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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1901)
. rv fi MJ'VJtr - s- The Daily Nebraskan VOL. I, NO (52 LINCOLN, NEB., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1901. THREE CENTS s ? fi .. St ANARCHISM. Albert Watkina Takes Issue TCith President B oaovelt on tho Treatment to bo Ac corded Anarchists' Tho President's mcssaco In Its re lations to anarchism, was tUc sub ject, uf tho convocation address by Albert Watkir.s, yesterday. Mr. Watklns saio that he was pres ent tu make candid comments on the President's policy and any criti cisms which he had to offer should be regarded as presented in tiio interests of troth. Ho declared that he is a warm admirer of Roosevelt both afc n man and as an executive; that he believes the present administration will result In a publication or gov renment; that Roosevelt stands for cleanness in politics. As far as these things arc conceived, he said no ad verse criticism could bo offered, but he believed that the President's at titude towards anarchism stands open to censure. The speaker then reminded the au dience of the assassination of the French president in 1884, whioh was followed by a political agitation lead ing to the adoption of extreme re pressive laws against anarchists. In Franco and Germany laws were passed which went beyond slmnlc repression. Even today, declared Mr. Watklns. the Germans have a brutal and In genious manner of punishiicnt ror accidental allusion to the Emperor. He said that England is almost tho only Europoan nation to take a sens ible view of the subject. She refususf to make any further laws against an archism, taking the stand that tho occasion does not justify such a dan gerous expei irnent. The president has acted very im pulsively in tho matter, suid Mr. Watklns, very much as he Is fre quently represented in caricature. He said it reminded him of the ex perience of a man with a now auto mobile, tho man who said, 'You can start it all right, but can't stop tho blamed thing without running over somebody.' "It is that way with tho piesldent," continued Mr. Wat kins. "To my mi no this part of the president's message is uncalled for because it is misleading. It gives r,be-Hiiprsftlm-that-thoiliUi-massett band of men whose sQloobject is tho destruction of tho country, and it makes the evil appear more formid able than it really is." lie then quoted a few sentencts from tlu messago: "The anarchist 4s-evcr-yj.viieru-not merely thcnnein,V of system and progress, but tne dead ly foo of liberty. If ever anarchy is triumphant. lt'sTrTunTph wfiTTasT but one red moment, to be succeeded fhT ages by the gloomy night of des potism.1' In another place: "It Is a travesty upon tho great and holy namesof liberty and freedom to per mit them to be Invoked in such a cause. No man or body of men, uroachiug anarchistic doctrines, should bo allowed at large any more than one preaching the murder of some specllied Individual. Anarchis tic SDeeches. writings and meetings aro essentially seditious and treason able." "It seems to mo," said Mr. Wat kins, "that this applies only to iho most desperate anarchists. In so far as it does, It is all right, but it as- sorts too much much concerning the majority of anarchists." Ho thou quoted from ono prominent exponent of anarchism to tho effect that tho anarchist docs not advocate force nor tolerate crime, but maintains that ail crime should bo punisned. He showed that men such as the assassin or McKlnley do not follow the principles of anarchism, for in its conception, anarchism Is not a lack of ordor but rather a perfection of ordor. Mr. Watkins congratulated tho people that the death of McKinley did not result In extreme repressive measures and attributed this fact to the freedom of public discussion. DERATING CLUBS. The debating clubs will meet is usual tomorrow evening. Tho Unions are scheduled for a dis cussion on tho question, Resolved That amendments to tho constitu tion restricting tho right of buffrage should be made in our state constitu tion similmar to those recently adopt ed in Alaoama. A (Urinative, Stub, Rulla, ditcher. Negativo, Buckncr, Strayer, Lewis. The Palladians will debate tho question, Resolved. That the adop tion of ttie Fifteenth amendment to D. B. EDDY, OF YALE, Will Address Students Sunday, 4 P. n., Old Chapel, SUBJECT: "Student's Missionary Activities.' WOMEN ESPECIALLY INVITED. the constitution of tho United States has been justified. Affirmative, Johnson, Doubt. Negative, Hamil ton, Cottle. The qiiestion'the Dellans will dis cuss is Resolved, That there should be euducational qualifications for suffrage in municipalities. Afilrma - tive, Ratio, F. H. Morrow, Nega tive, Sargent, Edgerton. The Dellan bovs have elected tho following otllcers for tho next term: President, Mr. n'ooje, Vice Piesl dent, Mr. Clark; Secretary, Mr. Sar gent; Attorneys, Messrs. Morrow and .Severn. Resolved, That the recent consti tutional amendment In tho southern states disenfranchising tho coloiod vote will ultimately benellt the "iTCcrrj.A1t)rraat7iTo-G11more, Higglnsi Compton. negative, Hoyle, Meier, Senner. THE WEATHER Forecast for Lincoln and vicinity: Friday fair and colder. Weather report for 21 hrs. 7 pm Wednesday. Highest temperature 2(5 occurring at 2:00 pm. Lowest temperature, 20 ending degrees, degrees, occurlng at 7 pm. Wednesday. Mean temperature, "3 degrees, which is 9 degrees below tho normal. Precipitation for tho past twenty four hours, .01 of an inch of melted snow. GEO. A LOVELAND, Section Director. A TRI-STATE MEET. Oorrospondenco With Missouri ant Kansas Track Teams in Pro gross Othor Oontoats Probable Letters have been sent to both Missouri and Kansas asking about tho possibilities or a trl-stato track meet In Kansas City or any other favorablo point for some tlmo during May or lato spring. As yet no word has come in answer to tho inquiries but It Is thouuht that the moot will be arranged. A well substautlaled rumor is abroad to tho effect that South Dakota will send its team lor a trip among Iowa and Nebraska colleges In tho spring ana also tnat ,they have requested to meet Nebras ka on her own field. The request of South Dakota will undoubtedly be accepted and the meet arranged if terms satisfactory to both parties can be made. They have a strong team, especially In heavy men for heavy work and the contest would bo one worth whllo to witness. Resides these two meets the team will contest with Drake college, Iowa and In the annual State Inter collegiate meet. Owing to the strain o-i the men not a groat deal more 11 1 can bo domanded of the contestants or thoy will play out beforo the season ends. At present, practice Is getting tho athletes In shape for tho annual Charter Day program of Indoor athc letlc events on February 15. Tho J men arc showing up well and it is generally conceded that by the tlmo tho spring comes there will be good men on Lhe Held. The department is now experiencing dlfllcuity In getting men on the floor for regular practice looking toward tho-field mocis. They request that all men who have done any track work at all, or who aro capable of doing it, especially heavy men, present themselves for training. ENGINEERING NOTES. ""The subject!)! Prof. "Barbour's lee turo at convocation this morning Is especially interesting to tho engine ers and Lhev havo therefore decided to be represented en masse. A. A. Steel, '90, has just returned from a mining camp iiDtho stato of Durango, Mexico, and is spending a few days visiting friends about his old stamping ground. It will bo romombered that after graduation. Mr Steel wont to Columbia to "post" in raining cnglreorl'ig and Immediately after completing courso there reported for auty in 'wild and wooly" Southwest. his the IIh tolls many interesting stories touch ing the pyschologlcal considerations vhlch demand iho attention of tho nulneor who wishes to bo successful inder conditions existing In a Mcx can mining camp, Ic will probably oturn to Mexico immediately after the holKIays. t In order that the engineering li brary may be open all lay, according to tho same schedule that prevails In the general library, some of the en gineering students havo volunteered to act as librarian during the noon hour and betweon 8 and 1) In tho morning. PROFESSOR TAYLOR TO SPEAK MONDAY. At convocation Monday, Professor Taylor will conclude his talk on re cinrocity wtilch was begun Tuesday. On Tuesday Profossor Swezoy will take as the subject of a talk "The New Star of lOrtl." Wednesday Dr. Ressey will speak on Forestry as re ferred to In tho president's message. SNEAK THIEVES IN THE AR MORY. Wednesday evening during the drill hour, some person entered the officers dressing room and rilled tho pockets of the clothing there. O. E. Teach reports tho loss of five dollar and another officer lost a small Bum. In ttio former case the money was taken from a pocketbook containing som other monev. part ot whioh was in bills. Thcio is as yet no clue to the miscreaut. DEHATE IN ENGLISH 11. The debate tills afternoon In En glish 11 will bo on tho question, "Resolved, That the members of tho cabinet should! bo given full memuer shlp in the House of Representa tives." The speakers on the affirma tive will be Messrs Rcos and Rulla, and on the negative, Messrs. Swan son and Sargent. Professor Fred Morrow Fling, head of the departmont of European His tory, will co-operate in criticising tho arguments. Tho debate, like the others in En glish 11 and English 13, Is open to the public. Several visitors from tho dtv attonded the debate yester day afternoon, In the advanced class, on cities 1'urnlshlng work to the un- om ployed in times of depression. SOME NEW CURIOS. The Historical Society has recent ly through the cfTcrts of Mr. Rarrott, come into possession of somo valu- LanlC-bQQkfi wJilch have been -obtalned- in widely scattered places through all tho states. Among thom may be mentioned twelve volumes of the Amorlcan Stato Papers, published in 1820 and in tho 8vo fonn. These deal with both foroign and domes tie rotations of the United States. In addition there aro forty-two volumeB of tho Annals of Congress; two volumes of Lang's. Expedition from Pittsburg to tho Rocky moun tains by the way of the Missouri and Platte rivers, published In 1810; Cook's voyages to tho Pad Ho coast f i oin 1770 to 1780, and published in 1700; John West's Journal of his trip to tho Red Rivr colony from 1820 to 1823 and published in 1825; Johnson's California and Oregon of 1850 and 1851 Morse's Repprt on tho Indians, pub (Oontiouod on page 4.) I ' M M a - -'; y .-i"W li. f,' - V lu-.t,v.r,, M ' jam , w-vJfc.)Mfcddk&bjg!M