The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 12, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Hi n I ' i M ii
'- if
a. MWiptpor deToted to the lntarasta of tha
University of Nebra eka.
rnblltbed at 134 Nortli lltli St., by
J. W. Crabtrce, Prealden.
0. L. Towne. Secretary -TraMnrar.
J. I. Wyor, T. J. Howett, E. W. Waihburn.
MunuKlnn Editor
Assistant MuniiRor
At hint lo Kdttor
Storllnn II Mc'uw,
Uhiirli?- I. Tyior,
Uoorgo 1'. Hhfdier,
O I title, Clurn Olovor. ItT Mill. R A Mc-
Nown, Dun (Jutlubon.
II O Pollard, K D llunlon. Cllflon Cartel,
NorrlH HuHf, J R I'tirnuy, Cliff Uiookn,
John A WIIhoii, I Inn M Hti minion.
' Tha lubaoriptlon prlca of the Daily Nebrai
a. an ia 13 for the collojre year with n rajrular do
ll rery oaforo chapel eaou day. Notices, com
munfoaHons, andqthor matter Intonded for pub
lication, mutt ba handod In nt the Nebraska!)
office before 7 p. m., or mailed to the editor be
fore I p. in., of the day nreylous to that day 'on
.hloh they are expected to appear.
Stibiorlptioni may bo left at the Nebrmkan
office, at the Co. Op., or with But luess Manager.
Hubiorlber will confer a faror by roportlnjr
promptly at this offlco any failure to recoire the
All change In adferttslnsr matter mint be Id
the ofllco by 8 p. ni. on tho day prarioui to that
en which they are to appear.
Address all communications to tho Dally Ne
braakau, 131 N. 11th St., Lincoln, Nebraska.
Telephone 479.
Entered ut Hie pirn ofllco at Lincoln, Neb.
us aerond Hush mull mutter
Tho Daily announces today tho
new board ol editors which has be n
chosen from among the reporters and
membors of the journalism class.
They nro Miss Clara Glove. Dan Glide
ben, Vernon Italic. R. A. McNown
ann U T. Hill. rr,heso persons have
been selected solely for mcit in news
gathering and general elllcloncy as
sliown by tho work dono this year.
Immediately alter the iiolidays sev
eral additional appointments will he
made. Merit willbe tho solo test In
thesoas In all others.Thc Daily desires
to assoolato with it overy student
who has ability along the line of re
porting or editing. Those who desire
to do work of this kinn 'should com
mumoato with the management at
A bulletin giving in detail the
plans of tho debating hoard for tho
preliminary debates to be held later
has been pisted for the convenience
of those- Interested. The board is es
nccially desirous of calling the atten
tion of those outside or the regular
classes In debating to the features of
I Furs,
s -
We are making a spec-
ial this month on
I fur coats
Is Investigation means a
g purchaser. E very
purchase here carries
with'it absolute satis
faction. F. E. VOELKER,
Twelfth and N Street?.
Phone F357.
the new plan. It Is desired that nil
thofio who Intend entering the con
test, or who are interested in debat
ing, communicate with the officer in
charge or some membor of the board
aB soon as possible for further de
tails. The plan as outlined in todays
Daily will Insure a conteBt of the
best minds in the University. It will
bo a contest in which any student
may be proud to take part.
This is what those, who have hna
tho prlvilego of hearlng.the man who
Is now visiting the University hay
thoy liavo received.
Mr. Eddy has already held two
meetings with students: ono with
the Vulunreer Band, Tuesday aftor
uoon In which ho gave tho memteri
of bh(hand. solid, practical advice,
lie said"that li is strongest Impression
with regard to missionaries In India
was that they were doing jiiBt such
work there as they old during their
college lives. He advised the broad- '
est possible activities here and now
for all who intend to be successful
Tuesday evonir.g lie met with tl u
principal workers of the two associa
rlons, to talk over plans of work for
1 he week. Through tlieso workcrsiic
The greatest variety of sweaters ever shown In Lincoln. Such
a combination of warm effects we are showing
$1.00 TO $4.50, All Sizes.
They wlh fit everybody.
GLOVES lined or unlincd, work or d'ess a Great Line
t u"v' to select 50c to $2.00 por pair, and every
pair will give satisfaction some are Arc proof Bteam proof
nearly wear proof.
r A QQall sty'.es, all eo'orsas a ppeciai we haveaOENUINE
wMH O SEAL SKIN regular 810.00 whi'c they last (about a
dozen left) $5 OO.
NECIvWEAH new arrivals in lies weekly if you don't see
what you want nsk for it, or it may be in Friday - 25, 50, $1 $1 50
extends a most cordial invitation to
all students to hear him and especially
to all serious thinking men and
women. This is a great oportuuitj
for western students to cune In ci n
tact with and co-operate ith an
eastern man of de p studv. strong
judgment, broad .sympathies, high
purposes and successful work among
Htiinents. Ho Is descended from a
celebrated inissioi.ary family and in a
brother of Sherwood Eddy, one f
tho strongest mon in India today. Ho
Is a graduato of Vale and won ols
tinctlon as a student. This is his
first and probably only appoaranco in
tho west.
If thoro are thoso In the University
who have a narrow view of missions
or who do not believe In tills depart
ment of tho work of the church to
day, thoy will have an opportunity
next Sunday of hearing this subject
proented In an impartial scholarly
way bv one who has studlrd it from
all standpoints, and it is safe to say.
lias the best knowledge of tho sub
ject of any person who has tver visit
ed tho University.
Mr. Eady will bo at tho Y. M. C.
A. rooms all day Saturday and will
deem It a privilege to talk privately
with all who wish information as to
missionary work and mission fields
and kindred questions.
Tho Associations wish to make this
tno last meeting of tho year, ono of
the best and tliov take pleasure in
inviting nut only every student,, but
also the faculty, to spend this hour
on Sunday afternoon In listening to
an address which is worthy of every
DnolTtTme and consideration.
I aaaaaaVaka?!! VyV aaaaaam aaaaBaaav
It is a bard matter
To select suitable presents,
isn't it? dome in and let us
show you our line of slippers.
The Yo appropriate for any mem
ber of the family.
1129 0 STREET.
Special Display and
. .. Sale of Fine Furs
One of the largest and most reliablo fur manufacturers will be at our
store, in the Cloak and Suit department, Friday and Saturday, December 20th
and 'JlHt, with a very complete line of Fur garments, consisting of Cloaks,
Jackets, Capes, Scarfs, Muffs, and Sets in Seal, Heaver, Mink. Martin. Isabella
Fox and all other desirable Furs. Our New York representative, who Is a
practical' Furrier, will have charge of this sale, and will take measures and
make to order Seal .Jackets or anything in the Fur line. He will also give
estimates on repairing old garments and give them that style and finish that
the local houses cannot get.
This will bji a rare opportunity to procure Fur goods in the Newest Styles
and at Manufacturers' prices. In our Cloak and Suit department, from now
rrnrtrHhnutiims; we witt Tnalnrspccial pricos for the holiday trade!
12th and N Streets.
Tho secondary colleges of tho north
west are planning to form themselves
Into a conference similar to that of
tho "Dig Nino." Tho colleges are
Ames and Grinnoil of Iowa, State
University. Mitchell University and
Agricultural colloge of South Dakota,
namllno, MacAllster and Carleton of
Minnesota and the State University
of North Dakota.
Yalo defeated Princeton In the
ninth annual debate between the two
universities. The question debated
was: Resolved, That tho fifteenth
amendment to the constitution has
1 been Justified. Yale had the nega
I tlve.
273 Qopies of
Tumble Weeds
By Will Reed Dunroy
Were sold by us last week.
Have you bought yours ?