The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 17, 1901, Image 1

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The Daily Nebraskan
fe '
I, -V
VOL. I, NO 04
Profossor Taylor Advises the Exten
sion of Trade with Foreign
Nations Discusses
Professor Taylor resumed his tulk
yesterday at convocation on re
ciprocity as treated In the president's
Flo quoted the argument thai a
country must buy as much as It sells;
if it buvs from - ono country more
than it sells to that country, it must
soil so much tho moro to other coun
tries, in order that there may bo a
final balancing or trade. This would
be ail right, he Raid, if the conditions
which the argument prosupposcs
were truo. The argument takes tho
ground that trade conditions have
settled to a permanent state. It sup
noBos that the present state of
affairs is advantageous and that any
disturbance in the course of trade is
disadvantageous. It furthor sup
poses, said Professor Taylor, that
differences of trade are differences of
production and that production takes
place whero it is easiest. No consid
eration is taken of the fact that the
place of production and consequently
the course of trade may bo moved.
In answer to these suppositions
Professir Taylor maintained that
trade is not always established by
reason of apparent advantages, but
sometimos by racial relations, as is
shown by the fact that many En
glishmen In Argentine trade with
England when the United States is
in a bettor position to furnish the ar
ticles sought. lie declared that tne
samo efforts should be made to found
a foreign trade as to found an Intern
al trade. He showed that sacrifices
aro made to further internal com
merce and that it is as incumbent
upon the government to. make sacri
fices in order to find foreign markets
as it is upon tho foreigner to seek
our markets.
Professor Taylor then minted the
president's message to the effect that
it should bo tho purpose of tho gov
ernment to extend its markets. lie
defined tho reciprocity policy as the
poncy of trying to extend markets
bv means of offerlpg inducements In
tariff rates to foreign countries. Ho
maintained that there is not much
free trade about tho Dingley law be
cause it allows reciDrocltT in connec
tion with certain articles only to the
extent of 20 per cent which makes
tho tariff about wJuiklt was under
the McKlnloy law.
"Professor Taylor claims that tho
great question with regard to recip
rocity Is whechor tho government
shall adjust trade relations or wheth
er such adjustment shall bo loft to
individuals in the natural course of
A contraot has been made between
the athletic boara and Coach V. (J.
Booth by tho terms of which tho lat
ter agrees to remain with Nebraska
for tho next football season. This
puts to rest tho disquieting rumors
to tho effect that Coach Booth has
neon contemplating signing a con
tract with Wisconsin.
Tho officers of t ho cadet battalion
will give a hop in tho near future.
This waB decided on at a meeting of
tho ofllcers yesterday afternoon after
drill. An organization withM. U.
Lawler as President and T. H. Goold
a Secretary-treasurer was effected.
A committee to take chargo of tho
hop was chosen as follows. J. It.
Farncy, Chairman; V. P. Wallace.
MaBter of Ceremonies; J. C. Lawler.
Tho date of the hop will be an
nounced In a fow days.
ING. Dr. II. B. Lowry of Lincoln wlllleo
turo on "The Human Brain" before
tho University Philosophical Club on
Wednesday evening. December 18 at
8 o'clock. Just previous to the lec
ture a business meeting of tho mem
Mastorpiocos to bo Brought From
Buffalo Tho Best Exibition
in the West Tho Opening
Tho Nebraska art association will
iioln Its annual art exhibit in tho
art rooms In tho library hall begin
ning December (5 and lasting until
January 10.
The association is most fortunate
this year in obtaining a collection of
lino works direct trom the Pan
American exhibition, which Includes
somo of tho finest pieces now open to
public lnsoection.
Tho first night will bo one worthy
of remark as the elite of Lincoln will
gather at an informal reception in
tho art rooms and thus open tho ex
hibition. The reception will bo open
to all holding tickets and receiving
will bo preformed by prominent
ladies of tho city.
Tho greater part of tho display thiB
year will be Included In those pic
tures brought from outside tho stato.
It is feared Nebraska and the city
will not be so woll represented and
therefore it is urged through these
columns that the Lincoln and state
artists desiring to enter work will
mako it known by their application
The Daily For 75 Cents.
The Daily has made the unprecedented offer of 75
eentB for the remainder of the school year. This is
made with the intention of running the subscription
list up to 1,000. At this price no student can afford to
be without the paper. If you have been borrowing
your neighbor's paper, cut out the coupon found in
another column and return it with the proper amount
of money. You will then receive a copy of your own
every day for the rest of the school year.
THIS OFFER will positively be withdrawn De
cember 25th.
Solicitor can learn of a money making proposi
tion by calling at the Daily office, 134 N. 11th street,
hers or the club will bo held at 7:30
pin. The members aro urged to at
tend the business meeting and all in
terested will bo welcome to the lec
ture, whether members or not. Tho
meeting will be hold in Room 109,
Library Building.
It bas been announced that tbo
holiday rates for studen s will not bo
put in effeot until Friday evening
and Saturday. Students leaving bo
fore that time will not get tho bene
fit of any reduotioo.
Certificates to enable students to
take advantage of tho reduced rates
will be Issued from the exooutftyo
office Friday and Saturday.
When In doubt buy Tumblo Weeds.
Hie, Uiilveisity has received word
that tho Civil Service commission
will hold an examination on January
21 and 22 at Omaha, Grand Island
and Beatrice, for the positions of Ir
igatlon assistant and irrigation en
gineer at a salary of $,1500 por annum
each. Persons desiring to compote
should apply for application form 304
and 375 to the D. S. Civil Sorvlce
Commission, Washington, D. C.
The Junior class nerobv extends a
challenge to tho Senior class to plav
a game ot basket ball, said game to
be played soon after the holidays.
Captain Junior Basket Ball team.
The first vear Domestic Sofenco
class took up tho stuoy of doughs yes
tor lay. They began with bjsotnts.
immediately, because of tho usual
rush which comes during iho last
few days before opening. The ex
hibitors will by so doing obtain,
much better accomodations than
The number of pictures from Buff
alo will bo about oJghty, among them,
worthy cf remark being Blashflied's
"Angel with Flaming Sword," one
of t61presrTt"(lay masterpieces and
the Shaw eroiiD. The latter have
takeu tho Shaw prize in New York
and are not surpassed in modern ait.
These pictures will all bo first class
as they have been judged by the best
and leading orltcis of the a ay. They
are exhibition pictures in themselves
which makes them tho moro useful
for art balls. Tne piotures also are
productions of more prominent
painters than those formerly shown.
Soason tickets to the members of
tbo association arp ono dollar, but to
students and teachers a rato of 5d cents
is made. This places within reach
of every student tbo possibility cf
visiting tho art rooms during the
days of tho exhibit at any time, and
of studying at his pleasure these
beautiful works of the masters. The
oxhirjltion in itself is worthy in the
fact that it is tho best west of Chi
cago Including Omaha, Dcnvor and
St. Louis.
W. M. Mundorf, 02, familiarly
known as "William Waldorf" re
turned to Lincoln last Saturday from
Wyoming. Ho expects to coraploto
his work noxt semester,
Edward A. Bcssey, '08, was shak
ing hands with his friends in Mecha
nic Arts hall yestorday. Aftor
spending two weeks vacation at homo
ho will return to Plitsflola, Mass., to
continuo ills work in tho Instrument
testing department of tho Stanley
Electric Co.
Gustavus Babson, '04, Mold drafts
man In a B. & M. surveying party
located about 100 miles northwest of
Billings, Mont., writes that ho is en
Joying his work at tbo rato of aboub
14 hours a day. With about 12 con
genial companions and a good cook,
Babson admits camping In tho wild
erness is not so lonesomo as might bo
expected, even at this tlmo of tho
year. Music is always plentiful after
suppor and varies from tho mouth
organ two-stop to the weird yolls of
hungry kiotcs.
Tho decorous quiot of the Unlvor
isty Library was rudely disturbed
last night about 7 o'clock by tho re
port that the sophomores had put up
a scurrilous epitaph In the library
hall as a ohallengo to tho class of
1005. Tho postor staled on tho bul
letin board long enough for every ono
in the library to see it, boiore a
bold freshman ventured to tear it
nown. If tiic freshmen accept the
chaliengo as it is thought they will,
this wlli probably prccipltato a class
scrap among the lower classmon.
Tho poster was printed In bold jot
ters and read as follows:
Nauseous Numbskulls!
Imps of 1005!
Drink death and seek tiio cofll
factory !
Tho class or 1004 having reaobed
tho pinnacle of mastery and attained
it, is prepared to wreak a stupendous
obliteration on all who dare to buffet
the surging crest of tho incaicerable
avalanche of tho infinite of its intel
ligence 1
Go way back and sit down I
A vaunt! to other climes ye skunks I
Lest-hero wo seal your fateJ ,
Mendota is no pest bed was to:
For tho lana Is small and tho lake
Is large.
And 1905 is weak,
A toss ana a jump and another
Will have cho shore to seokl
Who knows but that another day
will 860 your olass a horde of Blood
btalned 1 1 Hell Chained I ! Sonlsl
Misses Laura Buchanan and Bessie
Brown entertained the Eleventh
Hour Club at a konsington last Sat
urday afternoon. Next Saturday
afternoon they will meet with Misses
Llla Spurloct, Haze Hartsough and
Grace Evans meeting for tho final
before--iho holidays.
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