waterman pens with Sterling silver mounted barrels for X'mas gilts at tho Co-Op. Did your Bhoes ovor pinch vour feet? Hard to look pleasant then isn't it? Sanderbons shoes lit your feet every time. Tho best plac in town to buy hara coal Is from tho Union Fuel Co. Whv? Because thov sell and deliver tho Lehigh Coal. There Is nothing better, nothing Just as good. Our offlco Is 1014 O ftt. Wo would advise yuu to got a copy of "Tumble Weeds" as soon as pos sibl for the indications aro that they aro going to roll out of tho ruarkot about as fast as tho roal thing rolls before a brisk gale. HOLIDAY EXCURSION RATES. Tho Union Puolflo will sell tickets on its linos for the Holidays at Great ly Reduced rates. For dates of sales, limits and points to which tickets will be sold, apply to E. B. Slosson Agent. NOTICE. Mittens, gloves, fountain pons, caps, hats, aro often left and lost In reading room of tho library, Students oan frequently tlnd their lost bolong Ings by calling at the roforonce dosk. Somo "morcbants pretend to be benefactors of mankind, because they Bell their goodB at "below cost" prices Wo aim to give you a full dollar'H worth of shoes for a dollar. No ono can do better than fchut. Sanderson's. Mr. Gibson of tho Fremont 'high school has taken a set of Frofossor Swezoy's Instruments, for beglnnors In astronomy to uso as models for the construction of a similar set. Tha'classes in General Astronomy havo been plotting tho form of tho moon's orhlt. They obtain It from observations of tho moon's position and varying diameter from night to night during each month. " If It is hard for you to dccide'what to buy for a Christmas gift drop in and wo will show you what your fr'ends want. Wilson & Waters, Hatters & Furnishers. 1042 O St. We aim to give a dollars worth of Rhoo leather for a dollar. Wo glvo tho best wo can possloly obtain. "No merchant oan do better by you. Whv not get your next pulr of shoes of us? Sanderson. nave you looked over the no cities In silver at E. Flomlng's 1211 O streot. You can select gifts suitable for any of your friends from his store. Tho UnlverslRtv of California will send a trnok team cast In tho spring. It will compoto at Chicago In the Intor-collegiato meet. Miss Bertha Rol.der of the school of music, loft yesterday for her homo 'In Slaro Ceutrr, Iowa to re nmln until aftor tho hol'days. Claude Pcrolval and Wlllard Mo Cooliran of Omaha spent Sunday" ano Mondny'wlth friends and vlalted tho University. Pennsylvania has increased tho courso in tho dental collogo from three to four years. Mr. Provey's olass in Charities" -visited-bhe-Hotiie-for the Friendless Sauturdav. - X'mas numbers of English maga zines with prints of famous paintings at tho Co-On. " Go to E. Fleming's 1211 O street for Christmas gifts in tho jewelry lino. Samuel Plnkorton, law '01, is "prac ticing law In Seattle. Washington. .Miss Agnes Weller of Omaha visit ed at the University yesterday. For Christmas Gifts We have an especially good line of toilet sets, consisting of comb, brush and mirror. These make suitable gifts for almost any one. A line in sterling silver, at five dollars 'per set, we consider an excel lent bargain. But a few of these are left. You will alsD find the framed pictures which we are showing to be not only attractive and substantial but also extremely low in price. Let us show you what we have for Christmas gifts. Miller & Paine. MbM&ilb& Arc you going to buy Christmas Presents? slfso, don't forget to look through .SE. HALLETT'S Ei elegant stock of Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, sa Sterbng Silver Ware, 3 Gold Head Canes. jS Umbrellas, Vut Glass Ware, g; Everything usually kept in m., v5 first class jewelry store. S3 Remember the place. IE. Hallett! j 1113 O St., under Funk Opera & Houbc. pg Art Calendars Gift Books Latest Fiction and Juvenile Works Come in. We can "Suggest presents for your friends that will be gladly received Wilson firBaii, , BOOKSELLERS AND STAT&EtS, lla3 O STREET. . 4 '.a m M Kl (tii " n M ' -1 ,n ij ?! ' AV i ti V 41 5 KODAKS Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets I VI Phone F357. g7 .a..'ViU'A i ? mmm? 7 SET" D. E. DcHJIRPtl ; -h? f , '". : r-r r-f , nff L . ..v.q .-"i'-' "- ? .& a ' ife&Tfea VtJS -J t-.i'i.' . i iC