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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1901)
vw sfKmp!?nrwST t yw i' "vpeef- y " V. f r 'n ifl .t. THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. We can interest the student in Wood and Coal SCHAUPP & HURD, 0'e: 10 South IV St. Phones, 382-7t)3-70r,. paEiaEaiasfDatjaQairaiaaaacDacicaca gg PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY cacuBuciutaaBaigaciaDacaoaBiania it " '. fh TR HAGGARD, M. D. Ofllco 1100 O Stroot, Rooms 212 213-214 Rich nrds Block, Tolophono 535. Residence, 1310 G 8treot, Telephone L984. DR BENJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. May Louise Flanagan; Olllco, 141 South 1,2th Streot. Telophono G18. I DAVIS. I). D. S., Dentist. b . i ,i - i tn . itrmiic iinu ruwn wurn. vinei" room 7, over Uock Island ticket office. Phone 319. Compliments of the NLW UNCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Foot bull teuui especially invited o call and en joy a nice clean entertainment and healthful exercise Club rates given. John N. Cain, Propr., 134 South Tenth Remember When in need of tailoring, repairing or cleaning in lh clothing liuc that C. EHLERS Is the man For the benefit of thoso new students who dont know, his address is north west cor 11th and (), room 1, up stairs Uncalled For Shirts at a Big Discount. HARPER, Tho Shirt Makor, 1012 St. Smokers B be sure it is right in price, too, from G. R. Wolf & Co. 1039 O Street A Close Shave A haircut, or anything else yon want a barber to do for you, at the M. (J. A. Barber Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. v. f j AT THE Hflt Unique Ul Restaurant 1230 () St., and 'ou will wear a smile. Commutation tickets at a dis count. Fine &: Furs. We are making a spec- ial this month on m fur coats Investigation means a purchaser. Rver y purchase here carries with it absolute satis I F. E. VOELKER, ja Twelfth and N Streets. Local and Personal. Ent at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele. 143 So. 12th. Oyster soup 5c at Francis Urns. $1.2.") kid gloves at Tho Famous. The Hygienic Cafe, 31C So. 12th at. ('. E. Brown dentist, H.irt block. Stctle, the furrter in So. 12th st. December magazines at The Co-Op. Prang's Art Cilandars at Brown's. Buy your underwear at The Famous. Dr Woodward, occullst, Klch'ds blk. The Music Lovers' scries ol Books at Brown's. Phi Gamma Delta Friday evening. wi en bet tun M. Finlay is expected to bo school next semester. in The latest in the University hair cut at Westerticlas. Come now for your Lhristmas pho togiaphs. Townsend's Elite Studio. For Sheet Music and Supplies you can do best at the Matthews Piano Co.. 1120 () St. Stop at Bass' studio for your Christmas photos and see the water color exhibit. J. . Crabtrcc and Editor Towno of tho Nebraska Teacher visned tho schools In Omaha last Friday. They were the guests of Superintendent Pearse. Did wiur shoes ever pinch your fcctv Hard to look pleasant then isn't it-" Sandersons shoes lit your feet eveiy time. The chemistry department ' has re ceived a large now automatjic'cbpper still to be used in water, which will bo installed in the Assay ing Laboratory. Cautain Koehler is out of basket ball lor tha present on account Ql n torn linger nail. lie sulTereu the In jury playing football. .The chemistry museum has recent ly received a set of pigments and bron.s wlilc.h havo ooan presented by M. J. Waugh ot tho Lincoln Paint and Color Coupany. The best place in town to buy barn coal is from the Union Fuel Co. Why? Because they sell and deliver tho Lehigh Coal. Thero is nothing better, nothing Just as good. Our ofllce Js 1014 O bt. Sigma Alpha Epsllon will give a smokor Friday evening December 13, at tho cliapccr Iiouho, 321 North Kith street. Phi Kappa Psl will entertain at a houso party, Friday ovoning, Decem ber 13. at the chapter house, 1005 K street. Dr. Lucky's cla&s In systoms of ed ucation has began the study of Amer ican education. Professor ('aid wells clnss in Recent Problems is making a thorough study of reconstruction. All material; Tor the Senior Book must be in by December 1.1. Tho book committo ls'husy re-cdltlng tho various writ cups. Everyscnlor whooxpcctsto tako his degree In February '02 request ed to report at tho registrar's 0ITI00 at once. "The registrar 'has Just .finished a complete list of tho-students, connec ted with tho University up to De cember 12, with tholr address. " MrsA. S. Raymond, Mrs. C. H. Morril and Mrs. Wlllard Kimball en tertained In lionoQif PI Bota Phi at bhe'home ofj Mrs. Raymond. ThoT mineral collections of tho State- museum havo been increased by a donation from Dr. M. H. Evor ott, of a few oresrrom Guernsey, Wy oming. Some partly iccredated sohoolsln tho state havo;rceelvedBots"of dupll cato specimens .from thegeologlcal collection of Charlesn7"Morrll),'and during the past I week collections havolbeen made-up for" twclveTaJ ditlonal' schools by; MissBarhour, assisted by Miss; Webster. Wo would advise you to get a copy 0 f "Turn ble V eed.s' ' as ftoonaspos Bibl for tho indications areTtliat ,they are going toroli out of tho market about as fast as the real thing rolls before a brisk gale. ATaTgtaTTirls being" made tor tho Mechanical Engineering department. Jtjs to be used in measuring and condensing water in engine test ing. It will be placed in tho labora tory. Professor Mctcalf has been uHsigntnif totho'class r iTi'iabbratory Physiology tho-pr-tmlt-m fdeyJslng,raDparataifi for; particular exporlmepts. Tho most original suggestion?"8 made by one of the young women, lb is hoped that" lb" may bo carrle'd into effect during tho year. ZZZZZL iioliday'excTJrsion"rates: "The Union Pacific, will sellTlokcts on, Its lines for the Holidays, at Great ly Reduced rates. For dates of sales, limits and nolnts to which tickets will bo sold, apply to E. B. Slosson Agpnt. Our Art Calendars Are something out of the ordinary and really worth your attention. We have a complete line at prices ranging from twenty-five cents, to four dollars. Our framed pictures are also worthy of your notice. Your inspection Is in vited. Miller & Paine. Are you goln;? to buy Christmas 9 Presents? If so, don't forget to took through E. HAL LETT'S tr decant Ktonk of 1? Diamonds, Watches, 1 J) Clocks, Jewelry. GZ; ausniug aiwcr Ware, Hold Head Canes. & Umbrellas, Cut (llass Ware, g; Opera (Masses, and ' Everything usually kept in a first class jewelry 8torc. Itc member the place P H-.lUt - j IMli-ll v 1 1& 11 n O St., under Funk Opera ?& Home. SL Presents for Everybody. - We have them. Come in and look over our stock. "vBoolrs, toys every thing- you cah thi,lk of in our line- Wilson Half, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, la3 O STREET. WE -ts 1 Lw5 J4? M u-i-, ''1 1 JlS Of course you'll have to keep your room warm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleventh and O Streets KODAKS m SELL !f Ih6ne F357. I . . . llSwrr p- e. wmm t Cjrfil 1 ' ' tTvi ' , u a r. . "- .i W H,' r ci - . sr-k r '' . - 'I... y4 -SS' " V( 1 ' -. - 4