' t f' "pPtgw THE DAILY NEBRASKA. e The University School of Music, Just South of the Campus. You Can Enter at Any Time. MMM& f - 7,1, " iw-- ii, i-r-f . ! J- I Hlll'MI ' II rr Mi MMIW 'IT V Kl . . t ' y - i ' T - .''--' ri '. tor t u : T W i " " "" " i The Pioneer Barber Shop... Clean Linen Kinoht of Toilets First class Service V. .1. WJIITKORI). riloi'lill.Tou ll.'i Smith I lth St . Lincoln, Nel. Candy for the Holidays. Maxwell's Chocolates aud lion hnns are the ilnest made an where. They're marto here in Lincoln and are always f'OHh Yot will be wanting koiiio. Why not pet the best"' It costs no mo 'C than oilier tfuuilo of poorer quality. R. W. MAXWELL CO. Alakerdof flood Chocolatos. tiir, n Rtrnot and 20G South 11th Sjj-oot Legislative Gallery. BEST OP RATES TO STUDENTS. NDTICB. Mittens, kIovor, fountain pens, caps, lial-, are often left and lest in rcadinu room of tho library, Students can ficqiicntly llnd their lost oclontr lns w callintr at the reference dnsk. KNLG1SII 1 In. Tho rewritten deliberate orations will bo due at :V30 o'clock. Deo. 20. My conference hours in U. 20(1, :i04 or 309 this week will be from 11:20 to 12 and from 4 to fi o'clock daily. M. M. VOUU. Tho oxecutlvo committee or board or repents has approved resignation of John Green who been I'nlvcrsity Engineer for I lie the has tho past eighteen years. The resignation is the resut of an assault committed by him one tho person ofJoscph De Klotz. a groceryman. The Delian Literary Society gave a program to the Theophanlan Society or Wesleyan Friday evening. After tho program the local society cnter tulncd tho Delians in a delightful inanuor. II refreshments' were served. The Delians will entertain the Tin -ouhanla.KS 'ibout ilu middle of January. If it Is hard for you to decide what to buy for a Christmas gift drou in and wo IL show you what your rrlends want. Wilson & Waters, Hatters - Furnishers. 1042 U St. ANOTilEK TOURIST EXCURS ION TO CALIFORNIA. To accomodate tho increasing travel to California, the Burlington Route has added to its service an tber weekly excursion, in tourist cars, personally conducted. The Rurlington's through car ser vice to California is as follows: STANDARD SLEEPERS-daily, Omaha, uiucoln. Hastings and Ox ford to San Francisco, connecting at latter city with fast train for Los Angeles. TOURIST SLEEPKRS-pc rsonaliy We aim to givo a dollars worth of nlmr lniit.hnr fnr a Hollar Wo iivn Mir . . , ' rn. conducted every Thursdav and Sat- best wc can nosslolv obtain. No . J . v . merchant can do better by you. Why not get your next pair of shoes or us' Sanderson. 1'rorossor K. II. Harbour addressed the Woman's club last week on ,Ge o'ogicnl Features in Nobrask " X'mas numbers or English maga zines with nrlnts or famous paintings at the (VOp. The class teams In girls basket ball w'il bo announced before very long. Portrait and Lausdcapc Photographer tap 5outh nth Street, LINCOLN, - - NEBRASKA. OALLERY KSTABI LM1EU 1S71. Every now Student cailJ on James Hearn 337 So. nth street And has his mensuro talcon for h Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, Wanufactund by "Che fyndersonJlmts Co. Kalamazoo, Wick r-.-.".-.-.-.---t s:: ::i "t Translations 0 Literal, 50c. Interlinear, $1 5". 147 ol3. Dictionaries German, French. Italian, Spanish, Latin, Greek, $1 , and 91.00. Completely Parsed Caesar, Book I, llabonniM P-TRe, interlinear IramiUiUon, literal translation, and ex try word completely parsed. $1 50. Completely Scanned and Parsed Ae- netd, Book L $r 30 Ready Augvitytrfoo. I , HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, jjj 4 5-11-13-14 Cooper Institute, N.Y.City. !,J SclooIIwIj of all fiubhihtrt at one ttort. ...::::. --v-.v.-v..1.i--.J 2i wmm:i&&m M Mil t3cf jV 4; aaaaaatRa'frCjffil5lji LL BafeZaaH iHVl $ ' ' BrtlSwx9i Vlkl 1 v y r BBBBBBBYEaBBSPJxttVGnaBTtAlXfeXkr2Bnl OT aa aW v Aaaaaa . BHHE2&jnfon(wU 17 f I G urday, Omaha, Lincoln, Fairmont. Hastings and Holdrego to San Fran cisco every Wednesday and Thursday. Kansas City, St. Joseph, Wvmorc, I Superior and Oxford to San Francis co and Los Angeles. All these cars run via Denver and Salt Lake City, passing the grand panorama of the Rockies by daylight. If you'ro going to California, you will be interested jn our new 40-page folder, "California Tours 1901-'02." It Is free. .1. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Omatia, Nebr InttrcclleQtatt Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 478-478 Broadwnr Albunj, New York Makers of the Caps,Gowns and Hoods To the American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manna), sample prices, etc., on request. Gowns for tho pulpit and bench. enter .N edical E catalogue and information If you aro expecting Profession, write foi regarding the above College. A four year s course with excellent laboratory and abundant chemical fauli tioa, is oll'eied. Graduatcb from literurj c )1 leges of approved standing urn permitted to enter the Sophomore year The Fast Trains are via the Union Pacific. EVV1NG BROWN, Omaha. Nebraska. AL D., Secretary. l'Jth and Addn ss Pacific Sts.. rKHWMXrO,rO,00 Your Money and Important Papers Shou'd be kept in a bafe place. 51 '-'. pays (or u Safe Deposit llox for three months; absolutely sife from tire and burglars. Siiverwaro and truohhbtored iu our Storage Vault. UNCOLN'SAFE DEPOSIT and TRUST COMPANY, 12 Norlk Eleveith Street. o t Arc you Going to California? Call find get Printed Matter that will givo you full information as to its Oliipre, Resources and" the best way to get there. & - ?r- , . v 5 PICTO Lv. THE OVEHLAND LIMITND " Lincoln A.r Uhoyeuno Ar. Ogdon A r. Suit l.ukoClty Ar Ran Krunclsro Ar, Portland Ar Spokane Ar. Initto Ar. Los Angules 7:00 a. m. 1I:0 p. m. l:lup. m, 3:10 p. m. S:'J5 p. in. -:Uip m. 01f p. ru. :ira m. t.5o. m. ox "nn dally daily dally dully daily dally dully dally City Ticket Corner lothand Telephone Office, I I O Streets. I 335. J Bnrllngton Depot, 7th Street, Bet P and Q. Telephone as. 0000COftftAf "TUK CALITOUMA EXPRESS. Lv. Llncolu 1:45 pm. Ar. Donvor 7:30 a. m. Ar. Choyeuno 7:10 a. ro. Ar. OKdun 12:30 n. rn. Ar. Hult Lake City 8:45 a. ro. Ar Hun Francisco 8 :2ft a. to. Ar. Los Angcli's 7:00 a. m. "THE PACIFIC EXPRESS." Lv. Lincoln Ar. I)-n er Ar. Chuyunnu Ar. Cijfdon Ar. Salt Lake City Ar Hutto r. Han Francisco Vr. I'ortluiid r. SDOkane Ar. Los Angolcs 1-.Sd. m. 1:40 p m. K'-30 p- re. 7:3a. m. 0:25 a. m. 6:0 p. m. 1:5 p. ru. 9:Ma. m. U:SOa. ro. 8:15 a. m. For full information cul' on or address K. C. SLObSON, Agent. dally daily dally daily dally .lnllj dully daily dally daily dally Uttlly daily dully daily dally tituiy A. i: --i tb n , K i,