t hi ' mifmff' fif- S v THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. r nanancinnnGiriciinciCEinnnpnnnB BaaDHaaBauDaoacaoayaBDQQog a n DDnccecinuAi mocnTnov an on riiuiLooiunnu uiiiluiuiii EnnnncicnnincionanincnciannnnnD naaaiaQDUiaaiaaQaoaaaaiuaaDUDM onio 1100 ,J O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Bich ftrda Block. Telephone 535. Residence, 1810 Q Street, Telephone L084. X R. HAGGARD, M. D PJ . O Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rich- We can interest the student in DR. BEN J. F. BAILEY; Dr. Mar Louiso Flnnagnn; Ofllco, 141 South 12th Street. Telephone G18. LP. DAVIS. D. D. S., Dentist. llridfre and Crown work. Ofllce room 7, ovnr Uock Island ticket ofllce. Phone 319. Compliments of the NLW INCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the University students. Football team especially invited to call and on jov a nice clean entertainment and healthful exercise Club rates given. John H Cain, Propr., 1U South Ten Mi. Remember hen in need of tailoring, repairing or cleaning in th clothing line that C. EHLERS Is the man Tor the benefit of those new students who dont know, his address is north west cor 11th and O, room 4, up stairs Uncalled For Shirts at a Big Discount. HARPER, Tho Shirt Maker, 1012 () St. Smokers Ca n gf e t what they want and be sure it is right in price, in. too, from G. R.' Wolf & Co. 1039 O Street A Close Shave A hair cut, oranythine eke you want a barber to do for you, at the M. C. A. Bakheu Shop, 13TH AND P STREETS. AT THE Unique Restaurant 1230 () St., and you will wear a smile. Commutation tickets at a discount. Eat Fine Watches and Jewelry FOR CHRISTMAS. DEfeOS-T-T-SMlTHrMO -O S-tlUiKT,- Also sheet muBlc and supplies ATTENTION, STUDENTS. 1 wish to know you. 1 wish you to know my work. For this reason I will give your dental woMc at 11 bout hulf the usual rates ior sixty-daya.. DR. A. II. AYERS, 127 8. Twelfth. tt.tfefefcfefefefefefetfcfefrfLtiif1- Wood and Coal SCHAUPP & HURD, Ofllce: 110 South l' St. Phoncn, 382-703-71)5. Local and Personal. Tho Co-Op. Eat at Hendry's, 129 N. 11th. Fine furs, Steele, 143 So. 12th. 81. 2fl kid gloves at Tho Famous. The Hygienic Cafe, 31G So. 12th at. Coach Rootii left for Kansas City the first of the week. Miss Whiting was unable to meet her classes yesterday afternoon. Tlckots for tho "Messiah" oratorio aro now on sale at the executive ofllco. Steele, the furrier I l.VSo. 12th st. ! December magazines at The Co-Op. Prang's Art Calahdars at Urown's. Prorcssor Hoagman will ontortaln his students at his home Saturday nl'ht. r.wy your underwear at The Famous. I)r Woodward, occullst, Rich'ds hlk The Music Lovers' senes ot nooks at Brown's. Fred Withers Is visiting with old University friends this week. Mlss"Nora Davis, ex '02, is teach ing in tho Lexington schools. Michigan will play Lehtnd Stanford during tho holidays. Tho latest in tho University hair cut at Westerllelos. Come now for your Christmas pho tographs. Townsend's Elite Studio. Miss Ethel Wilson is entcrta'nlng her brother and father Tor a row days. For Sheet Music and Supplies you can do best at the Matthews Piano Co.. 1120 () St. A line assortmet of Unl Dine, bat pins In Unl colors, pennants, etc. at The Co -Op. Stop at Pass' studio for your Christmas photos and see tho water color exlilblt. Minnesota' gridiron (lends arc de manding that Dr Williams be given a lull professorship, slmllai to tho rmirmnntoyrrTlioTri 01 cmcago. Professor Urabtrec was In David City yesterday visiting the high schuol. The attendance at tho school of tmiBic this year is the largest on record. President. Harper ol Chicago Uni versity is working for donations for a law school. On account of a severe cold, Dr. Harbour was unable to meet his class In Geology I, yesterday. Our fifty-nine cent pictures came in ebony, gold, or gray finish frames. We have a pomplete line of Madonnas,. Christ heads, and others of o like nature, as well as copies of many notable paintings, such as "The Dreamer,' r "Three Friends," "Left Out side' "Pharao's Horses," "Queen Louise," Saint Cece lia," and "Angel Heads. 'r These must be seen to be ap preciated. ( )ther styles, from 25c to 4.00. l' ('. McCutchen who has been business manager ul' Iowa's athletics lor three years has retired. Prof Ciabtreo went to visit tho schoois at Madison yesterday and will oe in Columbus today. Miller & Paine. Square meals at Francis Bros. The best place in town to buy haro coal is from the Union Fuel Co. Whyv Because they sell and deliver tho Lehigh Coal. Thero is nothing bettor, nothing Just as good. Our olllco Is 101 1 O ftt. Mrs. Stanford has given Leland Stanford an additional endowment of thirty millions In bonds and real estate. Tho third public recital of tho school or music will be lIt.ii in tho auditorium on the evening of De cember 18. 6-: Tho class in History 3, will study Hamilton and Jefferson and contrast them as representatives of the two Tho Co-Op is talcing subscriptions for all the leading American and roriegn newspapers and will duplicate any of tho "wmbloallon offers" in tho machines' or club agencies' announcements. f Be Heady For The Holidays .JgTGet your new suits jjj tTand pants now. Wo have a full line of first clans ty goods reudy to raaUo up. Call and look it over. 4 I Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., 1AQ Unh Thintnanih I 4944 -94---4'9! li Dr. Shdemaker's Private Hospital. Special atteatton glton to disease of woa andaU surgical diseases. X-ray eumlnatloa with no discomfort or injury to Pfc fJZ rythinc aa bomellko ai ppialble. Board aa room reasonable. 1117 13 ST. LINCOLN. F. O. Boa 9SL Telephcaa A- now assortment ol Waterman Ideal pons for holiday presents has been received bv tho Co-Od. Among them aro sterling silver mounted holders, plain and chased, very ac ceptable for Xmas' gifts. The Dolian Literary Society will ulvo a program for tho Theopharian Society of Wesleyan at University Place, Friday evening. Tho Theo pharian Society will give a return program to tho Delians soon after tho holidays. Tho Paliadlans will present "A Box of Monkeys" Friday evening on the stago in their hall. The curtain will rlso at 0 o'clock. All aro invited. The class in History of Italian Art has been studying tho churches and "Bcnlptimr-o retire Romanesnue tperlod, and lire now taking Tjp tiny subject of Gothic architecture. Tho new brick high school building at Table Rook has been completed and will bo occupied after Christmas. It Is heated by steam and has all modern Improvements. tofrMMxlJiMxtotfbxlbtiJ& Ig Are you goliu to Luy b Christmas rv , & . presents r lf so, don't forget to look throughc .E. IIALLKTT'8 J? elegant stock of S"7 v? Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, - Sli.rlmn mil,.n Wn. -. -v..... ....j ifuii;, ? (Jold Head Canea. Tinbrellas, Cut (Jlnss Ware, Opera (Masses, and Everything usually kept in o! nrst clays jewelry stuie Kenieraber the place E. Hallettl 1 U.'l ITS!; , under Fuolr Opera Homo. wwwww Presents for Dr. Greon was unable to meet his law class Tuesday morning and Dean Reese took lila. dIqco ana gave tho class tho first of a series or lectures treating on tho legal side of Insanity. Of course you'll have to keep your room worm this winter Gregory, the Coal Man Has the Stuff Eleyenfch and O Streets Iwerybody, We have thein. Come in and look over our stock. Books, toys everything you can think of in our line. Wiisdn & Half,, BOOKSELLERS AN0 STATiOllHIS, I la 3 O STREET. KODAKS WE SELL i i i a. 1 .3 1 1 ri M l-2-il 51 m - 1.: l s . m r.- ., , y "- y -. - i; anwHitAj. j,h,rii tisVi 1117 &." I. E. bePUTRONl