The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1901, Page 4, Image 4
ltr tfrr -,.i THE DAILY NEBRASKA!. COMMTNICATION. Tin' lollowlnu siiycht ion lias hcen lwiwlcti tn t lie Daily with I lie n quest that It he piihlishrtl- ' die t ni 111: t h'lt nur inst i ill hm is badly in need ni is a new lot ('I lock ers in Hie Imv's (In ssiui: looms As It is no.v there arc not enough to sulllre I ir all and the hoys clothes have lo In- leiti exDicd to the h;ui(ls of iiiioiie wl ile the are out As a result ot this sort of tiling, Lawienee II' hi. ol I he ( ' illee.e o Law ioh heil of his l'iiUI w.iit h and cliiiin and class inn sterd.n altenio'in while he was taking a li Such as this could lie avoided hy pmudiiiu inoie lockers. Theie is an art n b- on t he Kill me ol College (liil and I lie Teaching opoorl unit ' In a recent numhei ol I he Wester n College niaulue which is Interest it. o; to lead il it is not eon i nci ne I'roh.ihly tie Co-eds will not like I In at t n le tor it heelns h saving "then' aie alloeelhei too nian ol them in the first place."' The .tiihtoi adKe ...ore than hall ol Iheeirlswho think ol enlne to college to st,i at home ami make lite pleasant lot the lathei and mother and uiees thit the nn lie ,. social help In In r home emironment and in the end he the Hihiecl ol snnio lovely honk like .l.iniuee Mc-idealh m I! -inona. W hat E very P. isll t li.lll IS If N t I'll 111 i t f .student a.tiii i i I, hid uttitition A r t r her urn t mi i essf ul mmhi on t hi e;i id 11 n , 1 1, is1, i c .in w i 1 1 ,l 11 01 (1 to tleiolo soiiii nt lie- enei ,' to ill I tilt" development of tne foi in of uthlitieB. 'rill)llr pl.l i- 1 II lIl'IIIS anil lllllll 1 t l ciimst ..n estliat niii'ei the "aim some what it -s ,u' i i i st I li" to tin ;rtlCl.ll pe.hli I ii in fo. it l il i th ,i him 1 .19 m.i n tea t II! i 1 !l I t ' lioiihl I il popuhll It is tin I lie mo 1 p. it t a student .i ie. So t.ii it tills bei n Svi'pt i em irk.i'! frit fi-i.m the eontntniirit in"; i' Il imi ol pi of'- -. 1 1 It deni'inds y plivsienl ih'M loment t ndni .tin . .unl -kill It has tin id Villlt.le ol In ill;' hotll !l woman s .111(1 a man -. jr... u .V biaska sh n!d j,rio 'oval sup-m ! t i In i lusketlall tea'ii this e i Man Wants Will lie found in tie following lists of p-aetical e;ift suggestions KW'M sill KM S in Miilunir C(llir r i Mm roc to $j r. Ni:t k I) h'-a line lo e of Inn, ( mils. Iieks, I imr m hands. htnne; Ties, Minis PufTs, indsoi Nainiu l-in hands Slate Mteets in sui II p.ittci ns rOc to $ I .."() UMP.KLLL s u,th fan i v handles $1 to $r iikDVMs v e have a 1 nr displuv of f'i dicss fjlovcs in Kids Moelia ,(.olf 2of to $'J (X). Ml. 1'TLKUS the swellest in tlr lar d the P.eatimont. the Sash Mntllet the Oxford the ,S-ii ire, the as Snnler Land M.illl- r, ."() to $2 ro. LST,i the iii v (nihil piotectoi put in "()( . r.iK.i.s in fane r k. s ,oc New sit i iv a Is of Xi ck vv car , t U I v EwingClothing 9 Fashionable Furnishers and Clothiers. 111517 0 St., Lincoln, Neb. Every now Student calls on James Hearn 237 So. nth street And hns his snoasuro taken for th Tamous Kalamazoo Uniforms, lllamifacturfd by Zt)t ftitdtrson-J1nic3 Co. Kalamazoo, Wlct) UNIVERSITY STUDENTS I V maud 1 1 i la AMTSMMMiNTS ( Mm I'.i 1 1.11 d I'sit lot is up to diite ami a hsol ntel v fi ( e f 1 ( tn iinn 01 .1 1 in tlm in e. Phone 5K0. POW i:u.'5, mGN nth 046000400044H4 OS0000KHM Comp any Arc you Going to California? Call and got Printed Matter thai will give you full information as to its Clinic, Resources and f V. l. i .-..L il LUU UtJfciL vv il LO JCL LIK'ie. City Ticket Office, Corner 1 otli and O Streets. Telephone 235. Bnrliiigton Depot, 7th Street, Bet P and Q. Telephone 25. vC400004'0'0'ooooaA044aaAa'Mooo40404 Huyira ncvimim;umwtmyH, The Daily Nebraskan's Clubbing Offers LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. LOWEST EXISTING PRICES. The Daily Nebraskan . Cosmopolitan Success .... Frank Leslies Popular Monthly ALL FOUR ONE I LAIyiNcv or Urncwall I'crsonol Chciks At.i.cpted. Publications in nil) Club sent to one or dlllercnt uddrcsse 1 3 desired. T" M iss I lei. 11 St tectei. 'Ul, who went in hei Ii uie Ht Ki iiniev In spi'iid T11 in .sp Inn 1 hi " will not k t ui 11 until .il I ei Ch ms t in as Holidays '1 II L I)IL1 NKI'.ltAMv N SU( ( li:m.ii:s u llm.y .'.in 1 on t.Ou Tula $ Ol It ( 1. 1 It I'll. r-j 11" A-Jl Miss Ileh 11 Koop 01 tails Citj . is visiting m 1 Sistei I.csstc Ixniip, '('-, this wi cK. The Pioneer X. ( lean I.inen i inest of Toilets I 'test (Mass Ser iee W. .1. W II I t'KOHl). I'uopuii: 1011 1 1 ontli 1 1th st , Lincoln Neh nil': i) . nkkkask st'C( i:ss i;k now 01 i:i; ilw.s me N v. I upland Unirjial nf K I lit'. it inn ni ( uiM'iit I. Iter. it ate (in w) 111 ly In stiti Mliute I. t 00 - -.0 ) :s 00 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ijrnTra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Aiivoiip itcndliiK n sltotoh mid description innv nulckly iiMorlnlii mr opinion free wliotlior 1111 iiivttutliin In probably putuntiiblo oiiiiiiinilni llonnHlrU t ly coiilldontliil. Handbook on I'Htcnts ji.-iit frco Oldt'sl iil'Ciii y for Hucurltitr iiulcnln. rutoiilH tuken tliroiiKh Blvinn I o. receive JJlffltll iiotlcf. TfllllOlll cluirHO. ill tins Scientific Jlnicricait. A Imndsoinely llluntril(t wpekly. l.aruost clr eolation of any Jimrnul. 'l'orina. fj a yor: (our months, ff. Bold by all nowBdeuler. MUNN & Co.36,Broadway- New York Ilraoch Offleo. C25 K 81.. Wnshlimton. I). C. Till: l)AIL Ni:iM!ASKAX U o Sli('( Kss 1 00 New lCnjhiiul Join nal of Kduetit on t ,r,Q Ue lew nf Ui'ls new 01 ( nirint . ( qq I. Ill i.itiiri niw. 11 ay be hlllistltuti'd ' I iiinK Leslies Popular Montlilv . $1 00 Tin Mi slum r i' sinopolltiiii, or lluitsi'lidld ni.iV b s Li-vLtt liLetL TIIK DAILY NKHUASK N ?2 no sra'Kss ... 1.00 UKV1KW OF UKVIKWS. (new) New KiikIuikI Mu.iliit', or (uiii'iit I. lit nit lire, new, 11 ny lie Mil si It ul 1 (I. Pi'iinli Li-slu-'s Popular Motithh 1 00 Tin Ki'siirniM. Uiioil llouseKi'i'piii.' or llouseliold niliy be siibst It llled , COSMOPOLITAN MAOAZINK 1 'I lie l)i slj:ni 1. ( .nod 1 lonseUi 1 piiiK (i llnllM'lulld nmy be sllbst llul 1 d 'I I) I'A I, $ 6.00 Oil! I lull Tib 11 J .00 4-" lOl'AI. $ w.oo Addition i! I of tn niny be made up from the tnllou In tubles w lilt. li lor con enience ure niurked Clnss (i, and Class II. ' 00 1 00 J "0 'o r.oo ir Club I'rice 4- 1 .'.:.( 1 00 TOT Ah $ 8- TIIK DAII NLItU SKAN SU( ( K'-.s kk n:w (): i:k ikws (new). New I upland of l'dunit Inn in ,m two of ill" dollar m.i.ilnr-, in el.,s-.(. n ay lie sulist il uted ( I liUKN T LITKRATl UK. Imnu, New I ii"I,iii. .Inii' nf I dm . illiin ni any t wo of llinso (loll ir inavr.i7lnes la class li may be substituted NOUTII AMKUK'AN UK IKW (n-wi '-.oo I.i'sllt s Wtrltly innv be srbvt It uted I'D I'M. 14- 1 on our lui I'nce i S'y Ki Pi lee I lie Dull) Ncbraskun hue. ess and any liiliKiiine in C Ilsw ( The Dally Nebruskan Success and any t wo 111 iiilncs In ( lass ( The Daily Nebraskon S ucet ss it lid tin v three maaiiK's In (Muss (. 5.00 6J00 Club l'i Ice S3.50 4.00 4.50 CLASS (1 riic ( osino polit.lll 11 ( o l'riinlf Leslie's Pop Moi.tlily 1 fo The DeslKliei I.' o (nod ilotist' UtitipllIK l.M) Tlu Mouse hold 1 00 Our Club I'llet 5- Tlie Dally Nebraskan S 11 cess and imy I wo ... inauiilnes Ui Class II ).(v) The Dally Nebraknn Sucff-s unit nil I III 1 1 1 r- ni.iiralnes InClusi II ' 1 . U 5.00 6.00 CLASS M. The Uoview ()f Itt) li'ws.newf.' Y) I urreni Liter iitnie. (now) .1 on Nnw Knulaiid MuK.ilm 100 rim inibiiiM Inns tillered nil. 1 excel Christmas Presents lent miis prt st nts lit lin a pleasant 1 1 iiilndi 1 of I lie duller t'u 1 y weeUnrtNtiV iinutli t Inniii out the e,n One club w I II initio ie eal )i t si nts The I), illy Ni bniskiin, Success, Ke lew of Ke lews, Ke. Club new, or Cuiiinl Llteratuie, new, and any 1 wo In Price Price Class (i $00 f,")(o Tln 1 i i I y Ni bra sk 11 11, blieci's'', llt' lew of l!i lews, in w or ('urreni Lllei ature new. and Lt hlle'sWeekly lonn ,( , 1 J' lie U.iUy Ni In iskan. Success 11 nil any mic In ( lass ( and any one In ( lass II j(, 'I lie Hiiilv NebiasLnn succesi a d ,my one in ( l.e.s (1 mil any 1 wo in hiss II lonn ., ,, 'I In Hally NebiasU in. access and an nut m ( lass II mid any t vm 111 ( lass (. s m , (ll, I'be Dally Nehraskan, Suet t ss and any one In ( ass, (i and Lt'sIL s 1 ekly s (HI ,, , 'llit pi 1 Iodic. lis In unv eon bliiutlon wlllbt sent to one in ditlt rt 10 uldiesM loin wllli eut friends The subscriptions in iy lie tit w 01 1 enew ills except where nt liei wise stall tl Kenewals It) Hevlt w nf Keiewsor I urrc ut Liu 1 iture may be Included for 1 110 addition il ttilliopilei iiioteil fm Iheclub TO" PAID SUBSCRIBERS If yau liiiM' .ihviuly paid 011r sut).-en)tion to the I)ail Nehia-sUan, suhtiaet J'-'.O from "Ourdiib I'mr for the reintun no; hiujhhu's ru any eoinhination Agents wilntt d lo lake oiylt 1 s fm 0111 ( 1 11 boilers Libt 1.1I Coininlsshui THE DAILY NEBRASKAN, 134 North nth St. Lincoln, Neb. & u. n 1 j: mmrrrMKWX'IB!fV&flfrJFrWSViKPVI ifJ T3tBWBKKWTBHEPHHJBBBfBBiTr MV T mmmmStml JWBSSSiiii,; -U44.U.