The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1901, Page 2, Image 2
o" -3"J t T i!KV4jtf iiifljMMMULtfMaMMMMMMMMMi nS.A ' -sf T53 " -', t iv - i -Ari""l "'''' ..,. -'r- -(. 4 j , - -- -i i j .V " m-t w 0 V THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. -MMMfMMI i w w T It h ft ?k 7 I'-". ',' -(A Of ( 'iK t. pr -f lf THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k nawtpspor devoted to the Intoresti of th Unlvumltjr of Nohru skn. Published at 1H4 North 11th St., bj THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Crabtreo, Presiclont. 0. L.Towna. Becrotnry -Treasurer. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Hewett, li. W. Washburn. Btrrmno H .McCatt fttOEQK P. SlUDLER - Munnjrlrjf Editor Ast. Mauacer - Alhlotlo Editor rtKPORTKRS. R. C. Pollard, Clifton Carter, NorrUHin. K. T Hill, J. H. Harney, CllfT Crooks John A. Wilson. Linn M Huntington ' Tbo subscription price of the Dally Nebras Kan Is C for the collnjjo yonr with n ronulur do llrery beforo clinpol each day. Notice, com munication, inid other mnttor intended for pub lication, mint bo handed In at the Nobruskan ofllce before 7 p. m . or mailed to the editor bo fore 3 p. m., of the day previous to that day on hlch they nre rxpectod to appear SubicrlpUom may bo left at thn Nebrakan ofllco. at tho Co.Op., or with Husinesa Mauai;er Subscrilors will confer a favor by rojMirtiriK promptly ut this ofllco any failure to reeeno tho paper. . . . All chanRO-i in advertiititt m.ittor must be in the ofllco by .1 p. in. on the day previous to that on which they are to appear. Address all communications to tho Dally No braskau, l.U N. 111b. Bt., Lincoln, Nobraska. Telephone 470. I". iter rl ut I hi' P"st (illico at I.11111111. Neb .is second el iss niiill 111 itlr AS TO LIIUIARV L.OCKKKS. The larue number of student note books, hidden about the library, be bind hook-racks and shclvrs, indi cates a need of lockers in which the student can put hi "books without fear or loss. The student secretes bis book in tills manner, because of l lie lack of better accomodations. The open shelves on the ground Hour are lneflicient and unused. So main books hae been Iost"or stolen Jroru these that the students arc alTrald to use them. There should be a system of iruii- idual lockers In the library The students ot history, law, economics and literatuie would then be able to leave their note books in the library, their laboratory, lust as the sMentillc students lock up their note books and apparatus '.in their private lockers in Nebraska Hall. The burdensome task of carry ing their books; back and forth to tneir homes is unnecessary and could be avoided. The 1'imer.ity authorities miirht cither install a system of lockers in the library where t lie (pen alpliabet icalboxes are situated, or Hive some organisation this privilege. The Y M. C. a. mlht lie able to undertake this work and by a nominal charge maintain the lockers' with profit. These boxes can be reached at any time tLe outside library door Is open. The number of students who would aid in such a venture could be easily ascertained by circulating' a pe tition askinc now many at a certain charge per semester would rent a box. The merit of such a convenience should cause it to receive- a liberal patronage. The electrical engineering students are ureatly delighted with "Foster's Electrical Engineer's Hook." The copy received yesterday at tin Mechanic Arts library was in the hands or some enginer all da long, l'rofessor Morse recommends that all his students provide them selves with these books as the tables auci a great deal ot information ah nit electrical machinery, for winch a whole liurary must generally be . (onsultells condensed within lliis single volume. Dr. rouuci will banquet the loot all team tonight at the Lindell. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Lincoln and ioimty: Tlnirsany piirtly Hourly, possibly with showers. Weather report for 2J hours endintf 7 pm Wednesday. IliKhest temperature 'M decrees, ocnurrlng at f pm Lowest temperature, I!) decrees, occur I uk at 2:00 am. Moan temperature, 'Jsdenrees, which is (i decrees below the normal. Trace of snow. (JKO. A LOYKLANJ), Sect ion Director. Are you (701114 to buy is Christmas 1 Presents? ! 1 f so. don t forget to look through , jgE MA I. LETTS elegant .stock of "2? Diamonds, Wutelnv ' " ( loeWs. .lewelry. j sterling Mivr are. t Hold Head Cane". I I 1 intirella.s, ut (llass Ware. Opera ilftsM-s, and ( Lervtliiiij usually Kept in a first Hues jewelry store. Heme tn her the plaee m E. Hallett! 3 11 I '. o St , under l'liuk , era g s 1 11 me cp Wanted by the Daily Ni -mlasKax enough new subscribers to bring the list tip to 1000 The list is now 7o0. To induce 250 more students and alumni to subscribe we will make a rate of 75 cents for the rest of the school year, just haH price. This oiler is for new name's only and is made to in crease the list to 1000. It will be withdrawn as soon as that mun is reached. Write your name and address below tear out the slip and leave with the 7." cents at the Dailv oillce, at 0110 of the book store or Eei.d by mail. The DailyNebraskan Pkaii Si p.s: Herewith ilnd 7.1 cents Pleaso send the Daily as per your special offer. Name Address Free Tickets t Band Concert This Evening at the AUDITORIUM. Lincoln's Progressive Storo gives a 'Picket Fret of expense to .in customer purchasing $2.00 anil over worth of Merchandise on this daw It is time to be looking after XMAS PRESENTS Our store is full of articles so suitable for rift giving. Make your selections early, we will hold 0-oods till xtnas. Souvenirs of Lincoln on j JQn line v nnia taie v ap- itol Carnegie Library H'l'dg rniversity Li brary Huilding Wes loan I'niversity. Given Away Never mind the rush. To prevent your having to stand 111 line, out in the street, you will bo given 11 number which will entitle you to your turn in ordering any amount of printing for which the Ivyl'ress in noted. Invitations, (inls. and Programs for lit., rary so ieties ,.iul fraternities, a epeiiiilty. 11 k 1 v v 1: s s 1?". and 1 .'7 North 1 "th St T PlCTOH Land ijflarks "Jade. famous by the early Trad ers, Explorers, Pioneers, Mor mons, Kmiirrnnts, Pony Kxprets Riders, Overland Stujje Coaches, Indian Encoun'erp, etc.. are semi from car window .s of the I nion Pacific trains. Ue sure j our ticket reads via this route 1 or full liifnrtiuilloii cud on or address R B. SLOSSON, Agent. DR. J. J. DAVIS, GRADUATE OPTICIAN Eyes Examined Free. Prices Rensonnble. 1 338 O Street,"?- i rw. -. rri cri x n r " JT 35c MJfUWJ j50c 1 Our Line of Slippers is simplv out of siiil Every Kind I'Yom Wool-Knit to Alle gator hide. We ha e the kind that will fit your pocket book. Perkins & Sheldon ll'i'.i O Street S Be Ready For J I The Holidays J J (let your new suits I v and pants now. j Vo lime a full lineof lirst c'.ass tb gooiis ready to mai.e up. q Jjj ('all and look it over. i Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., ; it T ! t H3 North Thirteenth. jiaar UHi Ji Ui MGrtATf irntr Hm made over ft 4iot snoobctsof teeth. A good set of , UBIlllSIl iectli, $S o 33-K Cold crown $ 101 A fl Cfrnnt biher filling 5 cents ami IZIA- U oIIBdIi uj. Colli lilhnKB Ji 00 and I lUOni I) "P Tectli extracted without pain UNUULrll 25 cents. UCDDACVA Ki-MHMnr.R the pi..c- NlDmAoNHi wMOSlieet Do you want to make $5.00 If you do call at once Koom 5, liU X. 'llth St. 'WW' Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special attention i(ict Ui disease of womoa ndall surKl"'d discusi-s X ray examination with no discomfort ur injury to putlout Et erythins ai liomt-liLo ui oo-.-iblo. Hoard and room rcubonablo. 1117 LST. LINCOLN. r. O. Box 051. Tclenhoao Ml A ,y Ji . r I ' !. ,e Pf! mfrmmmmw'' il ' J" emm