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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1901)
" . THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN. " r- w v S -'(. It t li I n (?' it1 , hv r r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN a newspaper doTotcd to the Interest o( the University f Nobrn eka. . Publiiihod at 134 Nortli llt! St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorpnrntod.) DI R ECTOR B: J. W. Crnbtreo, President. O. L. Towno. Berrotnry-Treftsnrer. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Ilowott, E. W. Washburn. Mrrllnjr II Mc''nw. Ulmrles I. Tuylor. UoorRo I'. Hhlilirr, MiinaKli'K Edltnr Assistant MiinnK'i Athletic Kdilor HOARD OK EDITORS C lUtlc, Cliirn OIovit. R T IIIII Mown, Dun (Ititlelirn It A Me- RM'OHThRS It C Pollard, I D lliuilon. Clifton Ourtor, Norrls llusi1 .John A Wilson .1 R Kiiriuw. CII II CrooUs, Linn M llunlnulon. has bcon dealt out to students has been brought nbout by tholr own ac tions. Instead of critlolslng the management of the library for doing Its duty, students should co-operate to allovlato the evil the existence of which all admit. ' The rubicrlptlon price of the Dailjr Nebras Van It 82 for the college year with n regular do llrerr before chnpel oacu day. Notices, com munications, and other matter Intended for pub lication, mutt be handed In nt tho Nebrasknn ofllce before 7 p. m., or mailed to tho editor bo fore 3 p, m., of the day preTlou to that day on hich they nro expecced to appear. Bnbicrlptloni may bo loft at the Nohrskan office, at. tho Co.Op., or with Business Manrwjor. Bubncrlbors will confer a favor by roporlihjr promptly at thii ofllce any failure to receire tho All changes In adTertinln mattor must bo in the ofllce by 8 p. m. on the day prerioui to that on which they are to appoar. Address all communications to the Doily Ne braakan, 131 N. 11th Bt, Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephone -479. Entered ut ttiu p w ollli-o at L ncoln. Nob. as Booonrt class mull mutter borne ad verso criticism is heard among a small class of students re garding the strict way tho library rules in resnoot to talking in the al coves anl roading room, are being en forced by tho library stall. Tho criticism comes almost alto gether from those who have been in trio habit of using the alcoves for conversational purposes. Among the majority or the students tho action of tho Librarian Is uphold. Tho library authorities proceed on tho assumption that the library is Intended to be a place or study for the whole student body. It is with this end iu viow that It Is maintain ed. Tnoso in charge aro under obliga tion to so manago It that the great est good will accrue to tho student body. If tho library is to bo main tained as a reforonceand study room, sllonco is imperative. Tho conversa tion of two or three persons mav rob a do.en students or an afternoon winch should liavo been devoted to work. Tills can be looked upon in no other wav than as a serious offense. When repeated it becomes little less than criminal. Tho loninnoy which has been shown by the librarv officials in tho past JlJLsli?ectiLjjsyuilsugcU by UlO fiHb, A few days ago Dr. Thomus. the state Veterinarian, brought to Pro fessor Hessey a curious hall taken from tho stomach of a hog. It was found on examination to bo composed of a mass of felted vegetable iibrcs, the source of which has not yet been de termined. The ball resembles the 'hair balls1 which are sometimes round in the stomachs of cattle. .So far as can be made out at present this is something new which has never vet" been' described. Profcsso r Itessev intends to preparo an article on it for, publication In. the sclent 1 11 c Journals. J Mrs. Uraco"MacMilIan, '!)8, who re contlv accented the latin fellowship, in the University of Missouri, writes' that she is quite bottled and that her work seems lluht. She mentions among other new tilings that "they go to school on Saturdays here jut as on other days and take great pride in tho tact that they do not require attendanco on Sundays." She soeaks in high praiso of the Pnlversity buildings. In a recent number of the Amer ican Agriculturist, publlsned In New "ork. aro given eight pictures or loading experts connected with the Department or Agriculture in Wash ington, and among them are two or the alumni or the University of Ne braska, namely, IT. .1. Webber, '8'.), and A. F. Woods, "JO. In the "write up" accompanying the pictures both are spoken or in the highest terms. Cards aro out announcing tho wed ding or MissMauoe Hull.urst to iiev. Clinton Lowrio of ljincoln on De comber 2(5. Miss Ilullhurst was regis tered as a sophomoio last year in the University and Mr. Lowrio was raised In Lincoln. Ho received his education In tho East and abroad. They will be at homo after January 15 at Iloldrcge. dents. Tho conduct ot a few made a stricter enforcement or the rules necessary in order that tho library might bo ot value to those who desiro to use it honestly. Whatever of harshness or severity Instructor Sheldon ot the school Of arglculturo has made out the nature of tho disease affecting the carna tions in the green house in Lincoln and other places i-i eastern", Nebraska. IIo Is preparing a paper for publica tion in which lie will discuss the na-4uciiof-tho-trullo-and-4;uggtiSt-reme-dles. I Allegretti I and Lowney's 4 The CIO. Society ot the First Pies bvterian Church will hold an '"Adjec tive Social" this evening at tno home ol .1 oh t Reed, coiner of Twelfth aud E streets. All students and frlonds are cordially inviteo to attend. I Chocolates at RECTOR'S I t Professor Tliornber, '97, Univer sity or Ari.ona, has requested the department of botany at the Univers ity to exchange western Nebraska plants tor Ari.ona specimens. State hecretary J. P. Ualley ot Om aha, will bo fn Lincoln Friday and will meet the Association at tho University rooms. Tho tirst year Domestic Science class will oxperlment with batters In tho fonn ol pancakes, waflles and muflins tins atttrnoon. r SWEATERS SWEATERS GLOVES Such The greatest variety of sweaters ever shown in Lincoln. a combination of warm effects we are showing SI. 00 TO $4.50, Ml Sizes. They wil. fit everybody. C QWpO lined or unlined, work or drcsB a (treat Line " I V L..O, to secct from 50c to $2.)0 per par, and every pair will givo satisfaction some j re fire proof steam proof nearly wear proof. O A DO n "lyies. all colors as a ppecial we have a GENUINE LrrO SEAL 5K1N do.en left) $5.()(). regular SlO.UU while they last (about a NECKWEAR -new arrivals in ties weekly if you don't see what you want ask for it, or it may be in Friday - 25, 50, $1. $1.50 EWING CLOTHING GO 5 It is a hard matter To select suitable presents, isn't itV Come in and let us show you our line of slippers. The're appropriate for any mem ber of the family. PERKINSTSHELDON 1129 0 STREET. X A Unique Christmas Gift For $1.00 TUHBLE WEEDS Poems of Nebraska By Will Reed Dunroy Author of ,4Co.rn Tassels" "lie has the Genius chat makes great poets.'1 Ukan Winans, Princeton University. "Surely Dunroy is a success." 15x-(Jov. ltobt. W. Furnas. "The very outdoor atmosphore is in his verse." IVof. Oscar L. Trigy, Chicago University. "No lover of the l'rawio Land ean fail to find sincere pleasure in Dunroy 'b verso." -J. Sterling Morton. $1.00. All Good Book Stores. The University Publishing Co., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. tjfc t- --- t-tte-tfrfr-- unrjr t Be Keaay ror S The Holidays vt !-?' (jet your new suits i JJ; U and pants now. JjJ Wo have a full line of first clas-, ii goods ready to tnaUe up. It Call and look it over. Tyro new students, Mr. (Jompton and Mr. McIIenry, ronisterert with the Junior ajuws at tho beginning of the second term, Monday. t Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., S ft 143 North Thirteenth. S Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special nttrntion given to (Haeaso of womu nil all Birrgtcnl riteensosr -X?rnjroxnmlntltm with no discomfort or injury to patient. Bt erytliing ns liomehko us possible. Hoard and room rousouablo. 1117 L ST. LINCOLN. P. O. Box 051. Telephone WO : Hiii & Co clean your salts with BBftBoiL 1222 0 Street. will make your cloths, Phone A672 : Fine Watches and Jewelry FOR CHRISTMAS, DELOS T. SMITH, 1 U() O STREET. Also sheet uuisie and supplies 9.' Jr) ATTENTION, 3TUDENTS. I wish to know you. 1 wish you to know my work. For tliib reason 1 will give jour dental work at about half the usual rates for sixty days. DR. A. H. AYERS, 1U7 S. Twelfth. Tumble Weeds at all Rook Stores ffl . ' '3?--. - T f It! -", mr1ttT Tf r I J- fn .fiy 1 . 1 V 1 11 J !