rK ? THE DAILY NEBRABKAN. ' ' l i ul.,- h - 1 '.'I 4 -dfc VI tt 1 j U' U-i. K . i. V uv- 1 f ' 4 i .' IftJik 'r"": E:- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN a aawipaper deToted to tna.lntareita of h Unirllr of Nohra ska. Pnbllihod at 134 North 11th St., by TIIE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Crabtree, Treildonl. 0. L. Towneccretarr-Traaiarer. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Hewett, E. W. Waihburn. Htorlln II. MuUiiw, (Jharlos I. Taylor. Ocorjro 1. Hhfdlcr, Managing Editor Asslstunt MunUKiir A thiol Ic Kditor HOARD OF EDITOKH. V 0 lUtlo, Olnrn. (ilovor. It T Hill. H A Mc- Nown. Hun Uutlnboti. Ur.rOItTEUH It C Pollard, K l lliidloii. Clifton CnrUr, Morris llusc. J K Furnoy. HIT Crooks, i. ton ni luimmRLon. John A Wilson. t Tb anbscrlptlon price of tho Dally Nobrat Van la K for tho collejro year with a regular lo llTorr before chapel eaoa day. Notices, com innicAtions, andothor matter Intended for pub Iloatlon, mutt be handed In at the Nsbraskan efflca before 7 p. m., or mailed to tho editor be fore S p. m., of the day prerlous to that day on hloh they are expected to appear. Snbteriptlona may bo left at tho Nebraakan fflce, at the Co.Op., or with Business Manager. Babscribers will confer a faror by reporting promptly at this office any failure to receire the jKTchanires in adTertlsln matter mus be in the office by 3 p. m. on the day prerlons to that en which they are to appear. Address all communications to tho Dally No kn-uke&t IB! N. litis Bt.( Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone 479. Hotonxl at tho pon oflloo nt Lincoln, Nob. ua second cliiRft mall tniittor. Tho lack of intrest In musloal no Mvlfcios that, is man I Tent among the studonts of tho University indlcatos a state of affairs that odprht not to exist. Tho aocoplishmcnts that u general musical education brine to u student cannot fall to bo of lncsti mablo value to him alter ho has left school. This Is a fact that ought to bo rocognlzed by all, but it is usually not realized until it is too lato to bcirln. Tho social advantages which a knowledge of music brlrgs to u man or woman, are of inestimable value after school days aro over. Tho University otters to all stu dents free instruction in choral work. Tho advancement that can bo mado in theso classes can bo seen in tho I You Study : : x T x : to please your friends A pack of our printed cards, printed in the latest type, plain or shaded Old English, will please them better than any other if t you can make. -Look-just like-en graved cards and are much cheaper. Mounting Paper TIIK LATEST 5 and 10 Cents por shcol. CHleudnr puds for funcy work the finest lino iu the market. Photo mounting- board. Plain and fancy printing in programs, invitations, menus, cards, etc. See Our Samples. X X X t X - X X X J The Ivy Press T - 125-127 N. Twelfth Street, work of tho advanced class last Fri day in the oratorls "The Messiah." If students fall to take advantage of these opprtunlties, they fail to get all that is possible out of their Uni vorsity life. JUS CHAPEL ASSIGNMENTS WEEK. This morning at convocation, Pro fessor Taylor will continue his ad dress on reciprocity begun last Tues day. On Tuesday morning Professor Swczcy will talk about tho New Star of 1901. Wednesday morning Pro fessor Bcssoy will speak on Forestry. Thursday the period will bo occupied by 0. a. Lovoland of tho Weather bureau. Friday 11 special sacred mus ic program will bo rondered. SOPHOMORES ORGANIZE TEAM Tho sophomores met Saturday after noon for basket ball practico ana chose Dan McUutchen, captain. Two teams wore selected and spirited practico was engaged in for an hour. From tho twelve men who were out material for ngooa team will be selected. Those in the game wore: McCutchen, Magdanz. McNown, Powell, Manning, JIusc, Micro, Beard, Bell, Elliott, Bcors, Melick. ENGLISH 11 AND 13. Those members of English 11 and 13 to whom I returned their first ar guments, submittod on October 3 and 4 respectively, will please return to me thoso arguments not rewrit ten oorore tho University classes for the Christmas recess. M. M. FOGG. Wanted by the Daily Ne bhaskan enough new subscribers to bring the list up to 1000 The list is now 750. To induce 250 more students and alumni to subscribe we will make a rate of 75 cents for the rest of the school year, just half price. This offer is for new names only Holiday Novelties EWING'S k and is made to in crease the list to 1000. If will be withdrawn as soon as that num is reached. Write your name and address below tear out the slip and leave with the 75 cents, at Ui Dailv office, at ono of the book storo or Bend by mail. The Daily Nebraskan Dkak Suts: Herewith find 7f cents. Please send the Daily as per your special offer. Name . . Address. The Swellest Creations Mufflers, Ties, Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Sweaters, Night Gowns, Pajamas, Shirts. Our Line. EW1NG, 1115170. Take Home a pair of slippers to father or mother. The lines we show are low in price but high in quality. PERKINSTSflELDON 1129 0 STREET. k&vfSii CKMIC1 A Unique Christinas Gift For $i.oo TUI1BLE WEEDS Poems of Nebraska By Will Reed Dunroy Author of "Corn Tassels" "IJe, has the Genius chat makes great poets. "3'. Df.an Winans, Princeton Universit "Surely Dunroy is a success." Ex-Uov. Uobt. W. Furnas. "Tho very outdoor atmosphoro is in bin verse." Prof. Oscar Tj. Trigg, Chicago University. "No lover of tho I'rairio Land enn fail to find sincere pleasure in Dunroy's verso." J. Sterling Morton. $1.00. All Good Book Stores. The University Publishing Co., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. iBfrfrfrfrfrt-H-frt-frfrfr- t Be Ready For The Holidays IT-"Get your new suits t STi and pants now. n' . ..11 i:.. i ..1 T tin imvu u iuii iiuuui 111 ni i m.--i q goods reudy to matte up. Call and look it over. Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., 14-3 North Thirteenth. --s-m-r4-r-i-a-i--m-j-j Gold FilWafclres Elgtrror Waltham $10.00 until Xmas. L(e popular muilc.lBe tif. rn DELOSS T. SMITH, 1140 0 S rllEET. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Free. Prices Reasonable. 1238 O Street, unnbcbrl.n' Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital Special attention glren to disease of womea and all surgical dlsensos. X-rajr oiatainatloa with no dlbcomfort or iniury to natlnnc. It- errthlcg aa homelike as possible. Board anal room reasonable. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. P.O. Box OM. Telephone g) ATTENTION. STUDENTS. ) I wish to know you. 1 wish you to know my work. For this reason 1 will ive jour dental work at about half the usual ratfls for sixty days. DR. A. H. AYERS, 137 S. Twelfth. Tumble Weeds ot all Book Stores. J -J, jl i J , i li H , r- lLlrJL w h'" lf.?t- hh4.' :a ...