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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1901)
? ' i ?? x ' ; - '" V" ,i 'T- .,-. .:; THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. ( .4' j nncainnRCTnnGnnacinEDnannnnca DaaanaaacauiajciacaDacaciuiaaca 1 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY nnGjnnncnnacincacinrsnECinnnnco DDEJDaciUDaDQDaDiiiisafauQaauDD JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Office 1100 O Street, Rooms 212 213 214 Rich irds Block, Telophono 535. Rosidonce. 1310 G Streot, Telophono L984. DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. Maj Louiso Flnnagan; Office, 141 South 12th Streot. Telephone G18. V DAVI8. I). D. S., Dentist. in oge nnn t row n worn. tmcr room 7, ovrr KocU Island ticUet ohkv Phone .115). Compliments of the NEW LINCOLN BOWLING ALLEY to the I'nivrrsity students Football team especially invited to call and en jov a nice clean entertainment and healti ful exercise Club rates j,nven. John S. Cms. Fropr . I'll South Ten'h. Remember Mien in need of tailoring, repairing oreleannu' in thn clothing line that C. E2I1LERS is the man I'oi the beiH'fit of tlio, new students w ho dont know, his j.ddress is north west cor 11th and (, room I upstairs HARPER, Tin; shirt makki: makes divss shirts tlmt tit All who an 1 reeiate a goo 1 fitting shut of any kind should see him Rooms 5 and 6. 1012 0 Street. Si Cancel mokers want and he sure it is right in price, too, from Cx. R. Wolf - Co. 1039 () Street Fine Watches and Jewelry FOR CHRISTMAS. UI2LOS T SMITH, 1110 () SIRKKT Also .sheet inii'-h and supplies. A Close Shave A haircut, or anything elce you want a barber to do for you, at the V. M. ( '. A. Hakhci; Snor, 13TH AND 1 STREETS. w j AT THE hflt Unique i1 Restaurant 1230 () St., and you will worn a smile Commutation tickets at a dis count. STUDENTS Who need suits pressed or cleaned should call on hill & CO., 1222 0 St. 1 list elms vu lU 1. 1 t-f j t . 11 nunriuitie French Organdies Is only one line in our Stationery. Wo have others yon should see. Among our BOX PAP10TE- r KIKS will be found some of elegant goods as well as Adieaper. Prices from 10c to $1. ,';. A choice line of Tally Wilson & Hall, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, M33 0 STREET. f Subscribe for The Daily Nebraskan Local and Personal. The Co-Op. Eat at Henrlry'fl. 129 N. 11th. Fine furs. Steele, 143 So. 12th. S(juare meals at. Francis Bios. The Hygienic Cafe. 316 So. 12th st. Steele, the furrier 111 So. 12th st I)r Woodward, occulist, Kleh'ds blk C. K. Hrown, Dentist, Burr Illtiuk. liny your T'ltHlfrwear at the 1 ani ons. lion Cameron's lunch counter. Ill S). 11th st. Lindsey's Pipes, canes, cigars and all smoker's articles. Th latest in the C Diversity ha'r ciit at 'o.storliol(i. Mass I'l otorjan'iic St iidio, U)ln () street. None 1 otter. The New Century Bruiting and En graving, H-'l N street, Boone KM. Come now for vour Christmas pho tographs. TownsotM's Elite Studio. For Sheet Music and Supplies vou can do ''est at tint Matthews Piano Co.. M'JO O St. The t; i 1 Is o the first ear Domestic Science class have ncpun the study of simple deserts. Mrs. Mamie Hammond 'Fling, '04. or Nebraska City has hieti spending the week in Lincoln. Miss Carrie Witheis Is expected the last of the wcck lor a few days visit with I'niversity friends. Hauna, Hook Springs. Magic ana Excelsior coals, in luini), egg and nut sizes, can be had at the Union Fuel 1,0, 101 1 C) street. See them. The State Historical society is still receiving Indian relics from diff erent parts ol the state. Thcv are making a lino collection of arrow I leads. Kodncy Miss, pitcher on the base ball team'of I'.KK) is one of the promis ing candidates lor pitcher on the Chicago University team lor the coming season. Coach Hooth may well feel proud of his past work. A man who has done his work so satisfactorily and who has the sympathy of tho cntlro stu dent body and that of tho mcruDers of the faculty, as Mr. liooth has, is not to bo found every ciay. How can the Daily afford to make, such a low rate for subscriptions? That is easy. A large circulation makes advertising much more prolit abe and thoret'ore much more plenti ful. Again students who got Into the habit of taking tho Daily arc nut ILkelv to got out Jr the lianlt. They lind it so satisfactory to have a copy of their own each d'iy that they are willing to pay tho subscription price. Of coins.) you'll have to keep 3-our room warm this wintt r Gregory, the Coal Man Has the ShilT Eleventh and O Streets The I'alladlan society will meet Saturday evening lor the election of officers. Tlie gltls in second year gymaKium arc showing more Interest. In baksot ball this year than ever lufore. The magazine of the I ' v of Oregon Is befalling the lack ol col lege spnit among the students there. The band was given a very prettv (I scrintive overture at the last, re hearsal. The selct Ions port rays an am buscade. Miss Florence Met J ahoy, "ol. hf.s been chosen to take Miss Jackson's place as mathematics Instructor in f i,i.... ....... ..... till' 1 lilUl SlllOU I lllll SCHOOL iIISS .Jackson goes 1 Hastings to llll, a similar posit Ion. The new L'rand stand lias been verv appropriately decorated by coat ol scarlet and cream paint There is prooably not a better appointed athletic Meld west of the Mississippi and the student body should feel pi. uid of t he fact. T A. ihitcher is back in school aiain He has been teaching in I'achnea, Mexico, about lilty miles I nun Mexico City. Mo leporls thai the o. nut ry is a great lie Id for ma chinints and engineers. The wages In other employments are simevs hat low because of the competition ol the natives unoso slaudaid of living is vet v low. DEBATE IN ENCIJslI Kl The (juestion to be debated this afternoon in the advanced class in oral discussion is: Resolved. That t lie concentration of power in the hands of I ho mayor is die true path of reform in municipal government . The alllrmative will b supported by C. E. Wells and 11. C. Straver: the uewathe by William Yodcr "finrl O. O. Ilorne. I'rolessor E. A. Bo-s will assist in eritlcMng't he debate. Last suiing 1'ndesior Kiehitds I ought the valo glaring ol an old Class A locomotive Ironi the 11. M. railway. This apparatus has since btjen mounted and connected w th a sectioned valve and nndol valve-seat, cylinder, piston, and connecting rod. As this is a complete, lite sle model with levcrso lever and all complete. It adds materially to the equipment ol the Mechanical Eigneerlng Labor atory. The experimenters can have more confidence in results obtained from a model 01 ibis kind since it is not an apparatus made by a theorlz er, hut a machine that has helped move a great many train-loads of freight. 1 Mr. Yonl. ol Iirock, who lias pat ronized tho University to the extent of sending several of his gigantic sons here, sent Professor Chatburn a arge trunk of a catalpa tree and also one of an osago orange. They will bo dressed and cut down into standard sizes for test pieces' and crushed in the tesMng'machine. As the strentgh of tuose woods, and especially since they were grown on Nebraska soil, is not generally given in the Ihanr bookF, this will be an interesting ex Pictures for Christmas Itenutifill Pu 1 111 e is certainly a ver a ppr r i ;t 1 t,ri ft fur ('In Ktnris. We have ropirs f must of I he famous lll ol 1 ll.-e, mounted and framed nt prices running fioin '.'."ie tu SI .Vlciicli. At to S( e t'leni' t lie assoi t men t 1, mi 1 pit tc Miller & Paine. xoexoeQOQo: 6 And now dear people, pause and think, Of all your urgent needs, But don't forget to bjy, and sunn . . .' . . 4 Aininchor'lumbfcweeds. $1 At All Bookstores. Autograph Edition, $1. Jntercolleaeatc Burtau. COTTELL & LEONARD 472-4 78 IlrfiMlnrMy Allmny, New Vuifc Makers of thfc Caps,Gowns and Hoods To tho American Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, etc., on request, downs for tho pulpit and bench. Advertise in The Daily Nebraskan. WE SELL KODAKS - 117 ""' E. DePUTROM 5 Autograph Edition, X X $1.25. X i 1 J 4 Ji l s i . A A 1 M ;i -i 'i J 4 'A . . 1 1 T. -Ww-w .', .w-.