The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 12, 1901, Image 1

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    "T laJbV T-
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The Daily Nebraskan
I "
VOL. I, ISO 01
Professor 0. A. Bobbins Endorses
President Roosevelt's Posi
tion in an Address at
Professor Bobbins cave a very in
teresting talk yesterday at convoca
tion on Civil Service Reform. This
was tho third in the course of ad
dresses that aro being delivered on
phases of the president's message.
Ho defined civil service reform as
the substitution of the ucrit system
for tho spoils system In civil service
appointments, and summarized the
principles of the reform thus: "No
one shall hold an appointive office in
virtue of any consideration other
than merit and ability." The only
argument in favor of the spoils sys
tem that has any weight at all with
tbo people, he said, is that the merit
system is said to be European.
Ho tnen proceeded to show that In
the early history of the American re
public thcro was no such thing as the
spells System. Washington, during
his eight years as chief executive re
rabved but nine men from offlco and
one of these was a defaulter. Adams
removed ten men, it being clearly his
" uurposo to remove as few as possible.
Jefferson said that if tho servants or
the government conducted themselves
rlgnt, they would never have any
thing to fear from him. Ho removod
thirty-nine men from ofllce and de
clared that not one was removed bo
cause he wan a federalist. Madison
removed Ave men. threo of whom
were defaulters. Monroe removed
nine men and John Ujiincy Adams
Professor Robbing said that so far
from tho merit system being un
American, it has been tho policy of all
tho early presidents and the Bpoils
systom was not inaugurated until the
presidency of And row Jackson. Pres
ident Roosevelt declares that the
merit system Is as Amorican and
democratic as the American school
systom itself.
Tho soaker then pointed out some
of the evils of the spoils system. Ho
showed that Improper men are ap
pointed to ofllce simply becauso they
represent tho party. There must be
an iuoreaso in-tun numbor-of. oflk'-as,
as tho ofllce holders II nd themselves
secure in thoir positions and some
times do very little work. It has
been said that in one of the 'depart
ments at Washington seventeen men
havo been found attempting to do
-tohcrATork-of-one-maD: F-roru-lSSa-Sr-
tho'last ton years of tho relgn of
-tho spolls-syiteuartiie jiumbor of.
clerks in the executlvo officers in
creased sixty-six per cent, an In
crease wholly disproportionate to the
increase in tho umount of work for
them to do. From 1883-'97 tho num
ber of men In tho classified semen
remained stationary, whiio for the
unclassified scrvleo the number in
creased fprty per cent. Tho increased
expenditures wmch results from the
spoils system, is shown by the fact
that in the last twontv-livo years the
wages in the cl ass i lied serrlco havo
remained stationary and In the un
classified servioe have increased twenty-seven
per cent.
The spoils system lie declared, pro
tects defaulters, as tnen party is re
sponsible for their acts and must
shield them In order to escape blame,
President Roosevelt's attitude to
civfl service reform was there dis
cussed by Professor Robblns. He
was present at tho national republi
can convention In Chicago in '84
when Mr. Roosevelt counseled the
convention In favor of civil sorvlce
reform. The docrnno which Mr.
Roosevelt expressed then was put in
practice by him as police commis
sioner of New York. As governor or
New York ho put In the statutes the
best civil service law tho state has
overbad. Ho absolutely ct ntrollcd
the republican machine organized by
Professor Robblns closed his ad
dress by saying that ho believed the
most fundamental question now be
fore tho American ueoplo is the re
form of tho governmout itself.
During tho course of his talk Pro
fessor Robblns several times paid high
tribute to President Roosevelt show
ing tho high regard In which he
holds tho latter as a man.
Tho dobato in tho advanced course
in oral discussion English 13 this
afternoon, will be on tho question:
"Resolved, That in times of depres
sion municipalities should furnish
labor to the unemployed."
The speakers for tho affirmative
will be F. J. Kelly and Ernest. Allen;
for the negative, W. F. Meier and
John I. Mllok.
Professor A. Ross Hill will co-op-rcate
in the criticism with the officer
in charge.
The regular meeting of tho Engine
ering Socloty last night was turnod
over to the slldo-rulu enthusiasts.
Dan Gutloben presided and with tho
aid of tho ton foot slldo-rulo built In
tho shops a fow days ago all the com
mon uscb of tho "stick" were dem
onstrated. A 4.8 norso-power audi
ence was present welching 3.85 tons
or 1800 pounds per horsepower. In
comparison with this it was found
that the engine in tho wood shop
weighs 190 pounds per Uirsc power
After a number of problems, includ
ing triconometric functions and the
co-ordinats of an adlabatio expansion
curve, were solved the Society at
tended to its fortnightly quota of
The book committee reported a
continuance or success. On tho re
commendation of tho membership
committee Messrs E. H. Gibson; C;
D. Peebler, J. b. Darks and K. it.
Luanger worc-elected to membership
In tho Soolcy.
C. W. Engel, ohaIrroTffbTtne
"smoker" committee recommended
that tho society have a smoker next
Saturday evening and in behalf of
tho Phi Kappa Psl fraternity bo in
vited tho society to their house.
The report was approved and the in
vitation was accepted with a vote of
thanks. The society will therefore
indulge In Its first smoker next Sat
urday evening.
Prufessor Candy's class in mathe
matics 2b will decide by vote
whether thoy will take 3o or 33d. 3d
is the cause in analytics, especially
designed for thoso taking the eglnc
ering course.
Registration to Close After Ques
tions aro Selected Corres
pondence With Com
petitors Begins.
Tho Debating Hoard hold a meet
ing Tuesday afternoon. Tho only
subject discussed was that of ques
tions for tho Interstate debates.
The board Is hard at work on this
mattor In connection with tho other
Institutions. The board will an
nounce what the questions arc just
as Boon as they aro determined which
will bo before tne Christmas recess.
The board voted that registration
for the preliminary contest bo closed
about a week after the board an
nounces tho quostims for the inter
state debates, which questions will
be argued in the preliminary contest.
The exact date of closing tho regis
tration will no announced by tho
board as soon as the Interstate ques
tions aro fixed. Thoso possible can
didates, whose registration doponds
upon what tho questions are, will he
given ample time to cet In.
Not closing tho registration until
after tho intcrstato questions are
determined, will also, it Is hoped,
enable tho Univorslty to onlifct a fow
more students strongly equipped In
the fields In which tho questions lie.
For the InToimation of studentB
who aro, or may become, candidates
for positions on tho threo teams that
will represent the University of Ne
braska next spring In the arena ot
intelloctual combat with Colorado
Cohego, tho University of Kansas
and tho University of Missouri, tho
debating Board has put npoo the
official bulletin board a lengthy state
ment in further explanation of the
trto regulations tho board passed two
weeks ago relative to tho methods of
selecting and training tho Intcrstato
aelvitinor teams this year methods
which were set forth at that tlmo In
"The Dally Nebraskan."
This" bullotin states again exactly
what those two regulations are and
explains how they will oo mado oper
ative. The bulletin explains espec
ially In detail tho methods and tho
one general object and tho throo
spool He objects of tho new system for
training tne teams that was sane-
tloneo by the Unl yerlsty senate.
The new course whlchlll bo given
next semester will enable systmatic
Instruction to bo given thoso who aro
to corn do te in tho intorstato contests
and will permit contestants to get
jCICoal iQr.j,Ufl worKthov, do. ma
training that will bo given will bo
exceedingly Helpful aside from tho
Immediate oblect victory
in the
Any student desiring more detailed
information concerning the mothods
either of selecting or training tho
debaters this year is urged to seo tho
officer in charge of the courses in de
Dating or some member or the debat
ing board.
At convocation tomorrow Professor
E. H. Barbour will speak on irriga
tion as treated In tho president's
message. This morning Albert Wat
kins will address the convocation on
On next Monday tho address of
Professor Taylor on Reciprocity will
bo onoludcd as thc'tlmo Tuesday was
not sufficient to permit of his com
pleting tho subject. He did not in
his remarks then, reach tho point of
expressing his u,wn opinions on tho
subject, but confined himself to a re
view of the points presented In tho
message Itsolf.
Owing to tho absence of three of
the board of regents there has been
no quorm prosont at any of tho ses
sions. Thoso in attendance aro Re
gents Forroll, Teeters and Rich. In
stead of transacting tbo work of tho
board only committee work bus boon
done. An adjornmont was taken
lato last night.
Tho PhyBlcs colloquium met at the
homo of Professor Brace Tuesday
Mr. Cartmel reviewed a paper by
Mr. Nutting on tho rcllectlng power
of various substances for ultra violet
light and afterwards spoko on tho
anomalous dispersion and absorption
of fustian.
Mr, Bates' paper on the Anomalous
Rotation of Light In tho Magnetic
Field which was read last August
before tho Amorican Association for
the Advancement of Sclenco was
reviewed at consldeiablo length Im a
recent number of Science.
Forecast for Lincoln and vicinity:
Thursday partly cloudy probably with
snow; sllghtchango In temperature.
Weather rcnort for 21 hrs. ending
1 pro Tuesday.
Highest temperature 24 degrees,
occurring at 7:U() pm.
Lowest temperature, 15 degrees,
occurlng at I): 15 am.
Moan temperature, 20 degrees,
which Is 13 degrees below the normal.
Precipitation for tho past twenty
four hours, trace of snow.
Section Director.
All sophomores who wish to play
Joasicet ball w411-imtujto-4ho--o4-cnanel
Friday morning at ten o'clock.
By order of tho picsident.
Fred Stratton gave a talk to tne
surveying class yesterday on resurvey
I ng of government land and laying jt
ut into townships, M. Stratton-
has seon several seasons of sorvlce
with a government surveying party
In tho snow-capped hills of Wyom
ing: ;
Jay A. Barrett, of tbo historical
library, will spak Friday to tho
Unity Olub of Omaha on tho subject
of "Historical Societies as a Part of
tho Work of States.' Ho will touch
on the feature of the duty of states
to preserve their records and any
thing having to do with the state's"
A walnut caso haB come from Buff
alo to the Historical Society which,
was constructed there to hold tbo
medals of tbo Nebraska Horticultur
al Society which were exhibited at
tho exposition. ' .
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