The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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'W'fl'i, ffl.Wif VHUMmmf?'" y
r -
"f .r
1 nwippar daroU)d to lUo Intare'ti of th
UnlvarillT of Nobru skn.
rnbllahed nt 134 North 11th St., br
J. W. Crnbtree, President
0. L. Towna. 8ecrotaryTraiurar.
J. I. Wyor, T. J. Howett, E. W. Washburn.
Itislino II .McCaw
(kokoh r. Shiolkr -
- Mannflng Editor
Aunt. Ifanacar
. - Athletlo Editor
0. Pollard,
Nnrpti Till ft
J. R. Farney, unrryroo".
John A. WllaoB. Linn M. HuntlrMftoa
Clifton Cartar,
R. T. Hill,
' Tha anbaerlption prica of the Daily Nebraa
Van (a C for the collee year with a roffuUr de
lUer, Wore chapel each , m ,- Notice. .com-
inaiinni anri nciinr iiiblibi iiiwiiuwu w uuw
llcatlon. mui bo handed In t the Nabra.kan
office before 7 p. m..or mailed to the editor be
fore 8 p. m., of the day previous to that day on
hlch they are expooted to PP .. , . .
BubicrlpUoni may be left at the Nebrsakan
office. the Co.Op., or with Business Manajror.
Subscribers will confer a faror by reporting
promptly at this offlca any failure to receive the
Ail changes In advertising
i hr 3 i). m. on Uie at
on which they are to appear
Address all communications to the Daily
askan, 134 N. lltk 8t., Lincoln. Nebraska
mnlter must be in
ay previous to that
ly Ne
Telephone -479-
Entered lit the prHt ofllro ut L n- oln, Nob.
us socond class mall miiltor
. f
Nebraska lias reason to oc proud of
every man'on the team.
A vacaLion Is a period which the
sludent. sots aside Tor the purpose
of enjoying himself and getting cen
with Ills work, una in which he does
mctting after tho Wisconsin game.
Tlioro Is where actual enthusiasm is
The Senior girls of Iowa arc
Ing a secret society.
Chicago University will have
new gymnasium cisting $2 10,003.
Tlie UnlvorHity of Wisconsin has
choson its debaters to meet tho
Missouri sends a party of engineers
on a trip to Cblcaao this early wint
er. They will inspect all tho large
places or interest while they are
California has an active Commerce
Club. They investigate profitable
questions and have lectures on prac
tical and prominent questions of the
The senior law and lits ol Michi
gan aro engaged in an actual Inter
class scrap. So far honors are about
Vale is busy making up her lists
of those who shall be entitled to
wear the "Y."
Every well educated person should
have enough kowlcdge ol minerals to
recognize the moie common ores.
Much Inl'ornrition along tills line
could be uailicred in the museum in
:i verv short Lime if .students would
spend a little
at tt is study.
of their spare lime
V new honorary society by the name
or "Mini Kapli.Mim," lias been
rormed at the Universitylor Californ
ia witli tho definite object or nro
moting chemical research among .un
der gtaduate students and to main
tain au interest after graduation.
Tho nu m be i of Cornell's organized
rooters tills ycai amounted to 2,500.
Tho attendance thero is approximate
ly 2,500.
At tho last commencement Harvard
conferred one thousana and flftv
ihree degrees.
Anyone reading tho liritish maga
zines in the library canirot but notice
some or the peculiarities which
distinguish them Irom American
periodicals. An English magazine of
the higner class is much more conser
vative than the best American maga
i.uo It is full or solid information,
great attention being paid to tho
facts or a case and not s- much to
suppositions and comments on the
same. It differs from Its American
ontempnrary in the amount ot it
space accurds certain subjects, in
England a fourth or a column is given
to a lire and two columns to the
Duke or York, whereas In the
United Stales two columns are given
to the lire and less than a column to
President Roosevelt.
Ono is also struck by a dillerence in
spelling of somo words. Favor is
still spelled "favour" and cider goes
by the name of "cyder".
Ono noticible feature of tho British
preiodical is a lack of inventive gon
itis in advertising. It his not yet
adopted the Idea of using catchy
ph rases.
What Every
Man Wants
Will be found in the following lists
of practical gift suggestions:
KANCY SIIIRTB in PtiiUing colors
from 50c to $2 125.
NKCKWKAH n fine line of Imperials,
TeclfR, Four-in-hnnds, String Ties,
Hnt Ends. Puffs, Windsors, Narrow
4-in-hands, "'Slate Streets,' in
swell patterns. 5()c to $1.5
UMHRELLAti with fancy lmndles, $1
to 5.
J LOVES we have a big display of fir.e
dress gloves in Kids, Mocha, (Jolf,
25c to $2 OO.
MUFFLERS the swellest in tho land,
the Hcaumont, the Sash Mu filer,
the Oxford, the Square, the Was
Suriter Band Muffler, 5()" to
VESTY -the new collar protector, just
in, 50c.
VEST ED(JES in fancy P. K.s. 5)e.
New arrivals of Neckwear weekly
Fashionable Furnishers and Clothiers.
1115-17 0 St., Lincoln, Neb.
Your Money and Important
Mien cl be kept in a safe place 81..'."
pays for a Safe Deposit Hox for three
months: absolutely safe from lire and
burglars. Siiverwaro and trunks. stored
in our Storage Vault.
126 North Eleventh Street.
Be Ready For
The Holidays
I v1 (4et your new suits
loS and pants now.
Wo have a full line of first class
goods ready to make up.
Call and look it over.
Nebr. Pant and Suit Co., I
143 North Thirteenth. I
-4 - 4-1-1 44 443
fl M jllf J B H
T " CI IH 5 " 'V
Concerning which ro much liasbwn snld. In ii
disintegrated mica granite. It has beVn
chomh-ally prepared by tho great (lieH of
nature In prehistoric days, so as n grad
ually weld together with all tho flexibility
of asphalt and tho durability of granite.
This gravel Is uuarrlcd at Khorman. Wyo ,
on tho Union PudlHe, and iibed on tlint
load for ballast. Travellers over the
I Union Pacific theroforo escapo tho dust
and dirt which makes a trip ovor the lines
of Its lobs fortunate rl jls so annoying.
'or full Informtit ion call on or iiddmss
E. B. SLOSSON, Agent.
Portrait and Lausdcape Photographer
3Q South nth Street,
Nearly $ 1 G, 000, 000 lias been ivon
to tho colleges or this country sinco
Iho 1st or lust June. "'..Where, does Ne
braska come Iti?
In thu recent Harvard-Venn gamp.
Harvard piaycd seventeen ruon and
Pennsylvania twenty one before tho
end of tho game.
A letter lias been received from . I. V.
Uortelyou stating that he has llnally
registered in the University at Heid
elberg and Is carrying seventeen
hours of work. Iln is just recovering
from a fracture of ono of the bones
of his left forearm which ho ac
cidontly broke by falling. Otherwise
nc is well and enjoying his work and
surroundings Immensely.
Yes, and All
Kinds of Material, too.
Our Slipper line is complete
to the last detail. Slippers make
nice presents, even to one's sell".
1129 0 STREET.
Tho faculty of Wisconsin
formed a gymnasium class.
In a recent class j-ush at the Unl
vorsitv of Chicago, tho freshman suc
ceeded in pliicingtheir banner on a
high smoke stack.
The Uo-eds at Washington have re
cently boaomo indignant and hurled
defiance at the President of tho Uni
versity because he inspected their
dormitories and pronounced them un
tidy and dirtv.
Instead of feeling blue and aisplay
ng it Minnesota held a big mass
A very interesting letter has been
received from Alfred E. Carter, a
former student ol the University,
who is servine with Ills regiment in
Havana, Cuha. He gives a descrip
tion of the houses and public build
ings there and tho general appoar
ance of the city.
T. O. Rinker has just 'cccivcd
notice of nis appointment to a posi
tion on thn teaching force in tho
Philippine islands. He lias no very
definite information regarding it yet
as teachers aro assigned to places
after their arrival at Manila.
The awkard squad will soon bo in
creased by the advent of the fuot-bali
Are you Going to
Call and get Printed Matter that will give you
full information as to its Clinic, Resources and
the best way to get there.
City Ticket Office, Bnrllngton Depot,
Corner loth and O Street. 7th Street, Bet P and Q.
Telephone 335. Telephone 25.
oAe 4
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