The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 13, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    JIMIHII MllllimMjMMrflBi II niyn
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A List of a Few Books Worth Reading. ST ;' 5 "
ANDRKWP, 10. BKN.IAMIN. History m the V .
H. from the earliest discovery of America.
with 400 illustrationH and maps, i vols, clo. . 3.20
The Last Quarter Century in the lT. R., 1870 t:,
over 350 illustrations, 2 vols., half Kuss 3.4.r
Appleton'a Knrclopedia of Applied Mechanics,
3 voIh, full sheep 12 SO
ADHOTT, Life of Napoleon, 2 voIh., cloth. . .
ORQUINCY, MemorialB, 2 vols., cloth
OIHIION. KICIIAUI), Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire, f vols., cloth; Millman's notes
(IKKKNK; JOHN RICHARD, Ilibtory of the
KngllBh People, 4 vo's . cloth 3.00
milZOT, M-, History of France, H vols., cloth 0 r.O
tory of England, f vols., cloth 2 00
K'vays and Poems, 3 vols., cloth 1.15
Dutch Republics 2 vo's., cloth 1.2.1
I'EVYS, SIR SAMl'EL. Diary, :, vols., cloth.. 2.00
rUKSCoTT, WILLIAM II, Ferdinand and Isa
bella, 3 vols . cloth 1 25
Conquet of Mexico, 3 vols., cloth 1.2.1
Conqucf-t of IVru, 2 vols., cloth 88
UUSKIN. .JOHN, Modern Painters, : voIb.. il-
lust rations and colored p'at'-s 3.7"
K'onrs of Venice, 3 vols , cloth, illustrated. . 2 2.1
RAWI INM)N. C.EOROE, Seven (Jrrat Mon
arehieR of the Ancient World, ill , 3 vols. . cl . 2.75
History of Ancient Egypt, 2 vols., cloth, ill. . l.Hb
SHERMAN, JOHN. Recollections-. 2 v., full sh.5.00
TARRELL. IDA M , Life of Abraham Lincoln.
2 sols., cloth 1.50
New and Popular Fiction
At the Point of the Haonet, by "' A. Hcnty 1.25
IJb, Son of Rattle, by Alfred (Ylivant 1.50
Mc.nnerhns.sett, by Charles F. Pedgin 1.20
Captain bv Robt. Ncilson Stephersl.20
Cuvalier. The. by Clco.'W. Cable ill bv Chrstie 1 20
Circumstance, bv S. Weir Mitchell
D'ri and I, bv Irving Racheller
Eternal City', The. by Un 11 Caino
Herb of Grace, by Rosa N. Carey
Jnclc Raymond,-bv E L. Voyvich
Kim, by Rudard Kipling
Llvei of the Hunted, by Ernest Scton Thomp
son, with 2"0 drawings by the author
Litle Hook of Tribune Ve-pi by Eugene Field
M aid of Venice, A, by Marif u Crawford
Man Fr m (llpngarrv, The, by Ralph Connor. .
Making of a Marchioness, bv Frances Ilodgcson
Mr. Dooley's Opinions, by T. P. Dunne
New Canterbury Tales, by Maurice Howlett ..
Right of Way, "The, by (lilbn-t Parker
Riley's Farm RhymcH, by .las. Whitcomb Riley
Roealyn't's Lovers, by Maur ce Thompson . . .
Sign of the Prophet, The, by .las Hall Naylor
To Herat nnd Cabnl, by G A. Henty
Tristram of Went, hy Anthony Hope 1.20
'Tilda Jane, by author of "Beautiful Joe"' 1.20
With Roberts to Pretoria, by ti. A. Henty 1.25
Special this week QKn
La.arro, by Mary Hartwell Cutherwod J0u
The Art Lover's Library.
Printed on Deckel Hdge paper, gilt
top, illuminated cover, boxed, per
volume, $1.65,
Christ in Art, by .Jol n Lewis French, 33 illus.
Saints in Art. by Co' a Erskine Clements, 33 illus.
The Madonna iii Art. by Estello M. Hurll,31 illus
1 10
1 .25
Child Life in Art. by Estello M. Hnrll. 31 illus
Heroines of the B ib.e, by Clara Erskino Clam
en's, 33 illustrations.
Shaksprare in Art, by Stadakichi Hartman. 3'J U
lustrat'ons. "
Rcautiful Women in Art, by Armand Dajot, M
il UBtrations, 2 vols.
The Music Lover's Series.
Illuminated cloth covers, illustrated,
gilt top, per volume, $1.25.
Famous Violinists, by Henry C. Lahee.
Na'ional Music, by Louis C. Elson.
(Jreut Composers, by Louis C. Elson.
Famous Singers, by Henry C Labee.
Contemporary American CompnserB, by Rupert
Hughes. A. M.
Fhiu'his Pianist9, by Henry C. Labee.
Critical History o' Opera, by Arthur Elson.
Grand Opera in America, by Henry C. Lahce.
The Stage Lover's Library.
Illuminated covers, gilt top, by JL
C. Strang, per volume, $1.25.
Prima Donnas and Soubrettes.
Celebrated Comedians.
Famous Actors First Series
Fntnous Actors Second Series
Famous Actresses First Series.
Fumous Actresses Second Suiies.
CAP AND .GOWN -Some College Versos chosen
by .lo'eph Ln Roy Harrison, 1st and 2nd scries,
I I 26 O
(Uontipud from pojro 1 )
P.Hhcd in 1K20; Reports or the Smith
sonian Instituto on Ethnology in
1802; ono volume of Pike's explora
tions, published in 1810.
A valunblo source Irom which such
hooks are obtained are the second hand
hook stores about the country. Theso
Nfcoros publish catalogues of their stock
following up loiters of Mr. Barrett,
the secretary of the society, his oftlco
has boon duluued with catalogues and
prico lists. Owing to the small
amount of money, however, which is
appropriated to the society hy the leg- J
Islaturc, but few extensive- purchases
can bo made. At present elTorts are
being made to complete the set of
American StUc Papers, especially
those dealing with Indian afTnirs. as
there is at present, no c implete ma
terial on these subjects in tne city,
tho Historical Society holding a large
share. The objpc.t is to increase as
much as possible the amount of ma
terial for extensive historical studies
Tor the uso ol students who wish to
take advantage of it.
In this regard it might be men
tioned that a new ruling has been
made prohibiting atmtying in the
historical library alcoves exceut by
those students who are engaged In
the uso of historical books on special
A vcr interesting and valuable
collection of Indian relics and hints
has been recently ieceived from Mr.
Hopkins ol Oakr.ale, and they are
now being unpacked and placed in
position as rapidly as possible, caus
ing the library to be generally torn
up and disordered. The collection
comprises about 1,000 arrow bends
linely mounted, Indian corn grinders
and other Implements ot Indian life.
Special oak oases aro now being
built for thorn and will be put In tho
museum section. Owing to those and
' otlior continual additions the whole
lloor space has been used up ai,d
shelves are being built from the ceil
ing down to allord additional loom.
At present tho working force of the
Society, besides their regular work,
aro engagea in tho class! licatlon or
trie books and pamphlets which have
been gathering for some time, and
also the gathering together and pre
servatlon ol" county records aim clip
pings. Proof is now being read for two
now publications ol the society; Tip
ton's "Forty Years ol' Nebraska in
Congress and at Home" and the His
torical Society reports. The former I
is written by "Mr. Tipton who was
one of Neuraska's first senators and
is a resume ol the state from its in
fancy, from 18f)i to 18JH Including
conditions at various times', bio
graphies of prominent men ol the
state, public events and oxceliont
half tones of popular men. It will be
a volume or fiOO pages and numbered
olumc 4, Scries 2. The .second is a
series of readings and reports of the
Historical Society from 1870 to 1000.
Both books have a circulation of
fifteen hundred volumes. Tiiey are
used in the libraries of the state,
sent to the societies members, and
usco for exchange with other societies.
More teachers are wanted at tho
Mission School. An extra force will
be t ceded through tho holidays.
Professor Hessey lias been invited
to attend the meeting or tho Iowa
Acadamy or Sciences which will hold
its next session In DcsMoines on the
last day or this month and the first
and second ol January.
The botanical department lias re
ceived a email Collection of mosses
rrom New York for addition to the
The department'of Botany received
several Important pamplets a few
davs ago from the noted Danish bo
tnaist, Dr. Warming, of Copenhagen.
The name or Fred K. Hess was in
advertently omitted rrom Uie list
of appointments as corporals In the
Pcrshings published in Wednesday's
Y. W. C. A. NOTES.
Miss Case, President or the Y. W.
C. A. may bo consulted by any girl
in school who desires to make use or
the Y. W. C. A. rooms for social en
tertainment. This ofTor is for tho
benefit or girls who are unablo to se
cure the uso of a parlor at their
boarding places.
There will bo a Y. . C. A. cab
inet meeting Saturday arternoon.
The association has purchased sev
real now song books with the pro
ceeds of the first candy sale.
The members of the senior class
have been requested to send in re
cent pictures lor the "Senior Annu
al" beTore Dec l."
Mr. Eddy, one or the secretaries
ror the. volunteer student movement,
arrived In Lincoln Monday and vrill
remain two or three- days.
The State Geo'oglcal Survey of
Nebraska is ju aecelpt, ol a box uf
books sent, as a compliment, by tho
state geological survey of Texas. It
includes a full set of reports on the
resources of that state.
Professor Swozey gave an account
of tho method ho has devisen for
computing the eclipse or occupation of
stars by the moon, at the meeting of
the Mathematical sommai last Satur
day. This method which is a rapid
one, is used in finding tho oxact time
and place or each occupation through
the month. As an occupation is an
instantaneous phonocnon only one
student can observo each one.
Miss Helen Field .is pledged to
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Eyes Examined Free. Prices Rcasoiuible.
1 238 O Street, '!S.N'
The Pioneer 5.
Glenn Linen
Finest of Toilets
First class Service
ll.'l South 11th St., Lincoln, Neb.
Candy for
the Holidays.
Maxwell's Chocolates and Hon
b"iis are tthe finest made an where.
They re made here in Lincoln and are
always fresh Vot will be wanting
some. Why not get tho bent? It costs
no-moee -bhttn--othei gnoda of poorer
Makersofflood Chocolates.
ir. n Street and 20G South 11th Street
Portrait and Lansdcape Photographer
39 5outh nth Street,
' .
ii"" '11
it iu wMMawM fctaatfaa-T" rr tl'
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