The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1901, Image 1

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"1 ',
The Daily Nebraskan
IP '&
VOL. I NO rs
Tho Presidonfs Document the Sub
ject of Discussion by Professor
Oaldwoll at the Convocation.
Professor Caldwell dlscussd The
salient points of tho President's
Messago at convocation Friday, lie
flrBt mentioned the messages of form
er presidents. Washington and Ad
ams, he said, road their messages to
congress. Jefferson instituted tho
custom of having the message pub
lished. President Roosevelt haR in
troduced the latest Innovation,
narrioly that of preparing his mes
sage with tho typewriter.
Tho president deals witn summar
ized reports or heads of doDartments
aud with qupstions of general Impor
tance. He begins by paying an ele
gant tribute to his dead predcessor.
Ho points out that tho anarchist
lias no placo in a free government
and rocommends that measures he
taken to kocp the anarchist .out.
As regards business prosperity, the
president congratulates the country.
The development of the trusts in
later years has heen euoimous. out
since they have a direct Influence on
tho lives of cverv one, radical meas
ures should be adopted only with
neliberatlon. 'Publicit should be
demanded in the managment of the
trusts, he said tho full and accurate
reports of their doings should como
to the eves of tho people.
Tho labor question is one which
the president regards as more import
ant than any other exceot the re
claiming of arid lands. It is a ques
tion of the relation of man to man.
As rcga-ds the exclusion of the Chin
ese the president is positive and era
pathlc. He says they live on a low
scale and should not bo allowed to
compote with the American laborer.
The immigration laws or the
United States should be applied In
such a way as to exclude paupers,
criminals and anarchists. Certain
changes are suggested in the laws
now in force.
Speaking or the tariff he advises
against any sudden change, but is
uot Gotinlte hi saying how changes
should he maao.
Tho merchant marine should be
restored to Mts former prestige. In
stead ot carrying 8 per cent of Amer
ican commerce, it should carry "20
per cont as lt-once did. "No definite
suggestions are given as to now It
shall bo done. Tho president also
declares that tho gold standard must
bo preserved.
A TjyBtonr-of irrigation should hel
instituted for the reclamation of
aridlands, This to be for the oenefit
of tho public and not' for a row.
Water storage reservoirs are suggest
ed. IThe interstate commerce laws
should be revised. The president
says that Hawaii should be treated
ai a territory. Porto Klco is thriv
ing, Cuba Is boing prepared for inde
pendence. There is a great" problem
to bo met with in the Philippines.
To leave the natives free in their
present condition would be to invite
a state of anarchy.
No nation stands so much for
peace as does tho United States, but
bbe must prepare for war.' The navy
should bo increased and made effec
tive. No Increase Is necessary in the
We must continue to advocate the
Monroe doctrine. It ensures the
peace or the western hcmlsporo.
President Rooscveit pronounces In
favor of the merit syBtom in civil
service examinations. lie declares
ho will make appointments on no
other grou nds.
He also mentions a Pad lie cable,
China, the consular service, the
Indians, the Pan Amorican ex
position, the dead Queen Victoria,
and the Empress Dowager Frederick.
He closes his message with tnanks to
the Almighty for existing peace.
1'roressor A. Ross Hill will co-operate
this aTternoun with the officer in
charge or English 11 In criticising
the debate. The question to be de
bated Is whether or not the full elec
tive system should be Introduced
Into American colleges. The princi
pal sneakers will bo Messrs. Rorkey
and Koehler for the affirmative and
Welch and TI. .1. Smith (or the Grad
uato School) for the negative.
Tho convocation periods for the
present week will be especially Inter
esting. Some live topics regarding the
President's Message will be dis
cussed each morning. The speakers
will be as follcws: Monday, Profes
sor E. A. Ross Chinese Imigration.
'Tuesday, Proressor W. (J. L. Tay
lorReciprocity. Wennesdav, Proressor C. A. Rob
bins The CIyII Service.
Thursday, Alhert Watkins An
archism. Friday, Pioressyr E II. Harbour-Irrigation.
Boniors Decido to Hold Social Moot
ing Boon Docide to Dodicato
their Annual to Pro
fessor Oaldwoll.
The class of 1002 voted Saturday to
hold a "Senior party" somotlmo
during tho first semester.
The date sat for tho event was
Thursday December 19. The oblect
or holding a party so early in tho
year was to create a wider acquaint
ance among tho members or the
oiass. Tho president was empowered
to appoint a comm.i,tteo of ten, who
will havo chargo of all arrangements.
Tho committee will be announced
Tho senior hook committee request
ed that the class select tho person to
whom the annual should bo dedicat
ed. A vjto was taken, and it was de
cided unanimously that tho annual
bo dedicated to a Nebraska alumus.
Proressor Howard W. Caldwell, head
of the department or American His
tory and Jurisprudence. The prores
sor surely deserves tho honor, as his
work, since graduation in the class
of 1883 has been devoted entirely to
his Alma Mater.
President Batic appointod W. R.
JacksoD.F. G. Kelly, 0. E. Teach,
Laura Pollard and Emma Wilholrason
to not! fy 'Professor Caldwell of bin.
selection as tho recepient or the
highest honor, which the class could
Several senior caps were reported
to havo been sequestered during the
past week by ambitious juniors.
The seniors avowed a promise of
tenrold revenge on tho Juniors for
every cap taken.
received cn-
" University
Delta Upsllon held Its annual ban
quet at the Lindoll hotel Saturday
evening. The usually jolly good time
was indulged in. II. W. Benedict
llileu the ofilce of toast::iaster with
fitting dignity.
Tho following toasts
thuisastic responses:
Spirit," R. C. Poljard;
S. D. Clinton; "The
C. L. Wray, "The Evolution or Delta
Upsilon," II. L. Metcaif: The
Vintage or lf)01," C. R. Davis;
"The Alumnus," II. M. Benedict;
"Convention Reminiscences" Those
present were: Dr. II. O. Llowlauds,
Colgate, '72; Pror. II. L. Metcaif,
Brown. "JG; Messrs Wray. II. Bene
dict, Thompson, B. Benedict. Huff,
Clinton, Walton. Humucl, Davis,
Sheldon, Chambers, Elliott, Pollard,
LinraiTrptiussierT-DayT-lthodes, Wll-
son., Cooper. Gaines, Ileil
ner. Hagonslck. Lipp, M. Benedict
Clark Hall and Parks.
Previous to the banquet Frca M.
Lipp was initiated into the mystorles
of fraternity life at the chapter houBe
on C and 11th streets.
fossor and Mrs. E. II. Barbour find
Colonel and Mrs. Eagor.
Tho committee in chargo of ar
rangements were: R. C. Pollard,
chairman; A. C. Lau, master or
ceremonies; J. R. Farney, ( A. Phil
lips anil Amos Thomas. Tho follow
ing woro in attendance:
Misses Manrld, Maurld, Crabbe.
Jenkins, Bcnntt, Blgnoll, Rlsser.
Holland. Conrad, Ilcacock, Haye.0,
Agnew, Howland, Stone. Reese,
Griggs, Hammond, Bunuss, Obad
wlck, Loomis, Hunt, Macmber,
Gertrude Macombor, E. Outcalt, .7.
Outcalt, Post, Montgomery. Murray.
Cnscbflcr, Pattorson, Parks. Tldball,
Watkins, Cunningham, Cady, Maek
In, nargreaves, Louise Hargrcaves,
Honeywell, Harris, Comstook,
Funko, C. Funke, Orcutt of Omaha,
Bennott. Clark, Raymond, Burnham,
Tukcy, Losch, tho Misses Stewart of
Fromont Douglas, Marshall. Messrs
F. Hall, Clinton, Powers, Walton,
Sanders, I'ollard, Whedon, CartncI,
W. King. Lowls, Hedge, Matson,
Mather, Aronds, Hinson, Stratton,
Ralncy, noffncl, Wallace, Elliott,
Funko. Beokman, C. Powers, R.
Sawyor of Chicago, A. Lau, FartiB
worth, Thomas, J. Lau. Neoly, I.
Raymond, Gaines, Maltlaud, Lange
vln, McCreery, Smith, Sherman, Mc
Shano, Whedon, Foanrest, Kimball,
Adams, Mudgo, Sanders, R. Hill,
Longley, Randall, Humphrey, J. L.
Kind of Omaha. Farney, A. Watkins
of Omaha, fl. King of West Point,
Hess, Huse, Huil, Spoiser, Phillips,
Barnes, Jayncs, Cuscaden, Crandall.
Sholmcr Sedgwick Manchester Tom
son, Stein. Ballantlne, Brown, Walsh.
Roth and Holmfs.
Miss Edith Webster hs prepared
collections lor tho University of
Utah, Cornell .University and for a
private collection In Kansas City.
The material for these numerous col
lections which are boing sent out to
colleges of the country is drawn en
tirely from tho Morrill Geological collections.
Chancellor Andrews was in Omaha.
Saturday on business. .
The annual Preshnlg Rifles Hop
was held at tho Lincoln Hotel Fri
day evening and was a success in
every wav. This annual dance 1b tho
first formal University danco of tho
season and servesto open tho year's
formal festivities.
The decorations for the occasion
were only largo flags at the ends of
the dancing hall.
Punch was served through tho en
tire evoning at various advantagious
places and they seemed to bo tho
favorite gathering places between
The programs were a very beautiful
piece of tho engraver's and prlntor's
art, being in scarlet and cream with
an excellent engraved representation
of tho Pershing pin on tho cover.
Owing to the other attractions In
-the e-i tyr bOtll nnrl Tml
jyiurpny, tno guests wero late in ar
riving having in any cases staid al
most through the (program at the
play house and auditorium.
Tho grand march began about ton
o'clock fpllowed by tho dancing
which lasted until ono o'clock. The
program consisted of twenty num
bors and so they were hurried through
particularly toward tho end of the
evening and tho early, hours of morn
ing. It waB noticeable that tbo pro
gram only consisted of waltzes and
two steps with no extras. Officers of
the company woro uniform and sido
arms. Tho number of beautiful new
dresses and beautiful toilets of tho
ladies furnished a great deal toward
making a delightful scone.
The party was chaperoned by Pro-
The Freshman class held a meeting
Friday morning in the old chapel
with an attendance of between forty
and tirty. Committees on athletics
made reports of tho work so far this
year In regard to tho football team.
A rooveraont will Immediately bo
put on foot looking toward tho or
ganization ot a baseball team as well
as both boys and girls class basket
ball teamB.
Tho roprcsentatlvo who was to re
port on a class yell failed to make his
appearance, but it wnsroported by a
fellow committeeman thut "they had
ono which would bo announced im
mediately. President Lewis, then appointed a
cr.mmlfctce for tho choosing of a olass
emblem and Insignia ana also for
selection of tho class colors and other
minor matters of class interest.
Professor G. E. Howard has cone to
Boston whero he will ao some work
on tho encyclopedia which bo is
revising, no left hero last Monday
and stopped on his way at tho Univer
sity of Wisconsin to mako arrange
ments for a course of lectures which
ho will give there In tho latter part
of tho school year. Ho expected also
to stop at Cornoll Unlvorsibytu ar
range for a course of lectures In tbo
summer school thoro. Professor Uald
woll and Dr. Jones aro helping 'him
In bis encyclopedia work.
Mr. Cornell, tbo University photo
grapher, has just finished 100 now
Iintern slides for the Geological department.
Coaoh Yost has Just signed a thrdo
year's contract with Michigan.
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